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Menu Page for information relating to the
Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Click on the underlined phrase of the desired table, chart, or information.  My temple pin board information can be found here.

  1. Number of temples dedicated by various General Authorities
  2. Number of temples located in various states in the United States
  3. Number of temples located in various countries of the world
  4. Countries currently without a temple, but that have a temple announced
  5. Dedicated temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  6. Alphabetical listing of all temples, including those announced, those under construction, and those dedicated
  7. Temples listed by size (square-footage) and height (feet)
  8. Temple facts: interesting temple information — shortest, tallest, closest together, name facts, two-temple cities, and much more!
  9. Length of names of our dedicated temples
  10. Tallest temples (height in feet)
  11. Temples under construction and/or announced, groundbreakings
  12. Construction times and open-house attendances of the temples
  13. Times from announcement to groundbreaking of the temples
  14. Latitudes, longitudes, and elevations of our latter-day temples
  15. Distances from the Salt Lake Temple to all of the other dedicated temples
  16. Compass bearings from Provo, Utah to all of the dedicated temples
  17. Temples without Angel Moroni statues
  18. Temples with Moroni statues holding gold plates
  19. Numbers of temples dedicated in given years
  20. Numbers of temples dedicated in given months
  21. Church growth as measured by the increase of dedicated temples world-wide
  22. Numbers of temples inside and outside of the United States
  23. Multiple groundbreakings –  days on which more than one temple groundbreaking occurred
  24. Rededicated temples
  25. Temples that have been built in existing buildings
  26. Multiple dedications – days on which more than one temple dedication occurred
  27. “First” temples 
  28. Visitors Centers and Historic Sites of the Church of Jesus Christ
  29. Conference Center: interesting facts about the magnificent Conference Center north of Temple Square
  30. Provo City Center Temple: interesting information about this unique temple
  31. Temples in Utah in December of 2020:  interesting information about the temples in Utah in 2020
  32. Washington D.C. Temple: interesting information about this beautiful temple
  33. Snowflake Arizona Temple: interesting information about this unique temple
  34. St. George Utah Temple:  ten interesting facts about this beautiful temple
  35. Temple information: personal information

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