The families (parents and siblings) of the Presidents of the Church
1. Joseph Smith’s family
Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Joseph Smith, Sr. 1771 1840 69 Mother Lucy Mack 1776 1856 80 Daughter Daughter Smith 1797 1797 child Son Alvin 1798 1823 25 Son Hyrum 1800 1844 44 Daughter Sophronia 1803 1896 93 Son Joseph, Jr. 1805 1844 39 Son Samuel Harrison 1808 1844 36 Son Ephraim 1810 1810 child Son William 1811 1894 83 Daughter Catherine 1813 1900 87 Son Don Carlos 1816 1841 25 Daughter Lucy 1821 1882 61 (7 sons, 4 daughters, 11 children, 2 died as children)
2. Brigham Young’s family
Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father John Young 1763 1839 76 Mother Abigail Nabby Howe 1765 1815 50 Daughter Nancy 1786 1860 74 Daughter Fanny 1787 1859 72 Daughter Rhoda 1789 1841 52 Son John, Jr. 1791 1870 79 Daughter Abigail 1793 1807 14 Daughter Susanna Susan 1795 1852 57 Son Joseph 1797 1881 84 Son Phinehas Howe 1799 1879 80 Son Brigham 1801 1877 76 Daughter Louisa 1804 1833 29 Son Lorenzo Dow 1807 1895 88 (5 sons, 6 daughters, 11 children, 1 died as a teenager)
3. John Taylor’s family
Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father James Taylor 1783 1870 87 Mother Agnes Taylor 1787 1868 81 Son Edward 1806 1828 22 Son John 1808 1887 79 Son James 1810 1878 68 Son William Moon 1812 1812 child Son George 1814 1814 child Son William 1815 1820 05 Son James 1815 1818 03 Daughter Elizabeth 1819 1909 90 Daughter Agnes 1821 1911 90 Son William 1823 1910 87 Son George 1826 1836 10 Son Edward 1830 1836 06 (10 sons, 2 daughters, 12 children, 6 died as children)
4. Wilford Woodruff's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Aphek Woodruff 1778 1861 83 Mother Beulah Thompson 1782 1808 26 Son Azmon 1802 1889 87 Son Ozem Thompson 1804 1893 89 Son Wilford 1807 1898 91 (3 sons, 0 daughters, 3 children, none died as children)
5. Lorenzo Snow's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Oliver Snow 1775 1845 70 Mother Rosetta Lenora Pettibone 1778 1846 68 Daughter Abigail Lenora 1801 1872 71 Daughter Eliza Roxey 1804 1887 83 Daughter Percy Amanda 1808 1848 40 Daughter Melissa 1810 1835 25 Son Lorenzo 1814 1901 87 Son Lucius Augustus 1819 1898 79 Son Samuel Pearce 1821 Adult (3 sons, 4 daughters, 7 children, none died as children)
6. Joseph F. Smith’s family
Family Person’s Year of Year of Age at
member Name birth death death
Father Hyrum Smith 1800 1844 44
Mother Mary Fielding 1801 1852 51
Son Joseph Fielding 1838 1918 80
Daughter Martha Ann 1841 1923 82
(1 son, 1 daughter, 2 children, none died as children)
7. Heber J. Grant’s family
Family Person’s Year of Year of Age at
member Name birth death death
Father Jedediah Morgan Grant 1816 1856 40
Mother Rachel Ridgeway Ivins 1821 1909 88
Son Heber Jeddy 1856 1945 89
(1 son, 1 child, he lived to adulthood)
8. George Albert Smith’s family
Family Person’s Year of Year of Age at
member Name birth death death
Father John Henry Smith 1848 1911 63
Mother Sarah Farr 1849 1921 72
Son John Henry 1868 1868 child
Son George Albert 1870 1951 81
Son Lorin Farr 1872 1872 child
Son Don Carlos 1874 1927 53
Son Ezra Chase 1876 1951 75
Son Charles Warren 1879 1879 child
Son Winslow Farr 1881 1966 85
Son Nathaniel Libby 1883 1935 52
Daughter Nancy Clarabell 1886 1961 75
Daughter Tirzah Priscilla 1888 1951 63
Daughter Elsie Louise 1891 1926 35
(8 sons, 3 daughters, 11 children, 3 died as children)
9. David O. McKay's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father David McKay 1844 1917 73 Mother Jennette Eveline Evans 1850 1905 55 Daughter Margaret Elizabeth 1869 1880 11 Daughter Elena Odette 1871 1880 09 Son David Oman 1873 1970 97 Son Thomas Evans 1875 1958 83 Daughter Jeanette Isabel 1879 1971 92 Daughter Ann Powell 1881 1967 86 Daughter Elizabeth Odette 1884 1971 87 Son William Monroe 1887 1947 60 Daughter Katherine Favourite 1891 1976 85 Son Morgan Powell 1893 1955 62 (4 sons, 6 daughters, 10 children, 2 died as children) 10. Joseph Fielding Smith's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Joseph F. Smith 1838 1918 80 Mother Julina Lambson 1849 1936 87 Son Edward Arthur 1858 1911 53 Daughter Mercy Josephine 1867 1870 03 Daughter Mary Sophronia 1869 1948 79 Daughter Donnette 1872 1961 89 Son Joseph Fielding 1876 1972 96 Son David Asael 1879 1952 73 Son George Carlos 1881 1931 50 Daughter Julina Clarissa 1884 1923 39 Son Elias Wesley 1886 1970 84 Daughter Emily Jane 1888 1982 94 Daughter Rachael 1890 1986 96 Daughter Edith Eleanor 1894 1987 93 Daughter Marjorie Virginia 1906 1994 88 (5 sons, 8 daughters, 13 children, 1 died as child) 1. Harold B. Lee's family
Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Samuel Marion Lee 1875 1947 72 Mother Louisa Emeline Bingham 1879 1959 80 Son Samuel Perry 1896 1978 82 Son Harold Bingham 1899 1973 74 Son Clyde Bingham 1902 1953 51 Son Waldo Bingham 1905 1959 54 Daughter Stella Bingham 1907 1974 67 Daughter Verda Bingham 1910 1991 81 (4 sons, 2 daughters, 6 children, all lived to adulthood)
12. Spencer W. Kimball's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Andrew Kimball 1858 1924 68 Mother Olive Woolley 1860 1906 46 Daughter Maude 1882 1883 child Daughter Olive Clare 1884 1967 83 Son Andrew Gordon 1888 1975 87 Son Delbert Gheen 1890 1977 87 Daughter Ruth Woolley 1892 1915 23 Son Spencer Woolley 1895 1985 90 Daughter Alice Ann 1897 1981 84 Daughter Fannie Woolley 1899 1904 child Daughter Helen Mar 1901 1948 47 Daughter Mary Woolley 1903 1903 child Daughter Rachel Woolley 1905 1907 child (3 sons, 8 daughters, 11 children, 4 died as children) 13. Ezra Taft Benson's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father George Taft Benson 1875 1934 59 Mother Sarah Sophia Dunkley 1878 1933 55 Son Ezra Taft 1899 1994 95 Son Joseph Dunkley 1900 1936 36 Daughter Margaret 1902 1999 97 Son Orval Dunkley 1903 1991 88 Daughter Louisa 1905 1996 91 Daughter Lera 1907 2009 102 Son Valdo Dunkley 1911 1990 79 Son George Taft 1912 1990 78 Daughter Sarah 1914 2001 87 Son Ross Dean 1917 1985 68 Son Volco Ballif 1920 1990 70 (7 sons, 4 daughters, 11 children, none died as children)
14. Howard W. Hunter's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father John William Hunter 1879 1963 83 Mother Nellie Marie Rasmussen 1885 1971 86 Son Howard William 1907 1995 88 Daughter Dorothy Elaine 1909 1994 85 (1 son, 1 daughter, 2 children, both lived to adulthood) 15. Gordon B. Hinckley's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Bryant Stringham Hinckley 1867 1961 94 Mother Ada Bitner 1880 1930 50 Son Gordon Bitner 1910 2008 97 Son Sherman Bitner 1912 2000 88 Daughter Ruth 1914 1982 68 Daughter Ramona 1916 2011 95 Daughter Sylvia Bitner 1920 1970 50 (2 sons, 3 daughters, 5 children, none died as children) 16. Thomas S. Monson's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father George Spencer Monson 1901 1979 78 Mother Gladys Condie 1902 1973 71 Son Robert Daughter Marjorie 1923 2006 83 Daughter Marilyn Son Thomas Spencer 1927 2018 90 Daughter Barbara Son Scott (3 sons, 3 daughters, 6 children, none died as children) 17. Russell M. Nelson's family Family Person's Year of Year of Age at member Name birth death death Father Marion Clavar Nelson 1897 1990 93 Mother Floss Edna Nelson 1893 1983 90 Daughter Marjory E. 1920 2016 96 Daughter Enid 1926 2019 93 Son Russell 1924 Son Robert H. 1931 2014 83 (2 daughters, 2 sons, 4 children)
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