Places and sites of religious significance — quiz questions
Some of these questions were found in the Jots and Tittles scripture game published by Deseret Book years ago. Click here to return to the Quiz menu
- Capernaum, Nazareth, Nain, Tiberias, and Cana are all located in what northern province of Israel? Answer: Galilee
- The word ‘damask’ bears witness to the fame of what city as a textile center? Answer: Damascus
- What city was and is the capitol of Syria? Answer: Damascus
- On October 30, 1838, a mob attacked what small settlement in Missouri, killing 19 members of the Church? Answer: Haun’s Mill
- The Jaredites paused in a land for four years to build their barges and prepare themselves for their ocean voyage. What did they call the place? Answer: Moriancumr.
- What was the name of the place at which Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Answer: Peniel.
- What is about 47 miles long and is sometimes call the Sea of the Plain? Answer: The Dead Sea.
- What was Lebanon called in biblical times? Answer: Phoenicia.
- What as a sister city of Sidon and the most important city of Phoenicia? Answer: Tyre.
- What is considered to be the world’s oldest continuously inhabited city? Answer: Damascus.
- Byzantium (now called Istanbul) had its name changed to what by the emperor Constantine? Answer: Constantinople.
- In what city did Jesus stay with Zacchaeus the publican? Answer: Jericho.
- What city became the headquarters of the Church from 1837 to 1839? Answer: Far West.
- What ancient capital of Attica was, by New Testament times, located in a Roman province known as Achaia? Answer: Athens.
- Paul said that what city was too superstitious and that Stoics and Epicureans represented it philosophy? Answer: Athens.
- Where did Paul attend rabbinical school? Answer: Jerusalem.
- What Middle Eastern country had a mission opened there in 1855 but closed by an order from Brigham Young? Answer: India.
- Salamis and Paphos are the two main cities of what Mediterranean island? Answer: Cyprus.
- In what northern Palestinian town did Jeroboam erect an altar and idol so people wouldn’t go to Jerusalem to worship? Answer: Dan.
- In what city was David born? Answer: Bethlehem.
- What was the name of the place where John baptized because “there was much water there”? Answer: Aenon.
- Name the two chief Phoenician seaports with long histories of commercial wealth and moral degeneracy. Answer: Tyre and Sidon.
- What was the portico on the east side of the temple called? Answer: Solomon’s porch.
- The Colossians were residents of what place? Answer: Colossae.
- In what modern-day country was the ancient city of Colossae? Answer: Turkey.
- Tradition says that Timothy was the first bishop of what city? Answer: Ephesus.
- What is the Old Testament name for Syria and Mesopotamia? Answer: Padan-aram.
- The first women to enter the Salt Lake Valley were from what state? Answer: Mississippi.
- What is a ‘wadi’? Answer: The bed or valley of a stream.
- What kind of fishing was unknown in Palestine? Answer: Fly fishing (none of the species of fish in Palestine will rise to a fly).
- The Great Sea refers to what sea? Answer: The Mediterranean Seal
- ‘Jebus’ is another name for what place? Answer: Jerusalem.
- In New Testament times, what was the only town on the coast that was more Jewish than Gentile? Answer: Joppa.
- Who wandered in the wilderness of Zin? Answer: The children of Israel.
- The district west of Egypt and bordering on the Mediterranean that was formerly called Put or Phut is known as what today? Answer: Libya.
- What was the sacred river of Egypt? Answer: The Nile River.
- The traditional founder of Nineveh was whom? Answer: Nimrod.
- Nineveh contained a large library of books made out of what? Answer: Clay tablets.
- Both Rebekah and Rachel were from what region? Answer: Padan-aram (or Padan).
- Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron were chief cities of what people? Answer: The Philistines.
- The name of the territory of Israel’s enemy, the Philistines, later became what familiar title for the Holy Lands? Answer: Palestine.
- Jezebel was a princess from where? Answer: Phoenicia.
- What were the three largest cities of the Roman Empire? Answer: Rome, Alexandria, Antioch.
- Three months after the Exodus, the Israelites reached what place, where they stayed for more that a year? Answer: Mount Sinai.
- In 1837, where was the Kirtland High School held? Answer: In the attic of the Kirtland Temple.
- Where was the second stake of the Church organized? Answer: Clay County, Missouri.
- When Joseph Smith arrived in Independence, Missouri, he recorded that the ‘gentile’ Missouri people were living how far behind the times? Answer: A century.
- Moses received the law of the Lord at Mount Sinai. What is another name for this place? Answer: Mount Horeb.
- What was the wilderness called where the Israelites were encamped, between Horeb and the Gulf of Suez? Answer: Wilderness of Sin.
- Where did the Israelites build the Tabernacle? Answer: At their encampment near Mount Sinai.
- What was the first historic site purchased by the Church? Answer: Carthage Jail.
- The first purchase of land for the Church in Nauvoo since the exodus was made by William Wood in 1937. What was the purchase? Answer: A portion of the temple block.
- What pool in Jerusalem was believed to have healing powers when it bubbled? Answer: The Pool at Bethesda.
- What did the people at Jerusalem believe was the cause of the waters bubbling in the pool at Bethesda? Answer: An angel came down and troubled the waters.
- In order to be cured in the pool at Bethesda, what did a person have to do? Answer: Be the first person to enter the water after it started bubbling.
- On the five porches of what place did the crippled and sick sit in hopes of being healed? Answer: The Pool at Bethesda.
- What is the oldest continuously settled community in Utah? Answer: Ogden.
- What was the first latter-day temple faced with marble? Answer: The Washington, D.C. Temple.
- Who selected the marble used to face the Washington, D.C. Temple? Answer: President David O. McKay.
- What is the Angel Moroni on the Washington, D.C. Temple holding? Answer: A trumpet and a set of gold plates.
- The first chapel built in Washington, D.C. was made of what? Answer: Utah marble shipped to the east coast by railroad.
- After the exodus from Nauvoo, the first stake in the eastern United States was organized where? Answer: In Washington, D. C.
- To what area did the first Quorum of the Twelve go on their first mission? Answer: The Eastern States.
- In 1900, 35 families working to build a canal in Shoshone Valley, Wyoming, named a huge rock in their way Prayer Rock. Why? Answer: Because of the many prayers offered to ask for help in removing it.
- Who officiated at the dedication of the Manti Temple? Answer: The Quorum of the Twelve due to the fact that no president had been sustained following the death of John Taylor.
- What building previously stood at the present site of the Assembly Hall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City? Answer: The “Old Tabernacle”.
- Who offered the dedicatory prayer at the Kirtland Temple? Answer: Joseph Smith.
- Shoal Creek later became known as what? Answer: Far West.
- What was the first home dedicated in the restoration of Nauvoo? Answer: The Heber C. Kimball home.
- Besides the Church, what other organization is working to restore Nauvoo? Answer: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Community of Christ.
- The Nauvoo Mansion Home and Smith’s homestead in. Nauvoo are owned by what group? Answer: The Community of Christ.
- Lorenzo Snow and his companion had their only real missionary success in Italy among what group? Answer: The Waldensians (Vadois), said to be the oldest Protestant group in Europe.
- In what land was Potiphar’s Hill? Answer: The Land of Ur.
- The altar upon which the priest of Pharaoh attempted to sacrifice Abraham stood by what hill? Answer: Potiphar’s Hill.
- In what land did Abraham’s father remain? Answer: The Land of Haran.
- An anonymous competition was held to select the design for what latter-day temple? Answer: The Alberta Canada Temple.
- In what city is the Alberta Temple? Answer: Cardston.
- At what hill did the battle between Zerahemnah and Moroni take place? Answer: The Hill Riplah.
- In what land did the Zoramites live? Answer: Antionum.
- What church site was first described in the Domesday Book? Answer: The London England Temple site.
- What land did the people of Zarahemla give to the Anti-Nephi-Lehies? Answer: The Land of Jershon.
- If ten people who lived righteous lives had been found, what cities would have been spared destruction? Answer: Sodom and Gomorrah.
- How many degrees are there in the Celestial Kingdom? Answer: Three.
- Admah and Zeboim were cities destroyed at the same time as what two other cities? Answer: Sodom and Gomorrah.
- What name did Brigham Young give to the mountain he and the apostles climbed to gain a view of the whole Salt Lake Valley? Answer: Ensign Peak.
- What figure is depicted in statue atop the Salt Lake Temple? Answer: The Angel Moroni.
- Of what metal gilded with gold is the statue of Angel Moroni on the Salt Lake temple made? Answer: Copper.
- The site of the Gardo House was originally purchased as a home site for whom? Answer: Brigham Young.
- What home for Brigham Young, not completed until five years after his death, became an official residence of Church presidents? Answer: The Gardo House.
- What apostle dedicated Haiti for the preaching of the Gospel? Answer: Thomas S. Monson.
- Carlos I of Spain, in 1592, was the first recorded owner of what Church site? Answer: The Los Angeles California Temple site.
- The Salt Lake Theatre was a close duplicate of what famous theater? Answer: Drury Lane Theatre in London, England.
- To what country did Abraham send his servant to find a wife for Isaac? Answer: Mesopotamia.
- What was the capital of Assyria? Answer: Ninevah.
- Which was the first latter-day temple to have Moroni depicted on its spire? Answer: The Nauvoo Temple.
- Site dimensions given by Josephus for what ancient temple almost match the dimensions of Temple Square in Salt Lake City? Answer: The Temple of Herod.
- When Aaron, the son of Mosiah, first began his mission, to what Lamanite land did he go? Answer: The Land of Jerusalem.
- After preaching to the Amalekites in Jerusalem, to what village did Aaron, the son of Mosiah, go? Answer: Ani-Anti.
- After leaving Ani-Anti, where did Aaron, Muloki, and Ammah go to preach? Answer: The Land of Middoni.
- Jachin and Boaz were the names given to the pillars standing at the threshold of what building? Answer: The Temple of Solomon.
- Although the Temple of Solomon was built of stone, the walls inside were covered entirely with what? Answer: Cedar wood.
- During the construction of the Temple of Solomon, there was heard no sound of what? Answer: A hammer, axe, or any tool of iron.
- What was the “Cock Pit”? Answer: The building where the first conference in England was held, on December 25, 1837.
- What two counties in Missouri were formed as part of a compromise bill to provide a place for the Saints? Answer: Caldwell County and Daviess County.
- Joseph Smith named the hill at Lyman Wight’s home in Missouri “Tower Hill” because ruins of what were found there? Answer: A Nephite altar or tower.
- In what land, east of Eden, did Cain dwell? Answer: Nod.
- Where was Rachel’s grave? Answer: Bethlehem (Ephrath).
- The southernmost branch of the Church in the western hemisphere is located where? Answer: Osorno, Chile.
- The molten or brazen sea in the Temple of Solomon was mounted on what? Answer: The backs of twelve oxen.
- At April conference, 1845, what name was given to Nauvoo? Answer: The City of Joseph.
- Where is the second-largest organ in the Church? Answer: At Brigham Young University – Idaho.
- The Performing Arts building at Brigham Young University – Idaho is named for what Church figure? Answer: Eliza R. Snow.
- What two sites are believed by scholars to be possible sites of the Mount of Transfiguration? Answer: Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon.
- On a visit to Israel, where did President Spencer W. Kimball say he felt sure was the burial place of the Savior? Answer: The Garden Tomb.
- Bethany is located on the eastern slope of what mount? Answer: The Mount of Olives.
- Mount Nebo is another name for what mountain? Answer: Mount Pisgah.
- Rachel was buried near what town? Answer: Bethlehem.
- In which city did Paul chasten the people for immorality and speak of excommunication? Answer: Corinth.
- Which of the following cities is the most southerly — Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, or Rome? Answer: Corinth.
- The temple at Jerusalem faced which direction? Answer: East.
- How is the Sea of Galilee referred to in the book of Numbers? Answer: Sea of Chinnereth.
- Naomi’s husband was originally from what town? Answer: Bethlehem.
- In what city was Alma reviled, spat upon, and cast out? Answer: Ammonihah.
- After Alma left Ammonihah he was headed for what city when he was visited by an angel? Answer: City of Aaron.
- Omer, king of the Jaredites, took his family and fled to a land called what? Answer: Ablom.
- Where was Paul when he received a vision calling him to Macedonia? Answer: Troas.
- In what Ohio county is Kirtland located? Answer: Geauga County.
- What as the first city conquered by the Israelites un Joshua? Answer: Jericho.
- Where was Eutychus brought back to life? Answer: Troas.
- The inhabitants of what city were condemned because of their doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans? Answer: Pergamum.
- The pioneers’ first stop, Sugar Creek, is today called by what name? Answer: Montrose, Iowa.
- Where did the Mormon Battalion end its march? Answer: San Diego, California.
- Paul embarked at Patena on his last voyage to where? Answer: Palestine.
- Where did Paul fight with “beasts”? Answer: Ephesus.
- At what place was Elymas, the sorcerer, smitten blind? Answer: Paphos.
- Where was Apollos born? Answer: Alexandria.
- The people of what city were condemned for being “neither cold nor hot”? Answer: Laodicea.
- At what city was Paul stoned and left for dead? Answer: Lystra.
- Sergius Paulus was converted in what city? Answer: Paphos.
- Joses Barnabas was from what place? Answer: Cyprus.
- Christians fleeing from what place came to Antioch and established Christianity? Answer: Jerusalem.
- At what place were Barnabas and Paul likened to Greek gods? Answer: Lystra.
- Opposition by Jews from Lystra caused Paul and Barnabas to shake off the dust from their feet and leave where? Answer: Pisidia.
- What city was Timothy’s home! Answer: Lystra.
- Paul left Berea to travel to where? Answer: Athens.
- The Jews of what city stirred up the people of Berea against Paul? Answer: Thessalonica.
- In what place is Peter believed to have been when he wrote 1 Peter and 2 Peter? Answer: Rome.
- Where was Lydia from? Answer: Thyatira.
- In what city did the false prophetess Jezebel live? Answer: Thyatira.
- In what city was Mar’s Hill located? Answer: Athens.
- Peter was taken before the judgment seat of Gallio in what city? Answer: Corinth.
- In what city was Crispus chief ruler of the synagogue? Answer: Corinth.
- In what city did Paul see the altar dedicated “to the unknown God”? Answer: Athens.
- Lorenzo Snow and several companions opened the mission in Italy on the summit of a mountain they named what? Answer: Mount Brigham.
- Where were the Israelites when they were first fed with manna? Answer: The Wilderness of Sin.
- After preaching to the Lamanites in Zarahemla, where did Nephi and Lehi go? Answer: Land of Nephi.
- What was the name of the town where the Samaritan woman who spoke with the Savior at Jacob’s well lived? Answer: Sychar.
- In October of 1982 the Church announced plans to build a temple in what eastern block country? Answer: East Germany (German Democratic Republic).
- On August 29, 1982, what took place at Freiburg, in the German Democratic Republic? Answer: A stake was formed.
- Where did Paul deliver a farewell address, predicting his bonds, afflictions, and death? Answer: Miletus.
- On his third missionary journey, Paul walked 30 miles to Assos from where? Answer: Troas.
- A ‘fuller’s field’ was always located close to what? Answer: A pool or spring of water.
- Where did Isaiah say that the ‘mountain of the Lord’s house’ would be established in the last days? Answer: “In the top of the mountains”
- Where do we think the ancient area of Tarshish is located today? Answer: Spain.
- What song was written at Locust Creek in Iowa? Answer: “Come, Come Ye Saints”.
- Antonio Sebolo found a number of mummies in the catacombs of what ancient city? Answer: Thebes.
- How did the pioneer landmark, The Sweetwater, get its name? Answer: At one time a pack mule laden with sugar was lost in the stream.
- What pioneer landmark was called ‘the great register of the desert’? Answer: Independence Rock.
- Where did the Kirtland High School meet? Answer: In the attic rooms of the Kirtland Temple.
- What was the inscription on the altar that Paul found on Mars Hill? Answer: ‘To the unknown God’.
- When the pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley, the Salt Lake Valley was part of what foreign country? Answer: Mexico.
- A few years after the Saints had left Kirtland, for what did the villagers use the temple? Answer: A barn for cattle and the storage of hay and straw.
- What temple stands on a hill in Tuhikaramea? Answer: The Hamilton New Zealand Temple.
- Where did the Saints first camp after leaving Nauvoo? Answer: Sugar Creek.
- What was Joseph Smith’s last residence in Nauvoo? Answer: The Mansion House.
- The great dome of the Salt Lake Tabernacle is built without what? Answer: Nails or spikes.
- What country is 97 percent arid desert, swamp, or barren mountains? Answer: Egypt.
- What was the center of Christian activity in Egypt in the first century A.D.? Answer: Alexandria.
- What was the first LDS temple behind the “Iron Curtain”? Answer: Freiburg Temple, German Democratic Republic.
- What can you find in every one of the Marriott Hotel rooms? Answer: A copy of the Book of Mormon.
- According to the introductory statement, from where does the “Spoken Word” originate each week? Answer: From the ‘Crossroads of the West’.
- In what three states did the Church own hospitals before it divested itself of its hospital holdings? Answer: Utah, Idaho, Wyoming.
- Whose home in Hiram, Ohio is known as the Revelation House because Joseph Smith received many revelations there? Answer: John Johnson’s home.
- What place did the Indian village Quashquema become? Answer: Nauvoo (Commerce).
- In what modern country would you find Cyrene, the home of Simon who bore Jesus’ cross? Answer: Libya.
- Where was the man headed in the parable of the Good Samaritan when he ‘fell among thieves’? Answer: Jericho.
- Sidney Rigdon’s home served as the first what in Nauvoo? Answer: Nauvoo Post Office.
- Ten of the 22 rooms in the Mansion House were used for what? Answer: Hotel accommodations.
- The second floor of what building in Nauvoo was used for the community library, a museum, and art exhibits? Answer: The Seventies Hall.
- What busy shop did the five Webb brothers operate in Nauvoo? Answer: The wagon and blacksmith shop.
- The Nauvoo home of justice of the peace Joseph B. Noble was purchased by the Saints as a residence for whom? Answer: Lucy Mack Smith, mother of Joseph Smith.
- Jerusalem has the same annual average rainfall as what major international city? Answer: London, England.
- What were the boundaries of the land given to Abraham and his descendants? Answer: “From the river of Egypt unto the rive Euphrates.”
- What were the two most important international highways of the ancient biblical world? Answer: “Via Maris” and the King’s Highway.
- What was the most important local road in Bible times? Answer: The “Way of the Patriarchs”.
- Joseph, Mary, and Jesus returned from Egypt along what route to Nazareth? Answer: The coastal highway.
- What city in the Bible is mentioned under 70 different titles? Answer: Jerusalem.
- What did Araunah’s threshing floor later become? Answer: Solomon’s Temple.
- The walls of Jerusalem were longest and most magnificent under the rule of whom? Answer: Herod the Great.
- What is the name of the hill in the land of Antionum from which Alma the Younger preached to the Zoramites? Answer: Hill Onidah.
- Aaron, Muloki, and Ammah were imprisoned in this city until they were rescued by Ammon. What was it called? Answer: Middoni.
- What is the name of the place on the shore of the great ocean where Jared and his people tarried 4 years before crossing to America? Answer: The land of Moriancumr.
- What is the name of the region near the city of Lehi-Nephi where Alma the elder gathered and ministered to those who believed? Answer: The Land of Mormon
- What is the name of the land where the Jaredites made their first settlements, and which became their chief site of war? Answer: Moron.
- What city had the earth come up about it and bury it, leaving a great mountain where it once stood? Answer: Moronihah.
- What was the name given by the Nephites to the whole of North America? Answer: Land of Mulek.
- What Elvis Presley film was filmed on the grounds of the Polynesian Cultural Center? Answer: Paradise Hawaiian Style.
- What is the name of the place in Arabia where Ishmael died and was buried? Answer: Nahom.
- In what city did Shule defeat his brother Corihor and return the throne to their father, Kib? Answer: City of Nehor.
- What were the two great divisions of the land southward from Mosiah to the advent of Christ? Answer: Land of Nephi and Land of Zarahemla.
- Name the hill from which Shule obtained iron with which to make weapons to fight his father Kib. Answer: Ephraim.
- What happened to the city of Gadiomnah at the time of the crucifixion? Answer: It sank into the earth.
- Name the city that was built by Alma the elder and that lies about 8 days journey from the Waters of Mormon. Answer: Helam.
- Name the wilderness into which the Nephites drove the Lamanites and Amlicites to be devoured by beasts and vultures. Answer: Hermounts.
- What was the name given by Lehi’s colony to an arm of the Indian Ocean, on the eastern coast of Arabia? Answer: Irreantum.
- Was the city of Jerusalem, in the land of Nephi, a Lamanite or a Nephite city? Answer: Lamanite.
- Name the Book of Mormon city of which the Savior said there was not one righteous person to be found there. Answer: Josh.
- What happened to the city of Josh at the crucifixion of Christ? Answer: Fire from heaven destroyed it.
- What did the Lord say about the inhabitants of the city of Kishkumen? Answer: There were none righteous among them.
- What was the name of the hill upon which Nehor, the murderer of Gideon, was executed? Answer: The Hill Manti.
- One stone discovered from what wall is said to weigh 450 tons? Answer: The Wall of Jerusalem.
- What was the largest Canaanite city built during the biblical period? Answer: Hazor. It was ten times larger than Jerusalem.
- What two tribes inhabited the regions of lower Galilee where Jesus grew up and spent most of his ministry? Answer: Naphtali, Zebulun.
- Who originally built Caesarea? Answer: Herod the Great.
- The Sea of Galilee received one of it names because it is the shape of what musical instrument? Answer: The harp.
- What six people are buried in the cave of Machpelah? Answer: Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Isaac, Leah, Rebekah.
- Which was written last, the Gospel of John or the Book of Revelation? Answer: The Gospel of John.
- What was the name of the road between Jerusalem and Bethany on which Christ traveled? Answer: Bethany and Jericho Road.
- The cursing of the fig tree by Jesus occurred between what two cities? Answer: Bethany and Jerusalem.
- What place in Israel is snow capped most of the year? Answer: Mount Hermon.
- Bethlehem is approximately how many miles from Jerusalem? Answer: Five.
- Lehi and Nephi, sons of Helaman, were cast into prison in what city? Answer: Lehi-Nephi.
- What was the first city conquered by the Israelites under Joshua? Answer: Jericho.
- In A.D. 384, most of the Nephite records were hidden where? Answer: In the Hill Cumorah.
- Prior to World War II, the largest concentration of Latter-day Saints outside North America was in the area of what new stake? Answer: Freiburg Stake, German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
- Where was Jesus’ first recorded sermon ni the New Testament preached? Answer: Nazareth.
- Mariners from what ancient Phoenician port colonized in Spain and Africa and sailed as far as Britain and the Red Sea? Answer: Tyre.
- What is the only part of Herod’s temple that is still standing? Answer: The Wailing Wall (West Wall).
- Where was Abraham’s dwelling place when he wrote the book we now have in the Pearl of Great Price? Answer: Egypt.
- What was the most prominent river in Nephite territory? Answer: The River Sidon.
- Name the hill at which Moroni and Lehi defeated Zarahemnah and had the Lamanites covenant never to take up arms. Answer: The Hill Riplah.
- Name the hill in the land Antum in which Ammaron deposited unto the Lord all the sacred writings of the Nephites. Answer: The Hill Shim
- In what valley near the Hill Comnor die Shiz and Coriantumr fight three of their final battles? Answer: The Valley of Shurr.
- On a visit to Israel, President Spencer W. kimball said he felt that what mount was the Mount of Transfiguration? Answer: Mount Tabor.
- The home of Isabel the harlot, who stole the heart of Corianton, was in what land? Answer: The Land of Siron.
- What city ws situated on the west bank of the Sidon River and was the capital of the Nephite nation? Answer: Zarahemla.
- The city of Zarahemla ws situated on the west bank of what river? Answer: The River Sidon.
- What was the name of the mountain unto which the brother of Jared said, “Remove”, and it was removed? Answer: Mount Zerin.
- The prophet Daniel spoke of the time Adam would visit his people, as does Doctrine and Covenants 116. Where will this take place? Answer: In Adam-ondi-Ahman.
- What small brook is found within the Garden of Gethsemane? Answer: Cedron.
- In what country did Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, die? Answer: Egypt.
- Paul had a vision of a man who implored him to come to what region? Answer: Macedonia.
- From what town was the man who gave Jesus his tomb for burial? Answer: Arimathea.
- In what city did Rahab live? Answer: Jericho.
- What town was east of Eden and was the residence of Cain? Answer: Nod.
- To what mountain did David flee to escape his son Absalom? Answer: Mount of Olives.
- What is another name for the Old Testament land of Cush? Answer: Ethiopia.
- James and John asked the Lord to call down fire upon what city because of its unbelief? Answer: Samaria.
- The site of the ancient temple of Solomon is now the location of what Muslim shrine? Answer: Dome of the Rock.
- What was the name of the well where Jesus met the Samaritan woman? Answer: Jacob’s Well.
- Abraham refused to accept goods from what city? Answer: Sodom.
- Which of the following is farthest from Jerusalem: Capernaum or Tiberias? Answer: Capernaum.
- According to Acts chapter 8, Candace, the queen of what country, came to Jerusalem to worship? Answer: Ethiopia.
- Which direction from Eden was the land of Nod? Answer: East.
- According to Genesis, in what land was the Tower of Babel constructed? Answer: Shinar.
- In what city did Jesus attend a wedding? Answer: Cana.
- What is the undestroyed remnant of the temple of Jerusalem called that is sacred to the Jews today? Answer: The Wailing Wall.
- What was the name of the mountain from which the Lord brought forth water for the children of Israel? Answer: Mount Horeb.
- Where did Jacob have a dream about a ladder or stairway to heaven? Answer: In Bethel.
- What is the modern name for the ancient Old Testament country of Put? Answer: Libya.
- After leaving Egypt, where were Joseph, Mary, and Jesus directed to go? Answer: Nazareth.
- In what city were both Jesus and David born? Answer: Bethlehem.
- In which city did God slay over 50,000 men because they looked into the Ark of the Covenant? Answer: Beth-shemesh.
- In what city did Peter have a vision of a sheet filled with animals? Answer: Joppa.
- On what river was Moses set forth in an ark of bulrushes? Answer: Nile.
- On what sea was Paul traveling when he was shipwrecked? Answer: The Adriatic Sea.
- Over what city did Melchizedek the High Priest preside? Answer: Salem.
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