Menu Page for uplifting stories, scripture jokes, similes, puns, and adages
This menu page will lead you to some light-hearted pages. I like to collect scripture jokes, scriptural similes, scriptural metaphors, and scriptural adages that are used commonly in everyday language. I also enjoy collecting puns and humorous stories. Please send me some of your favorites and I will be delighted to add them to the listings, giving credit to you by name (clean, wholesome, and uplifting contributions only, please). You can email me at [email protected].
- Scripture jokes: fun riddles and jokes contained in the scriptures
- Hymn jokes: humorous anecdotes regarding our LDS hymns
- Wholesome jokes and puns: some of my favorite knee-slappers
- Uplifting articles, stories, vignettes, anecdotes: edifying stories and experiences, both religious and secular
- Political musings: interesting articles about ‘things politic’, some being encouraging and some disheartening
- Quotes, thoughts, poems: uplifting and inspiring quotes and thoughts, also poems with great morals
- Talks: talks given by myself or others, hopefully edifying, uplifting, or instructional
- Comparisons and similes: my favorite modern-day comparisons
- Joshua Bennett articles, uplifting and sage advice
- Building resilient families: wonderful counsel from Joshua Bennett
- Embracing the ’empty nest’: Joshua’s timely counsel
- Practical home-buying tips: cost-cutting corners and budget-friendly home buying tips from Joshua
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