Scripture Commentary — Doctrine and Covenants 121:40
Many are called but few are chosen
The following chain reaction illustrates why ‘…many are called but few are chosen…’ :
1. When the hearts of men –
. • Are set upon the things of the world, or
. • Aspire to the honors of men,
2. They will act in ways detrimental to spiritual growth, including –
. • Covering their sins,
. • Gratifying their pride and vain ambitions,
. • Exercising unrighteous dominion over others.
3. These actions cause –
. • The heavens to withdraw themselves,
. • The Spirit of the Lord to be grieved,
. • And power and authority to be withdrawn.
On the other hand, the chain could be stated in positive terms to answer the question, “How can I be called AND chosen?”
1. When the hearts of men –
. • Are set on the things of God,
. • Aspire for God’s approval and honors,
2. They will act in ways beneficial to spiritual growth, including –
. • Repenting of sins,
. • Humbling themselves,
. • Seeking the Kingdom of God first,
. • And exercising love and charity toward others.
3. These actions cause –
. • The heavens to draw near,
. • The Spirit of the Lord to draw close,
. • And an increase in power and authority.
4. Additional insights into Doctrine and Covenants 121:34-46
. • Verse 37: the difference between power and authority are beautifully explained in Alma 17:3.
. • Verse 38: a ‘prick’ is an iron-tipped stick with a sharpened tip, used to prod and goad cows.
. • Verse 43: sharpness does NOT mean harshness; it means clarity, focus, speedily, expeditiously, privacy
. • Verse 44: what is meant by the ‘cords of death’? See Job 36:1-15, 2 Nephi 15:18, 2 Nephi 26:22, and Alma 12:11.
. • Verse 44: My love for you and your welfare is much greater that Satan’s desire for your destruction.
. • Section 122:1 — persecution will always be present.
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