PATIENCE, The Christ-like attribute, Preach My Gospel page 126
(CLA6, B743)
- Psalm 46:10 (B743)
- Romans 5:3-5 (B1422)
- Romans 8:24-25 (B1427)
- 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 (B1465)
- James 5:10-11 (B1543)
- Mosiah 23:21 (M191)
- Mosiah 24:9-16 (M195)
- Mosiah 28:1-9 (M202)
- Alma 17:10-11 (M250)
- Alma 26:27 (M274)
- Alma 31:31 (M287)
- Alma 32:41-43 (M291)
- Alma 34:40-41 (M296)
- Doctrine and Covenants 101:38 (D197)
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