Scripture Chains
Over the last several years, I have enjoyed compiling ‘scripture chains’, which are lists or collections of scriptures that apply to a given topic. I have devised a system in my scriptures that allows me to ‘follow’ a given chain that links my favorite scriptures on a given topic. Thinking that some might find these chains useful, I now share them on my website. This page will be ‘under construction’ for many months into the future. Simply click on the light blue topic heading to navigate to the appropriate chain. If you find these chains interesting, I would recommend that you check out the Bruce Barton Scripture Kit website. Some of my chains are loosely adapted from the great scripture lists that Bruce Barton has compiled.
Following each listed scripture, you will find a letter and a number. B = Bible, M = Book of Mormon, D = Doctrine and Covenants, and P = Pearl of Great Price. The number is the page number of the associated Standard Work wherein the scripture is located. The page numbers correlate with the standard editions of the LDS scriptures. The lists do not always start in the Bible and move through to the Pearl of Great Price. A list can start or end in any one of the Standard Works. Following each title on the various pages, you will also see another letter and number. These are simply to help me with cataloging my chains.
Chapter Six of ‘Preach My Gospel’ is dedicated to the development of Christ-like Attributes. Nine attributes are emphasized. Many scriptures are used to describe, define, and clarify these beautiful attributes, so prominent in the Savior’s life. I have ‘chained’ the scriptures listed with each attribute. They are included in the listing below but can also be found specifically by clicking HERE. The nine attributes are: 1) Faith in Jesus Christ 2) Hope 3) Charity and love 4) Virtue 5) Knowledge 6) Patience 7) Humility 8) Diligence 9) Obedience.
President Spencer W. Kimball wrote a classic book dealing with repentance and forgiveness entitled ‘Miracle of Forgiveness’. It was originally published in 1969. President Kimball relied heavily upon modern and ancient scripture as he wrote his book. I have “chained” the scriptures that he cited regarding the many topics discussed in the book. Click here to explore these chains.
During my mission to New Zealand in 1971-1972, I obtained a copy of “THE TRIAL”, a booklet produced by the Auckland Stake Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It presents a mock trial in which representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ and representatives of other Christian religions discuss doctrinal differences. I have chained the scriptures used in this booklet as they pertain to the major areas of discussions. Click here to explore these chains.
Click here to see a listing of all scripture chain topics and their alphanumeric identifiers. Click on any blue topic below to see the chain for a given topic.
A – A – A – A – A – A – A – A
- Action: five verses to cause action!
- Accusatives: Cognate accusatives, Semitic/Hebraic phrases in the Book of Mormon
- Adversity: all will face adversity
- Adversity: comfort during adversity
- Adversity: overcoming adversity
- Agency: a divine gift
- Anatomy: special chain
- Angels: earthly angels, angels among us
- Angels: heavenly beings
- Animals: wasting the flesh of animals
- Apostasy: apostasy of the early church
- Apostasy: apostasy of the early church (continued)
- Arise early! : becoming a ‘morning person’
- Arm of flesh: trust not in the arm of flesh
- Arms of the Lord: being embraced in the merciful arms of Jesus
- Ask questions: seek knowledge, probe spiritually
- Astronomy: the heavens resound!
- Atonement: the Skousen view
- Atonement: the succoring aspect of the Atonement
- Atonement: healing power of the Atonement
- Atonement & Fall: two pillars of eternity
- Authority: divine investiture of authority (DIOA)
- Avoiding evil & temptation: resist & overcome
B – B – B – B – B – B – B – B
- Baptism: essential ordinance
- Baptism: my family disagrees with my decision to be baptized
- Baptism: take the step!
- Baptism: qualification for baptism
- Beggars: should we give to beggars?
- Be still ! : be still, step back, slow down
- Birth of Jesus: beautiful references to the birth of Christ
- Book of Mormon: counsel and advice for full-time missionaries from the Book of Mormon
- Book of Mormon: counsel and advice from the Book of Mormon for investigators of our Church
- Book of Mormon: Jesus Himself testifies of the truth of the Book of Mormon
- Book of Mormon: it is true! You must account for it!
- Book of Mormon: fulfills Bible prophecy
- Book of Mormon: internal evidences that the Book of Mormon is translated scripture
- Book of Mormon: the word of God!
- Book of Mormon plates: why returned to Moroni
- Bread, Daily: give us this day
- Breath vs. Spirit: interchangeable or distinct
C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C
- Calisthenics, scriptural: flex your spiritual knowledge
- Calling and election: calling & election made sure, more sure word of prophecy
- Capabilities, exceeding: overcoming stress
- Casting out evil spirits: rebuking evil spirits, exorcism
- Change of heart: experience a mighty change
- Character traits: Christ-like attributes, godly strengths
- Charity and love: a Christ-like attribute found in Chapter 6 of ‘Preach My Gospel’
- Cheer, cheer up, joy: finding happiness despite trials, finding joy, a positive outlook
- Chiasmus: Hebrew poetic form in the Book of Mormon and Bible
- Christ-centered disciples: those who follow Him
- Church: establishment of the church
- Church, apostasy of the early church
- Churches, other: other religions
- Cognate accusatives: Semitic/Hebraic phrases in the Book of Mormon
- Come back!!: a plea to less-active members
- Come to Jesus: accept Him, approach Him
- Coming ‘back’ to Jesus: Elder Soares shares his favorite verses related to coming back
- Commandments & obedience: choose the right
- Compassion: all are included, doctrine of inclusion
- Conditional love: God’s love is conditional!
- Conversion: conversion in relation to testimony
- Conversion: conversion is to Christ, not to the ‘church’
- Core scriptures: my personal scripture mastery
- Countenance: countenance tells all – light!
- Covenants: covenants and ordinances of the gospel
- Creation: the creation of the earth
- Cry unto the Lord: sincere, heart-felt, intentional prayer
D – D – D – D – D – D – D – D
- Daily bread: give us this day
- Death: physical death
- Delight: things that Nephi delights in!
- Desire: deeper meaning of desire
- Details: God is in the details of our lives!
- Devotion: true discipleship
- Diligence: the Christ-like attribute
- Disciples, Christ-centered: those who follow Him
- Discouraged missionaries: scriptures to help discouraged missionaries
- Disjunctive phrasing: a very Hebraic influence found in the Book of Mormon
- Divine Investiture of authority: DIOA
E – E – E – E – E – E – E – E
- Earth: creation of the earth
- Election: the elect
- Elements: commanding the elements
- Engravos: scriptural “typos”
- Errors: printing errors in the scriptures
- Etceteras: eteceteras in the scriptures
- Evil, avoiding: resist and overcome
- Evil and conspiracy: evil & conspiracy in the Last Days
- Evil spirits: casting out evil spirits
F – F – F – F – F – F – F – F
- Face: which way do you face?
- Face of God: the faces of Christ and God
- Faith: six verses to build faith
- Faith: faith, works, and grace
- Faith: the basics of faith
- Faith in Christ: acquiring the Christ-like attribute of faith in Christ
- Fall & Atonement: two pillars of eternity
- Families & marriage: the gospel and families
- Family: fortifying a family
- Family: my family disagrees with my decision to be baptized
- Fasting & Prayer: spiritual keys
- Fear not! : perfect love casteth out fear
- Firm, steadfast, immovable, stable: solid, dedicated discipleship
- Forgiveness: us toward others and the Father toward us
- Forgiveness: have I been forgiven of past sins?
G – G – G – G – G – G – G – G
- Gifts of the Spirit: spiritual gifts
- Godhead, The: the Holy Trinity
- God the Father: our Heavenly Father
- God: unknowable, incomprehensible?
- Gods: can we become gods?
- Gospel: the Gospel is simple!
- Government & law: obeying, honoring, sustaining
- Grace: faith, works, and grace
- Grace: grace and works
H – H – H – H – H – H – H – H
- Heart, change of: experience a mighty change of heart
- Heart, an understanding: wisdom with love
- Heaven: heaven and hell
- Heavenly beings: angels
- Healing, physical: healing the physically sick
- Healing, spiritual: healing the mind and soul
- Hebraisms: Hebrew / Semitic phrasing or expressions in the Bible and the Book of Mormon
- Hell: hell and heaven
- Holiness: personal holiness and holiness to the Lord
- Holy Ghost: Holy Spirit, Spirit of God
- Hope: 11 verses to instill hope in all circumstances
- Hope: hope for sinners, you can change!
- Hope: the Christ-like attribute, Preach My Gospel page 123
- Humility: the Christ-like attribute of humility, Preach My Gospel page 126
- Humorous scripture verses: the Lord has a sense of humor!
I – I – I – I – I – I – I – I
- Impossible: is there anything too hard for the Lord?
- Inclusion: the doctrine of inclusion, compassion, all are included
- Internal evidences: internal witnesses that the Book of Mormon is a translated record
- Isles of the seas: promises and warnings
- Israel: the Lord’s chosen
J – J – J – J – J – J – J – J
- Jehovah: Jehovah is Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ: come unto Him, accept Him, approach Him
- Jesus Christ: Savior of the world
- Jokes: scripture jokes and LDS hymn jokes
- Joy: joy in this life and in the life to come
- Judgement & resurrection: restored to what we have earned
- Justice & Mercy: God is perfect, just, and merciful
- Justification: being declared righteous in the sight of God
K – K – K – K – K – K – K – K
- Knowledge & learning: seek knowledge
- Knowledge: man’s wisdom is limited!
- Knowledge: the Christ-like attribute of knowledge
- Knows us: the Lord personally knows us and cares about us
L – L – L – L – L – L – L – L
- Lamb: Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God
- Last Days: evil & conspiracy in the Last Days
- Leaders: leaders pray for their flocks
- Leadership: don’t covet callings or positions of authority!
- Leadership & management: righteous leadership principles
- Life-changers: verses that CHANGED me!
- Light of Christ: a righteous influence for all
- Light of God: the marvelous Light of God
- Lost Tribes: the lost ten tribes of Israel
- Love: improving relationships
- Love, conditional: God’s love is conditional!
M – M – M – M – M – M – M – M
- Man and Woman: men and women in the Lord
- Marriage: six verses to help your marriage
- Marriage and families: the gospel and families
- Marriage for singles: marriage for singles in the next life?
- Mercy & Justice: God is perfect, just, and merciful
- Merits of Christ: we are saved on the merits of Christ, not our own merits
- Millenium: Second Coming of Christ
- Miracles: mini-miracles, every-day miracles
- Missionaries: counsel and advice from the Book of Mormon for full-time missionaries
- Missionaries: counsel and advice from the Book of Mormon for investigators of our Church
- Missionaries: scriptures to help discouraged missionaries
- Missionary verses: masterpiece missionary scriptures!
- Mysteries: avoid or embrace?
- Mysteries of God: things known and understood only through revelation
N – N – N – N – N – N – N – N
- Name of Christ, names: taking upon ourselves the name of Christ
- Nephi: reasons why I love Nephi
- Nephi: things that Nephi delights in!
O – O – O – O – O – O – O – O
- Obedience: exact and perfect
- Obedience: the Christ-like attribute
- Obedience & commandments: choose the right
- Opposition & Trials: facing tribulation
- Order: a house of order, proper sequence
- Ordinances: covenants and ordinances of the gospel
- Overcoming sin: overcoming evil
P – P – P – P – P – P – P – P
- Papyros: printing errors, errors on papyrus?
- Parents: duty of parents
- Patience: the Christ-like attribute of patience
- Peace and War: tolerance vs. conflict
- Perfect the saints: come unto Him!
- Plan of salvation: God’s plan of happiness
- Plan of salvation names: some of the many names that refer to the Plan of Salvation
- Pornography and masturbation: take control and overcome
- Prayer: leaders pray for their flocks!
- Prayer: cry unto the Lord, implore, pour out your soul!
- Prayer and Fasting: spiritual keys
- Preach the Gospel: declare the word!
- Priesthood and authority: the delegated authority of God
- Priesthood and ethnicity: race and the priesthood
- Priesthood leaders bear the burdens of members
- Printing errors: printing errors in the scriptures
- Pronouncements: dramatic and profound statements
- Prophets and prophecy: seers and revelators
- Protection: how the gospel protects us, spiritually and physically
Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q
- Questions: ask questions, seek knowledge, probe spiritually
R – R – R – R – R – R – R – R
- Race and the priesthood: ethnicity and the priesthood
- Redeem the dead: family history and temple work
- Refiner’s Fire: hope, 11 verses to instill hope
- Repentance: repentance and sin
- Repentance: you can repent!
- Repentance: controlling appetites
- Repentance: confession of sin
- Resisting temptation: turning away from evil
- Restoration: the restoration of the Gospel
- Resurrection & judgement: restored to what we have earned
- Revelation: inspiration and guidance
S – S – S – S – S – S – S – S
- Sabbath day: a sign between thee and Me
- Sacrament: a sacred covenant
- Sacrifice: sacrifice brings forth ‘the blessings of heaven’
- Satan and Temptation: overcoming evil
- Scriptural calisthenics: flex your spiritual muscles
- Scripture: the importance of scripture
- Scripture errors: errors & mistakes in the scriptures
- Scripture humor: the Lord has a sense of humor!
- Scriptures: core scriptures, my personal scripture mastery
- Scriptures, outrageous: the most outrageous or outlandish scriptures
- Second Coming: Christ’s return and the Millenium
- Sequence: order, sequence, house of order
- Service: service, welfare, works
- Service: the love of God should under-gird ALL of our service
- Scripture jokes: scripture jokes and LDS hymn jokes
- Sheep: caring for, tending, rescuing
- Shepherd: Christ as our Shepherd
- Sin: sin and repentance
- Sin: you can overcome sin
- Sin: godly sorrow for sin
- Sin: abandoning sin and evil
- Sin: abhor sin and become a new creature
- Sin: apathy toward or laziness concerning sin
- Sin: sin affects us physically
- Sin and evil: overcoming sin and evil
- Sing: sing to the Lord
- Singles: singles to marry in the next life?
- Sinners: God destroys sinners if necessary
- Sinners: hope for sinners, you CAN change!
- Slander: criticism against the church
- Small and simple things: great things can be accomplished by simple means
- Spirit of God: Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit
- Spirituality: gifts of the Spirit
- Statements: statements I would love to have spoken to me!
- Step, steps: step into the light, step up, walk, follow
- Stewardship: taking responsibility
- Still, be still: be still, slow down, step back
- Strength to overcome: divine help is always available
- Stress, overcoming: exceeding capabilities
T – T – T – T – T – T – T – T
- Temple work: temple work and family history
- Temptation and Satan: overcoming evil
- Temptation: resisting temptation and evil
- Testimony: the expression of truth
- Testimony: testimony in relation to conversion
- These things: the phrase ‘these things’ often refers to the Book of Mormon or its plates
- This day: special gatherings with agency or covenant-making implications
- Thoughts: thoughts and thinking, controlling our thoughts
- Three times: warnings or admonitions come in groups of three!
- Tithing: the law of tithing
- Tongue: controlling the tongue and speech
- Trials: hope, 11 verses to instill hope
- Trials and Opposition: facing tribulation
- Triune God: three in one and one in three, or 3 separate individuals
U – U – U – U – U – U – U – U
- Understanding heart, an: wisdom plus love
W – W – W – W – W – W – W – W
- War and Peace: conflict vs. tolerance
- Wasting flesh: wasting the flesh of animals
- Welfare: welfare, service, works
- Wisdom: worldly vs. godly wisdom
- Witnesses: the Lord’s Law of Witnesses
- Word of God: the Book of Mormon is the word of God
- Word of Wisdom: the Lord’s Law of Health
- Works: faith, works, and grace
- Works: first DO and then you will KNOW
- Works: five verses to stimulate action!
- Works: works and grace
- Works: works, service, welfare
- World, the: the world and how to avoid & overcome it
Z – Z – Z – Z – Z – Z – Z – Z
- Zion: the pure in heart
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