Scripture Commentary — Moses 5:4-11
Moses 5:4-11 — Moses offers sacrifice:
Setting — Adam and Eve have been driven out of the Garden of Eden, and are now working by the sweat of their brows, they are raising children. These verses teach a pattern of obtaining joy and gladness.
Verse 4
- “…called upon…” — they maintained a humble attitude despite their ejection. They could have complained but they didn’t. They realized this was a PLAN! What a contrast the lone and dreary world must have been to the Garden of Eden!
- “..they…them…” — Adam and Eve were now ONE, not individuals.
- Will we ever have to break one commandment to obey or live another commandment? “Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and bring to pass much righteousness…” (Doctrine and Covenants section 58).
Verse 5
- “…worship…offer…” — these are two separate commandments, the offering was a form of worship.
- How would Adam and Eve respond to this commandment? That seems like a waste of valuable meat. What you are asking makes no sense to us. They simply obeyed. In fact, they obeyed without understanding why they were asked to make the sacrifice.
Verse 6
- “…many days…” — They were on the Lord’s timetable. A sufficient time elapsed. It required long-suffering.
- ” … angel…” — Who was this angel? Was he of this earth? Was he a pro-mortal being?
- “…I know not…” — This is one of the greatest responses of a mortal, ever! It displayed pure faith and obedience. What are some of the other ‘great’ responses found in scripture — Mary, when she said, “…be it unot me according to thy word…”, and Nephi when he said, “…I know that he loves his children…” found in 1 Nephi 11:17, and also when Nephi said that he was led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand that which he should do.
Verse 7
- “…then…” — Adam obeyed FIRST, and then was blessed with understanding. Obedience LEADS TO understanding. This applies to the Word of Wisdom, to tithing, to missionary work, etc.
- ” …similitude…” — This signifies a representation, a foreshadowing, referring to the only Begotten of the Father. See 1 Nephi 11:13-21.
- “…grace…” — This is divine help or strength, which is readily available through the mercy and love of Jesus; it is an enabling power, available due to the Atonement of the Savior.
Verse 8
- “…all that thou doest…in the name of the Son…” — If we kept this thought in our minds always, how different our daily lives would be! See Alma 37:37, Doctrine and Covenants 6:36, and Moroni 4:3.
- ” …in the name…” — see verse 4
- “…repent…” — What did Adam have to repent of?
Verse 9
- Adam received the Holy Ghost due to his obedience.
- ” …Holy Ghost…I am…” — Divine Investiture of Authority!
- “…even as many as will…” — agency!
Verses 10 & 11
- Blessings that resulted from the Fall: 1) Understanding [eyes were opened] 2) Joy 3) A return to God 4) A physical body of flesh and blood 5) Children [seed] 6) Knowing good versus evil 7) Opportunity for redemption 8) The possibility of eternal life 9) Chance for obedience.
- Harold B. Lee said that verse 11 is the greatest ‘short’ sermon ever delivered. Other contenders for the greatest short sermon are “…and my father dwelt in a tent…”, and “Jesus wept”.
- “…all the families of the earth…” — there was only one family then, but he could SEE…
- Adam was humble, he prayed, he blessed the Lord, he listened, he obeyed completed without knowing, he followed Christ, he repented, he was grateful.
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