Scripture Commentary — 3 Nephi 12 to 14
The Constitution for a Perfect Life, as taught by President Harold B. Lee
3 Nephi 12 to 14 — The Constitution for a Perfect Life, taught by President Harold B. Lee; Ten principles of spiritual happiness found in the Sermon on the Mount:
The Ten Principles of Spiritual Happiness
- Forgiving
- Fairness
- Judging
- Self-control
- Service
- Prayer
- Communication
- The Spirit
- Priorities
- Jesus Christ!
1. Principles of forgiving and forgiveness:
. 12:2 — humility, humble to be forgiven, humble to forgive
. 12:5 — meekness leads to inheritance, inheritance come from family
. 12:7 — mercy begets mercy
. 12:9 — peacemakers make peace
. 12:23-25 — the Lord cannot forgive us if we do not forgive others
. 12:43-45 — love your enemies, pray for those who misuse you
. 12:47 — old things are done away
. 13:11,14-15 — The Lord will forgive us as we forgive others
. Application:
. * See and understand others’ points of view.
. * Put yourself in another persons’ shoes or place.
. * Remember and emphasize the good times.
. * Speak and converse and discuss only when calm and in control.
. * Forget about who is right and who is wrong.
. * Rely on the Spirit to help you forgive.
. * Doctrine and Covenants 64:10.
2. Principle of fairness
. 12:38-42 — not an eye-for-an-eye, but do unto others, walk the extra mile
. 14:6 — keep confidences
. 14:12 — The Golden Rule
. Application:
. * Go the extra mile.
. * Don’t ‘keep score’.
. * Don’t think 50:50 — think 100:100.
. * Be sensitive to your spouse’s needs; we are all different.
. * Learn to speak the ‘love language’.
. * Never divulge confidences.
3. Principle of compassion (being non-judgmental)
. 12:7 — the merciful shall obtain mercy
. 14:1-5 — you will be judged with the very same judgment that you render
. Application:
. * Keep talking, remain open to discussion.
. * Always give the benefit of the doubt to those you interact with.
. * Have realistic expectations for your spouse.
. * Remember that strengths and weaknesses differ among individuals.
. * Look for ways that YOU can change.
4. Principle of self-control (overcoming anger)
. 12:22-25 — anger is wrong in any situation, we can’t come unto Christ with anger, be agreeable, reconcile
. 12:39 — don’t retaliate; act, don’t react
. 12:5 — blessed are the meek
. 12:9 — peacemakers
. Application:
. * No one benefits from expressions made in anger.
. * If you reprove, show love afterwards and before. (Doctrine and Covenants 121)
. * Avoid labels and name-calling.
. * Increase your self-control.
. * Seek the Spirit.
5. Principle of service
. 12:14-16 — service to family and others
. 13:1-4 — do alms, but not to boast or glorify self
. 14:15-20 — by their fruits
. 12:9 — peacemakers
. Application:
. * When ye are in the service of your fellow-men…. (Mosiah 2:17)
. * Teach them to love one another and serve one another. (Mosiah 4)
. * Serving promotes unselfishness.
6. Principle of prayer
. 12:4 — comfort can come in times of sorrow or despair
. 13:5-13 — the Lord knows what we need even before we ask
. 14:7-11 — pray, ask, seek, knock
. Application:
. * The time when we least feel like praying is the time when we need to pray the most!
7. Principle of godly communication
. 12:9 — peacemakers make PEACE!
. 12:36-37 — yea, yea, nay, nay, be concise, precise, and kind
. Application:
. * Be straightforward
. * Freely communicate, don’t ‘clam up’
. * Keep your communication simple, easily understood
. * Be forthright and honest in you communications
. * Don’t participate in or foster ‘guessing games’
. * Do not participate in name calling, gossiping, or demeaning speech
8. Principle of obtaining and maintaining the Spirit
. 12:1 — heed the ‘words’ of our leaders (General Conference, Liahona, scriptures)
. 12:2 — bear your testimony, bare your testimony, testify of things you know
. 12:3 — be humble, contrite, lowly in spirit
. 12:6 — seek righteousness, seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit
. 12:19-20 — believe, repent, come unto Christ, be teachable and receptive
. 12:27-30 — refrain from inappropriate sexual behavior or thought
. 13:1,15,16,19 — serve, pray, fast, be righteous
. 13:33 — seek the Kingdom of God first and foremost
. 14:7-11 — ask, seek, knock
. 14:15-20 — follow the prophet
. 14:21,24 — do the will of God in all things and in all times
. Application:
. * Prophets, commandments, fasting
. * Testimony, Christ, prayer
. * Humility, purity, scriptures
9. Principle of proper priorities
. 12:6 — thirst for righteousness (#1 priority)
. 12:24 — full purpose of heart
. 12:47 — old things are done away, focus on the ‘new’ things
. 12:6 — seek righteousness, seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit
. 13:1,5,16,20 — serve, pray, fast, righteous living
. 13:10 — THY will be done, not mine!
. 13:19-21 — spiritual priorities
. 13:33 — seek the Kingdom of God FIRST and always
. 14:13-14 — the way is narrow and hard, but very worth it!
. Application:
. * Keep your eyes focused on Christ and God
. * Grasp the iron rod, don’t just ‘cling’ to it
10. Principles of a Christ-centered life
. 12:1 — BELIEVE in Christ!
. 12:2 — believe those who testify of Christ, have confidence and trust in them
. 12:3 — come unto Christ and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven
. 12:19 — come unto Christ
. 12:20 — come unto Christ and be saved
. 12:23-24 –– rid yourself of anger and come unto HIM
. 12:48 — become like Christ!
. 13:33 — seek the Kingdom of God FIRST and always
. 14:13-14 — a life (or marriage) built upon the Savior and His teachings is strong and will withstand assaults
. Application:
. * What manner of men (and women) ought ye to be? Even as I am!
. * Come unto me and I will give you rest…Take my yoke upon you, learn of me…
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