Scripture Commentary — Mark 5:22-24, 35-43
Mark 5:22-24, 35-43 — Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead
Verses 22-23
- “… ruler of a synagogue…” — an administrator, closely allied with the rabbi of the synagogue, a great position of respect! What might be the consequences of approaching Jesus? How about us? Do we approach Him despite social pressures and ridicule?
- “… fell at his feet…” — was this sincere humility or humility compelled by his daughter’s sickness? Matthew 9:18 states that Jairus “worshipped” Jesus. What about us? Have we ever fallen at someone’s feet, pleading for help? Elder Wallin. Humility!
- “… fell at his feet… besought him greatly… I pray thee…” — sincerity, humility, pleading, passion, KNEELING!
- “…my little daughter…” — an indicator of the sweet relationship between Jairus and his little one.
- “…point of death…” — he left his daughter and his wife at this very critical time, with death pending! How much faith did he have in Jesus? He had his priorities in the right place!
- “…lay thy hands on her…” — he knew about Jesus, he knew how he healed, he knew of His miracles, all this despite his position in the Jewish religion.
- “…healed…” — Jairus was hoping that and had faith that TWO miracles would be performed — restoration to life and a healing from the illness afflicting her.
- “…she shall live…” — a declaration of Jairus’ testimony, knowledge, faith, nothing doubting, O YE OF GREAT FAITH!
Verse 24
- “…Jesus went with him…” — No verbal response from Jesus is recorded. Without questioning or quizzing, Jesus simply went with Jairus. He was always ready to serve others. Jesus sensed the urgency. Other plans were placed on hold Matthew 9:19 states that “Jesus followed him.” There was no arrogance, no self-righteousness, no pride. Despite who He was, Jesus ‘followed’ a ruler of a synagogue. Are we always willing to ‘follow’?
Verses 25-34
- While Jesus was following Jairus to his home, a woman reached out to touch Jesus’ clothing, hoping to be healed from a terrible malady. The fact that Jesus noticed her, felt ‘virtue’ go out of Him, and that He interacted with her are remarkable, especially in the setting of urgency and necessity that accompanied Jairus’ situation. Imagine the feelings of Jairus as Jesus stopped to deal with the infirm woman! Did he wait patiently? Wring his hands? Pace? Try to get Jesus’ attention? Would he have wanted to say, “Excuse me, Jesus! My daughter is dying! Could we please GO?” He was probably anxious but at peace.
Verses 35-36
- “…daughter is dead…” — Can we even imagine how that would feel? He wasn’t there for his daughter nor for his wife! Unimaginable despondency.
- “…the master…” — Others in the household of Jairus also believed? Jairus associated with others who believed in Jesus?
- “…said to the ruler…” — Why only to Jairus? Why not make a bold pronouncement to all? No showboating, no boasting. Only personal, sweet attention to a grieving father father.
- “…be not afraid, only believe.” — One of the great pronouncements in all of scripture! I am in control; keep your eyes focused on Me! How about us? Do we trust Him even during the harshest of trials? Notice that there was never panic or chaos or loss of control in Jesus’ life. All will be well, trust in Me.
Verse 37
- “no man to follow“ — Humility, he stayed focused.
- “Peter, James, John” — The future First Presidency, build their faith, the Savior was always teaching, always setting an example.
Verse 38
- “…cometh to the house…” — No rush, no hurry, no frantic sprint. Why? He was always in control of situations that involved Him.
- “…tumult, them that wept…” — Matthew 9:23 says that there were minstrels there. These professional mourners were already there? It appears the little daughter had been sick for some time. These mourners were actually paid for their services. Did they view Jesus as a threat to their livelihood?
Verse 39
- “…not dead, but sleepeth…: — Had she stopped breathing, was she cyanotic, was she in a coma, was she dead? Jesus hadn’t even seen her yet!
Verse 40
- “laughed him to scorn…” — Who was it that laughed? Peter, James, John? No. The parents of the child? No. The professional mourners who would be out of a job if indeed the young girl was not dead? Yes.
- “…put them all out…” — It would have been tempting to have the professional mourners watch this miracle, to humble them and put His great power on display, but such was not the nature or character of the Lord. This was not about them, but about a little girl and 2 parents of great faith.
- “father, mother” — They had faith, hope, love, and possessed the Spirit.
- “them that were with him…” — Peter, James, and John. There were other disciples there (Matthew 9:19) but this experience was for these three apostles.
- “…damsel…” — She was 12 years old.
- “…entereth in…” — Now Jesus sees the little girl for the first time
Verse 41
- “…by the hand…” — He lifted people up physically, spiritually, emotionally. Can you imagine how tenderly He held this little girl’s hand?
- “…arise…” — He is the Master of all!
Verse 42
- “…she arose and walked…” — It is very probably that Jesus supported her in her first steps, knowing how ill she had been. Picture that scene!
- “…astonished…” — What a great UNDER-statement! I have tried to picture Jairus and his wife and their emotions as the little girl arose.
Verse 43
- “…no man should know it…” — How tempting it would have been to escort the little girl out of the house and into the presence of the mourners and onlookers surrounding the house. What could Jesus have said to these naysayers, with the little girl standing beside Him. But such was not his temperament or personality. He never drew attention to Himself. His was a life of service to OTHERS! He taught respect for sacred things. He was also very aware that miracles don’t convert – the Spirit does.
- “…to eat…” — He was always caring, always serving, always loving, always intensely aware of the needs of others around Him.
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