Personal items – anesthesia, astronomy, books, half-marathons, math problems, Spanish
- Astronomy: amateur astronomy items and information
- Books and reading: books I have read and those I want to read
- English vocabulary words: definitions of unique and seldom-used English words
- Personal and family history: stories and information about myself, my ancestors, my Parley P. Pratt descendancy, and our family videos
- Files: my website files that require annual updating
- Flags: protocols, hangings, types
- Golf: winners of the “Chichi” and “Freddie” trophies in our biannual family golf tournaments
- Half marathons: half-marathons that I have participated in
- Hiking Utah’s peaks: my hiking adventures
- Line of authority: my priesthood line of authority
- Math and logic problems — some great math and logic problems for those who share my passion for algebra challenges
- Medical history, my personal — my medical history, vaccinations, medications, etc.
- Notes — personal iPhone notes gathered over many years *
- Operation On Target — a classic Scouting activity, involving signaling mirrors and mountain tops (also some other Scouting items)
- Patriarchal blessings — my personal patriarchal blessing, received on January 23, 1970, and the patriarchal blessings of other family members
- Pearls, Gems, Diamonds, Treasures — wisdom garnered over many years
- Rudd family mantra — Elder Glen L. Rudd’s challenge for his family members (timeless counsel)
- Spanish: dichos, vocabulario, trabalenguas, otras cosas, and a few English vocabulary items
- Talks: talks I have given over the years, hopefully of some value
- Trailering: trips, trip planning, checklists, winterizing, dewinterizing, national parks visited, state parks visited
- Utah Eye Center: Dr. David Griffin’s favorite rock groups (tongue-in-cheek)
- Vaccination blogs and websites: good sources of information regarding vaccination
- Yearbook, High School: notes and remembrances from my senior classmates, written in my high school graduation yearbook
Click here for website pages needing yearly updating
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