Unique girls’ names
A – A – A – A – A – A – A – A Click here to return to the Names menu
- Aaliyah
- Abbigayle
- Abcde (pronounced ‘AB-suh-dee’)
- Abidee
- Abolone Severina
- Abriana
- Abriha (pronounced ‘uh-BREE-uh’)
- Abullee
- Acaylia (pronounced ‘uh-KAYL-ya)
- Adah
- Adalynn
- Addeday
- Addilee
- Adelaide
- Aden
- Adonna
- Adora
- Aelora (pronounced ‘uh-LOR-uh’)
- Aevah Havea (first and last name, palindromic)
- Afton
- Aftyn
- Ahnestee (pronounced the same as Honesty)
- Akia
- Alahnna
- Alaska *
- Alaya
- Albertina
- Alcaida (Caucasian family)
- Aleeya
- Alexyn
- Alezandra
- Aliana
- Alicya
- Aliex ( her parents wanted something more unique than just plain ‘Alex’ )
- Alita (a non-Hispanic family)
- Aliyah Desha (pronounced ‘uh-LEE-uh duh-SHAY’)
- Alkira
- Allegra
- Allessandra
- Almerinda
- Almira
- Alondra
- Alorah
- Alphonsine
- Alyjah (pronounced similar to ‘Elijah’)
- Alzina
- Amandine
- Amani
- Amarah (Caucasian family)
- Amayzee Mayhem
- Ambellina
- Amberlee
- Ameleigh (pronounced the same as Amelia!)
- Aminadi ( pronounced ‘uh-min-uh-dee’ )
- Anaba (pronounced ‘uh-NAH-buh’)
- Anadalay
- Analiyah
- Andi (yes, a girl)
- Andreana
- Anecia
- Anetah
- Anex
- Angle (pronounced the same as Angel) true story!
- Aniece (pronounced ‘uh-NEES’)
- Anise
- Annakin
- Annastasia
- AnnDee (pronounced the same as ‘Andy’)
- Annina
- Antona
- Appolonia
- Aprildawn (her mother’s name is Gloriadawn; Aprildawn was born in September!)
- Aquanetta
- Araya (pronounced ‘uh-RAY-yah’)
- ArDean (father’s name was Dean, and mother’s name was Arlene, thus…)
- Ardeth
- Areli O’Reilly (first and last names of a little girl)
- Arely
- Aria
- Aries
- Arizona (nickname ‘Rizzie’)
- Arlyce (pronounced ‘ar-LEESE’)
- Armatha
- Armenia
- Arrie
- Arsene
- Artemisia
- Arthette (named after her grandfather and grandmother, Arthur and Annette)
- Aryella
- Aryanna
- Ascension Angel (first and middle names)
- Asha
- Ashkia
- Ashla
- Ashtyn
- Aspen Forester
- Aspyn
- Aspynn
- Asrael
- Asterisk (a participant in the 2024 Summer Olympics)
- Atella
- Atha
- Athelney (pronounced ‘uh-thel-nee’ with the accent on ‘thel’)
- Atlee
- Attaittlyn
- Atylee (pronounced ‘at-lee’)
- Audesi (pronounced the same as ‘Odyssey’)
- August
- Aunesti (pronounced the same as ‘Honesty’)
- Austa
- Austyn
- Ava (pronounced ‘ah-vah’)
- Avaani (pronounced ‘ah-VAHN-ee’)
- Avalon
- Avaya
- AvenLee
- Avenleigh
- Avery
- Avon
- Axl (pronounced the same as ‘axel’. Yes, this was a little girl.)
- Avriel
- Axuray (pronounced ‘azure-ray’, Caucasian parents)
- Aylah
- Ayzia
- Azenith
- Azia
- Azpyn
- Azubah (a female relative of Wilford Woodruff)
B – B – B – B – B – B – B – B
- Baby One (first and middle name)
- Baileigh (pronounced the same as ‘Bailey’)
- Baxter
- Bella
- Bentley
- Benzlee
- Berkeley
- Berkley
- Berlin
- Berry
- Beryldean (pronounced ‘barrel-deen’)
- Bethal
- Bethlehem
- Bevery (no, not Beverly)
- Bexley
- Beyrl
- Blaikly
- Blaize (yes, a girl)
- Blakely (pronounced the same as Blaikly)
- Blayd Sonnie Queenie Sue
- Blue Ivy (first and middle names)
- Blythe
- Bobette
- Boston
- Boxanna
- Brackell
- Brada
- Bradshaw Brae (first and middle names of a new baby girl in Utah Valley!)
- Brandallyn
- Braylee
- Brayzlee
- Brecklyn
- Breelle (pronounced ‘bree-ELLE’)
- Breezie
- Breigh (pronounced ‘bree’)
- Breilly
- Brekke
- Brexley
- Briar
- Briawna (pronounced ‘bree-aw-nah’)
- Bridie (no, not ‘Birdy or Birdie’, but Bridie)
- Briearna
- Briearne
- Briella
- Brielle (combination of Brandon and Danielle, the parents)
- Briggette
- Brighton
- Brinnley
- Britlee
- Brittanna
- Brittannee
- Brittini
- Brittny
- Brixton
- Brodee
- Brokell
- Brooklinn
- Brooklyn
- Brooksie
- Bryella (pronounced ‘bree-ella’)
- Bryleigh
- Brylie
- Brynleigh
- Buell
- Bunnie (her given name, she was born on Easter Sunday!)
- Burgundy
- Buria
- Burksie
- Byrlin
C – C – C – C – C – C – C – C
- Cacci (pronounced ‘kay-see’, even though it looks like ‘khaki’)
- Caijsa (pronounced ‘KAY-zhu’)
- Caiomie (pronounced ‘ky-OH-mee’)
- Cairo (pronounced the same as the capital of Egypt)
- Cairo Syrus (first and middle name)
- Cambria
- CaLeanna
- Calista
- Calix
- Calliope (pronounced ‘kull-EYE-oh-pee’)
- Calloway (mom was a golfer)
- Calypri Rogue (first and middle names)
- Camaro
- Camma
- Campbell
- Canary
- Capri
- Caramie
- Carlye
- Carmae (accent on the last syllable)
- Carmelita
- Carlys
- Carrigan
- Cartha
- Caryll (pronounced the same as ‘Carol’)
- Cascia (pronounced ‘cash-yah’)
- Cassiopeia
- Cathyren (pronounced the same as Catherine; her mother wanted a ‘non-traditional’ spelling)
- Ceason (pronounced ‘season’)
- Celestial Angel (first and last name)
- Celina
- Chalet
- Chalyse (pronounced the same as ‘chalise’)
- Chamberlee
- Chame
- Chamonix (pronounced ‘shah-moh-NEE’)
- Chandler
- Chanua
- Charley (yes, a girl!)
- Charlsie (pronounced ‘charl-see’)
- Charmalee (nickname was Charm)
- Charlissa
- Chasidy
- Chealece (pronounced ‘sha-leece’)
- Cheltzi (pronounced the same as Chelsea)
- Cheniece
- Cherish
- Cherry
- Chevelle (Her father is a car enthusiast. I recommended ‘Malibu’ as the name of their next baby girl. )
- Cheyanne
- Cheyenne
- Chonnan
- Christle (pronounced the same as ‘Crystal’)
- Chyleen
- Chynna (one family pronounced this name as ‘China’ and another woman pronounced her name “shee-nah”)
- Ciahna (pronouned ‘see-awe-nah’)
- Ciara (pronounced ‘kee-rah’)
- Ciarra (pronounced ‘see-AH-rah’)
- Clarabel
- Clarice
- Cicilee
- Cienna
- Ciera (pronounced the same as ‘Sierra’)
- Cinni (not a nickname, pronounced ‘sin-ee’)
- Cinthya (a clever swap of two vowels)
- Clamidia
- Clementine
- Cleova
- Cletona
- Cletorius (a woman back East on a “Wanted” poster, middle name was Fry)
- Cleva
- Clixie
- Coco
- Cody
- Cohen
- Cologne (the father was of German descent, so he named his daughter after a German city)
- Cooper
- Copley
- Coppelia
- Copper
- Coraline (pronounced kora-leen)
- Coreyne (pronounced the same as ‘Corinne’)
- Corliss
- Cornelia
- Corona (she has a twin named Covid)
- Cristelle
- Crushey
- Crystalele
- Crystal Snow Flake (Flake was the last name)
- Crystal Shanda Leer (last name Leer)
- Cumorah
- Cu Que (pronounced ‘Cookie’)
- Curlyn
- Cymony (pronounced ‘SIMM-uh-nee’)
- Cynamon
- Cyrena
D – D – D – D – D – D – D – D
- Dakotah
- Dalarie
- Daleasa (pronounced ‘duh-LEE-suh’)
- Dalejean (Her father’s name was Eugene Dale Jones. He wanted to name his first child after himself, so ….. )
- Daleyza (pronounced ‘duh-LAY-zuh’)
- Danai (pronounced the same as deny)
- Daniaul (pronounced ‘dan-YELL’, the same as Danielle)
- Dannyella
- Danyele (pronounced ‘dan-YELL’, the same as Danielle)
- Darey
- Dar Jan
- Davian
- Davina (not a Latina girl, very Caucasian)
- Debbra (correct spelling)
- Decarma (a 72 year old cataract patient )
- Decqlin *
- Deetta (pronounced ‘dee-ETT-uh’)
- Dee Ette
- Deja Vu (first and last names)
- Dekota
- Delania
- Delauna
- Delayna
- Delaynie
- Delighta
- Delightra
- Deloss (pronounced ‘duh-LOSS’)
- Demery
- Demmy
- Denali
- Denan (pronounced ‘duh-NANN’)
- Denys (pronounced the same as ‘Denice’ or ‘duh-nees’)
- Desarae
- Despersady (her nickname is Sadie)
- Destinee
- Detta
- Devalynn
- Devynne (pronounced the same as Devan)
- Deyjah (pronounced ‘day-shuh’)
- Dezalin
- Dezra
- Diantha
- Dilly
- Divinefavor
- Dollee
- Domino (a Caucasian 5-year old girl)
- Doorly
- Doralee
- Dorilda
- Dorla (74 years old, husband’s name was Brownie, they named a son Brownie also)
- Dorolee (has a sister named ‘Hariella’)
- Dorygage (pronounced ‘doree-gauge’, she named her own daughter Oliviaryan)
- Draxa
- Dream Weaver (first and last names)
- Drennan (Jeffan’s daughter)
- Dru
- Dulcibella
- Dwan
- Dwanna (a Caucasian woman that lives in our area)
- Dyamond (pronounced the same as ‘Diamond’)
- Dykell
E – E – E – E – E – E – E – E
- Ebony
- Echo
- Edelmira
- Edelveis
- Eden
- Edika
- Edison (her father was reading a book on the famous inventor at the time of birth)
- Edra
- Eevie Blu
- Eilie
- Eislee
- Eleamarie
- Electa
- Elevyn (pronounced ‘ella-VINN’)
- Eliana
- Elliott
- Elkley (father was a big-game hunter)
- Ella Sunshine (first and middle names)
- Elliott (nickname is Ellie; yes, a girl)
- Elmorna
- Elsyne (pronounced ‘ell-SEEN’)
- Elynn (pronounced ‘ee-LIN’)
- Ember
- Emberlyn
- Emberlynn
- Embrielle
- Emeree
- Emeri
- Emerson
- Emery
- Emmeretta (nickname could be Emmy or Etty)
- EmRee
- Enorah
- Eritrea
- Errlamay (pronounced ‘air-lah-may’)
- Erwina
- Erykah (unique spelling of Erica)
- Esterleen
- Eternity (her friends call her ‘Nutty’)
- Etherlee
- Ethlyn
- Etta
- Eula
- Eulalia (pronounced ‘you-lay-lee-uh’)
- Eutona (pronounced ‘Utah-nah’)
- Evadne
- Everley
- Everly
- Evonna Mormon Beauty
- Exline
- Exonnie (the ‘o’ has a long vowel sound)
- Exyz
- Ezrae (pronounced ‘ez-ray’)
F – F – F – F – F – F – F – F
- Fallon Jennell Bendall
- Farley
- Farrah
- Fayden
- Felicity
- Fenix
- Ferralyn (nicknames are Boo-boo and Ferry)
- Ferrell (she was named after her mother!)
- Fiona
- Florabel
- Florabella
- Floralena (combination of Flora and Alena, her grandmothers)
- Flordelis (pronounced ‘flor-duh-lees’)
- Floyce
- Freedim
- Freya
- Funee (pronounced ‘funny’) *
- Furlann
G – G – G – G – G – G – G – G
- Gainell (pronounced ‘gay-nell’)
- Galactica
- Galilee (she has a twin brother named Nazareth)
- Galina
- Garna
- Garnett
- Garvene
- Gary (true story; her mother’s maiden name was McGary, so the mother named her daughter Gary to honor her ancestry)
- Gemma Dimon (first & last name, pronounced Jemma Diamond)
- Genera
- Genesia
- Genesis
- Genesses (yes, pronounced the same as Genesis)
- Gennevieve
- Georgenia (this name is pronounced the same as Georgina, but her parents liked this spelling better!)
- Geraldeane
- Giannalynn
- Gigi
- Gissella
- Giti
- Gitty
- Glenadene
- Glenadine
- Glennar
- Gloriadawn (she named her own daughter Aprildawn)
- Golden Pixie-clover (first and middle names)
- Golitha
- Gracelee
- Graciee
- Graciouse (pronounced the same as ‘gracious’)
- Gracyn (pronounced ‘gray-son’)
- Gradee
- Grayden
- Gretel
- Gretl (pronounced the same as ‘Gretel’)
- Guineveve
- Gussie
- Gustie
- Gypsyrose
H – H – H – H – H – H – H – H
- Hada
- Haeli (unique spelling of Haylie)
- Halayna (father wanted Helen, mother wanted Elena, so…)
- Haleigh (unique spelling of Haylie)
- Halie (unique spelling of Haylie)
- Halina
- Halle (unique spelling of Haylie)
- Halleigh (pronounced ‘HAL-lee’)
- Halloween (born on October 31st)
- Hampton
- Happiness
- Hariella (pronounced ‘harry-ella; her name is a combination of her grandmothers’ names, those being Harriet and Atella)
- Harper Ellis (first and middle names of a baby girl)
- Harvest
- Haven
- Haven Magdelene (first and middle names)
- Havenstorm
- Havoc
- Hayes
- Hayzlee
- Hazeleigh (pronounced ‘hayz-lee’)
- Heavenly Angel Sent From Above Jones (Jones is the last name)
- Heavenly Blue Moonlight
- Heiress
- Helix
- Hendrickson (provides for some unique nicknames)
- Hi-D
- Higins
- Hilma
- Hilton
- Hinckley Myslinski (first and last name!)
- Hollynd
- Honeyfaye
- Honor
- Honorine
- Hunter Anna Fisher (notice the first and last names)
I – I – I – I – I – I – I – I
- Iceland
- Illyana
- Illyzabeth
- Imogen
- Inara
- Indee
- India
- Indica
- Indie
- Indigo
- Indigo Grey
- Indy Anna Jones
- Inella (pronounced ‘eye-NELL-uh’)
- Iola
- Ireen
- Ireta
- Ishtar (Caucasian family, not Pakistani ;o) )
- Isobel
- Itzie
- Iysha (pronounced ‘eye-EE-sha’)
- Izzi
J – J – J – J – J – J – J – J – J
- Jaanna (pronounced ‘jay-ANN-ah’)
- Jace
- Jaci
- Jacqulyn
- Jadalynn
- Jade-star
- Jaedon Sioux
- Jael
- Jaislyn
- Jamaica
- Jameson (she has a sister named Legion)
- Jamylet
- Jammie S (first and middle names, the first name is pronounced the same as Jamie, but together the names are slang for ‘pajamas’)
- Janecca
- January
- Jariah
- Jasna
- Jaushlynn
- Jaycene
- Jayla
- Jaylan
- Jaylyne (pronounced ‘jay-linn’)
- Jayn
- Jayri
- Jazlyn
- Jeffan (pronounced ‘jeff-ann’, her father’s name was Jeff)
- Jelaiah
- Jeliah (pronounced ‘juh-LYE-uh’)
- Jemima Buttercup (she has a brother named ‘Superstar Five’)
- Jenedy
- Jensen (her husband’s name is Briston)
- Jerika
- Jerzi
- Jesanie
- Jhett Dolores (first and middle names. Her mother’s name is ‘Marki’ (mar-kee).
- Jinaye
- Jinhee (pronounced as ‘jinny’)
- JKMNOP (pronounced ‘Noelle’ (No-L). Think about it!)
- J’Lee (pronounce ‘juh-LEE’)
- Joceline
- Johenel
- Johnsey
- Jonean (pronounced ‘joe-neen’)
- JoQell (pronounced joe-kell)
- Jordan
- Jorja (yes, pronounced as “Georgia”) *
- Journey
- Journie
- Jubilee Jan Joy
- Juel (pronounced ‘jewel’)
- Julenny
- Juliaette (yes, that is the correct spelling)
- Junette
- Juniper Jeanne (first and middle names)
- Jyllian
- Jynx (investigator in “The District”)
K – K – K – K – K – K – K – K
- Kacedy (pronounced the same as Cassidy)
- Kaela
- Kaeley
- Kaia
- Kaijh (pronounced ‘Cage’, a 7 year-old girl in a Caucasian family)
- Kaizlyn
- Kaleigh (pronounced ‘kay-lee’)
- Kalisha
- Kaliyah
- Kalipso
- Kalyx
- Kamealynn
- Kamylah (pronounced the same as ‘Camilla’)
- Kandas
- Kandy (her maiden name was Apple)
- Kanese (pronounced ‘kuh-NEES’)
- Kannen (yes, a girl)
- Kapri
- Karely
- Karinda
- Karisha
- Karizma (one of my all-time favorite ‘unusual’ names)
- Karleigh
- Karlin
- Kamryn
- Kanae
- Karma Thalya Satania (they made up the last name, desiring something unique, parents were “Gothic” teenagers)
- Karmyn (wanted a unique spelling)
- Karona Vyrus (yes, Corona Virus as her first and middle name. Parents chose this name for their baby girl in March 2020)
- Karyllynn (pronounced the same as ‘Carolyn’)
- Kasette
- Kasia
- Kasinger (pronounced the same as Kissinger)
- Kasmyn
- Katalina
- Kaydawn
- Kayelise
- Kayler
- Kaylix
- Kayman
- Kaysen
- Kayt (pronounced the same as ‘Kate’)
- Kayzlee
- Kazeray (pronounced ‘kaz-uh-ray’)
- Keaton
- Kedzie
- Keesa
- Keltie
- Kenalee
- Kenalou
- Kenzlee
- Kerstlyn
- Ketta (she has siblings named Vaden and Halt)
- Keziah
- Kezlee
- Khaely
- Khloe (pronounced ‘klo-ee’)
- Kiah
- Kieran
- Kiersten
- Kiggie
- Kimba (had a daughter named Chandler)
- Kinder
- Kinzli
- Kiska
- Kismyn
- Kisti
- Kitzi
- Kjersti (pronounced ‘keer-stee’)
- Kjerstyn (pronounced ‘ keer-stun’)
- Klee
- Kloie
- Knisha (pronounced ‘neesha’)
- Kodee
- Konadee
- Koradine
- Kordine
- Kovi
- K-rae (the hyphen is an official part of the name, pronounced ‘KAY-ray’, last name is Traveller, she has a brother named ‘Tyme’)
- Kresta
- Kyana (if only her last name had been Pepper)
- Kyira
- Kylen
- Kyndal
- Kynlee
- Kynlei
- Kyrie
L – L – L – L – L – L – L – L
- La-a (pronounced ‘luh-dash-uh’). The mother commented, “It’s not like the dash is silent!”
- Ladetra
- Ladonna
- Lady
- Ladynasty
- Laekya (pronounced ‘lay-kyuh’)
- Laila
- Lakan (pronounced lay-kun, the mother said, “Give me a break! I had 8 kids!”)
- Lakely
- Laken
- Lamira
- Larah
- Larayne (pronounced the same as Lorraine)
- Lanayie
- Lareine (pronounced the same as Lorraine)
- Lari (pronounced as ‘Larry’. Her father was convinced the baby was a boy and he wanted the name ‘Larry’. When a girl arrived, he kept the pronunciation and simply changed the spelling.)
- Lassie
- La Tisha
- LaVaun (she has a twin sister named LaVern)
- LaVel
- Lavender
- LaVoice
- Lavona
- Lawnea
- Lazay
- Ledwina
- Leeannah
- LeErin (pronounced ‘lee-AIR-un’)
- Legion (she has a sister named Jameson)
- Leighann (pronounced ‘lee-ANN’)
- Leionnie (pronounced ‘lee-OHN-ee’. Dad wanted a boy, and the name was to be Leon. A girl arrived, so….)
- Lemon
- Lemon Sharp (first and last names)
- Leonda
- Leri (pronounced the same as ‘Larry’)
- Lexee
- Lexington
- Lexus
- Leylin (pronounced ‘lay-LYNN’)
- Liberty
- Libya
- Liesel
- Lili
- Liliandra
- Lilith
- Lilla
- Lilliella Patch (first and last names, her nickname is Lilypatch)
- Lillooette
- Linkyn (last name Myzlinski)
- Linzee
- Litzi (she has an acquaintance named ‘Litzia’)
- Litzia
- Litzy
- Livi
- Lizbella
- Loa
- Loki
- Lola
- London
- Loredana
- Lottee
- Lotus
- Love (pronounced ‘el-oh-vee’. I did not make this up. This is true!)
- Lovina
- Lovinia
- Loweena
- Loyce (she has a twin sister named Joyce)
- Loydece
- Lucky Betts (first and last names)
- Lullaby
- Lunalynn (pronounced ‘loon-uh-lin’)
- Lurina
- Lyndria
- Lynnda
- Lynnel
- Lynnsi (pronounced the same as Lindsey)
- Lynz
- Lyrix
M – M – M – M – M – M – M – M
- Mabel Ann (2013!)
- Mackazlyn
- Maddisyn (pronounced the same as Madison)
- Madialyn (pronounced similar to ‘medallion’)
- Madson
- Madysen
- Madyson
- Maeby Jane
- Maeli
- Maeve (prounouced ‘mave’, as in wave or Dave)
- Magnolia Mary
- Mahala Rosetta
- Maisie
- Majintah (pronounced the same as magenta)
- MaKayzlie
- Makazdyn
- Makazlyn
- Makenzee
- Makiah
- Makinsee
- Makinzee
- Makya (pronounced ‘muh-KYE-yah’)
- Makynna
- Malene
- Malia
- Mallie
- Malou
- Maquel
- Maravia (pronounced ‘muh-RAVE-ee-uh’, Caucasian family, named after a river rafting company in northern Idaho)
- Marba
- Marbe (pronounced ‘marb’)
- Margene
- Maridian
- Marina
- Marisiti (pronounced ‘muh-RISS-itee’)
- Marjann
- Markelle
- Markessa
- Marki (pronounced ‘mar-kee’)
- Marlou (father’s name was Marvin, and mother’s name was Louise, so…)
- Marmion (pronounced ‘MAR-mee-uhn’)
- Maroque
- Marvia
- Maryssa
- Matha (pronounced ‘MAY-thuh’)
- Mavanee (long vowel sound on the first A, as in grape)
- Mavanie (short vowel sound on the first A, as in apple)
- Mavonie (MAY-vunee)
- Mavoreen
- Maxwell James (first and middle names, she goes by the nickname ‘Maxie’. Her mother’s name is Marki (mar-kee).
- May Flower (first & last names)
- Mayme (pronounced ‘may-mee’)
- Mayna
- Mayrene (she named one of her daughters ‘Valrene’)
- McHaylah
- McKahl
- McKendlee
- McKinlei
- McKinley
- McKinzi
- McKynlee
- Meda
- Meeka
- Meikah (pronounced ‘mee-kuh’)
- Meisi (pronounced ‘may-see’)
- Mekette
- Memory
- Memphis
- Memry
- Mendon
- Menolli (pronounced the same as ‘mentally’ but without the t )
- Mentoria
- Merdis
- Merlyn (pronounced the same as Merlin. Yes, this was a woman.)
- Merrigan
- Merrili (pronounced the same as Mary Lee)
- Merritt Calhoon (first and middle names!)
- Mersadie
- Mersydes
- Mesa
- Messiah
- Miah
- Micah (none of the other siblings in the family were named after prophets of the Old Testament; yes, this Micah was a woman)
- Michelena
- Mickelle
- Midgie Audrene (72 years old)
- Mikin (pronounced ‘my-kin’)
- Mikkia
- Mila
- Mildora (father wanted Mildred, mother wanted Dorothy, so they compromised)
- Miracle
- Miracle Heaven-Ann (first and middle names)
- Mirtha
- Mishala
- Missouri
- Misty Snow Flake (first, middle, and last names)
- Mitizi ( pronounced the same as Mitzi. Mitizi’s mother, Barbara, wanted 3 i’s in Mitizi because Barbara had 3 a’s in her name! Mitizi also has a sister named Amanda, with three a’s in her name.)
- Miya
- Mo
- Moana
- Moe
- Mogene
- Moira
- Monah
- Monorel (pronounced the same as ‘monorail’)
- Montai (pronounced ‘mon-TAY’)
- Montserrat (mom saw the name on a television program and loved it; nickname is Monty)
- Moonlight
- Morrigan
- Muffet
- Muriella
- Muryntha
- Mutual
- Mycaela (pronounced ‘muh-KAY-luh’)
- Mykaia
- Myla
- Mystie
N – N – N – N – N – N – N – N
- Nabbi (pronounced the same as Abbie with an ‘n’ in front)
- Nadiha (pronounced the same as ‘Nadia’)
- Nanalee
- Nanalynn
- Naohmy
- Narlene (way to close to ‘gnarly’)
- Natalyn
- Natassjia (pronounced the same as ‘Natasha’)
- Navina
- Navy
- Nayabella
- Nayree
- Nayvee
- Neva
- Nevada
- Nevaeh (Heaven backwards)
- Nevon (pronounced ‘nuh–VON’)
- Nezly
- Niagra
- Nida (NIGH-dah)
- Nikayla
- Nikki Nicholl (she pronounces her last name the same as ‘nickel’; interesting combination)
- Nikora
- Nilda
- Nixon
- Noa (yes, a girl)
- Noah (yes, another girl)
- Noelia
- Norah
- Nova
- November
- Novena
- Nyah
O – O – O – O – O – O – O – O
- Ocean
- Octavia (she was born on 8-8-08; the parents could have considered Octagon as well)
- Odessa
- Odlia
- Oleah
- Oliviaryan (pronounced ‘olivia-ryan’, her mother’s name is Dorygage)
- Ona
- Onyx
- Oranda
- Orchid
- Orlinda
- Oriana Muse
- Orpha
- Osa
P – P – P – P – P – P – P – P
- Paiezlie *
- Paisleigh
- Paisley
- Paityn
- Paizlee
- Pallow (her parents said it was a pioneer name ?)
- Paloma (Caucasian family; it means pigeon or dove in Spanish)
- Pamala
- Pansy
- Parley Ann Taylor
- Parthenia
- Pate
- Pawny
- Paycyn
- Payge
- Paytyn
- Peach (has a brother named Dash)
- Peacock
- Pechie (pronounced ‘peach-ee’)
- Pemberton
- Penelope Marie (Penny Mae)
- Pepper
- Perla
- Persephone
- Persia
- Persimani
- Persis
- Philinda
- Pigeon
- Pilgrim
- Pitrice (pronounced the same as ‘Patrice’)
- Poppy
- Porsha
- Portlynn
- Precia Joette
- Precious Apple Peel (first name and married name, a Filipino girl)
- Precious Bubbles (first name and middle name)
- Presslee
- Preslie
- Pria
- Priya (pronounced ‘pree-yah’)
- Promelia
- Prudence (nickname is Pru)
Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q – Q
- Quandrea
- Queen Esther (first and middle name!)
- Quendalina
- Quianna
- Quiara
- Quida
- Quilla
- Quin
- Quincey Elsa
- Quincie
- Quinn
- Quinsee
R – R – R – R – R – R – R – R
- Rabacca
- Radee
- Raegan
- Radawna
- Raiden
- Rain
- Rainbow Cloud
- Rainbow Trout Fisher
- Rallet (pronounced as ‘ballet’ except with an R. She was named after a French perfume.)
- Rashae
- Rawkee (yes, a little girl, and it is pronounced ‘Rocky’)
- Raychellene
- Raylan
- Raynie Waters (first and last names)
- Raubie
- Raven
- Raven Shaw (first and last names)
- Rayma
- Rayne (pronounced ‘rain’)
- Rayola
- Rebel (yes, a little girl named Rebel)
- Reighfyl (pronounced the same as ‘rifle’, and yes, a little girl)
- Reimmay
- Remedie (nickname ‘Remie’)
- Remi
- Renate (pronounced Ranata, elderly Caucasian woman)
- Renia
- Renza
- Retta
- Rheagan (pronounced the same as Reagan)
- Rhiannon
- Rilynn
- Rinn
- Robin Fox Quayle (first, maiden, and married names; suggested names for her children are Colt, Bronco, Bear, Sparrow, and Fezant)
- Roemee (pronounced ‘row-mee’)
- Romy (pronounced ‘row-mee’)
- Rory (unique name for a girl!)
- Rosemerry Rose (first and middle names)
- Rowie (sounds so much like Roy!)
- Roxas
- Roya
- Rozzy (given name)
- Rue
- RueBee
- Rula
- Ruthdalene
- Rye (true story!)
- Ryleeann
- Ryndan
- Ryver (pronounced the same as ‘River’)
S – S – S – S – S – S – S – S
- Sabra
- Safire (pronounced the same as Sapphire)
- Saige
- Sailor
- Salvay
- Samaria
- Samaritan
- Sammye
- Samueletta
- Sanna
- Saphira
- Saphyra (her mother is named Tysheena)
- Sarcie
- SaRenna
- Savvy
- Savyon
- Sayge
- Saylem
- Sayler
- Satania (last name, see above under ‘Karma’)
- Scarlett
- Sckarlett
- Scotlynn
- Scout
- Scrumptious
- Scyler (pronounced the same as ‘Skyler’)
- Seattul (pronounced the same as ‘Seattle’)
- Semaj (it is pronounced ‘see-madge’ and she has a twin brother named James. Look closely at the two names.)
- Seneca
- September
- Sequoia (mom’s name was Ciera)
- Seraphine
- Serene Pearl Butterfly (first name and 2 middle names)
- Serenitee
- Sevyn
- Sexee
- Shade
- Shae
- Shalayna
- Shandalon (her parents made up the name, wanting something ‘different’)
- Shaneva
- Shannell
- Shantel
- Shantewa
- Shaquala (a Caucasian young girl)
- Sharayan
- Sharla
- Sharlee
- Sharma-lee
- Sharrae
- Sharranne (pronounced the same as Sharon)
- Shaunene
- Shayna Demelsa
- Shekina Glory (first and middle names)
- Shelbee
- Shellsea (look what happens if you reverse the two syllables)
- Shendi
- Sherelda
- Sherida
- Sherrian
- Shiney Starr (first and middle names)
- Shi Thead (shu-theed)
- Shonsey
- Shoshana
- Shyann (pronounced “Cheyenne”)
- Shyanne
- Silvy
- Sipola Teressa
- Siscelia
- Sjanna (pronounced the same as ‘Shauna’)
- Skye
- Skyleigh
- Slai-Ann
- Sleta
- Sloane
- Smada
- Sobriety (true story!)
- Sojourner
- Sonnet
- Sovay
- Sparkle
- Spencer (yes, a girl)
- Stadanne (pronounced ‘stay-DAN’)
- Staffordshire (nickname is ‘Staffy’, wonderful young woman we met in Stratford, New Zealand)
- Stailey
- Star (her last name is ‘Moon’)
- Starlena
- Starlet
- Starley
- Starlynn
- SteDan (the father’s name was Steven and the mother’s name was Danielle, so …)
- Stellar Jive
- Stiletto
- Storm Angel
- Suez
- Suhny (pronounced ‘Sunny’)
- Sully
- Sundance
- Sunday
- Sunshine
- Suri
- Sutton
- Sway
- Swayzee
- Syceillia (pronounced the same as Cecilia)
- Sypha (pronounced ‘sigh-fah’)
T – T – T – T – T – T – T – T
- Tacelyn
- Tadje (pronounced ‘tad-jee’)
- Tae
- Taegan
- Taelor
- Taggert
- Taheiszha
- Tahnee
- Tailee
- Taisha Starr
- Taizley
- Talei
- Taleigh
- Talia
- Talley
- Tamani
- Tanaleah
- Tangie
- Tangilene
- Tanicca (tuh-NEE-kuh)
- Tanji
- Tannie
- Tanzii
- Taraleigh
- Tashalynn
- Tasheena
- Tasman
- Tatiana
- Tatum
- Tay
- Taylee
- Taylin Saige Poduska
- Taytom
- Tayton (her father’s name was Korman)
- Tayvree
- Tayzlie
- Teal
- Tedann (pronounced ‘tuh-DANN’, her father’s name was Ted and her mother’s name was Ann)
- Teela
- Tehya Geake (Caucasian)
- Temperance
- Temple Marriage
- Temptress
- Tenlyn
- Tennysen
- Terran
- Teton
- Texanna
- Teyana
- Tezania J’adore Aquitania (last name is Christey; sweet little girl we knew in Hawera, New Zealand; the family called her TJ)
- Thankful
- Thaylene
- Thilaneus
- Thyrealynn (pronounced ‘tie-ruh-lin’)
- Tiana
- Tillie Lillian (Lillie)
- Tinesia Christiana
- Timber Tishka
- Timbi (pronounced ‘tim-bee’)
- Tinley
- Tiphani (pronounced the same as Tiffany)
- Tiphaniee (pronounced the same as Tiffany)
- Titania
- Tivalee
- Toledo
- Tove
- Towanda
- Treasure
- Tria
- Trillion
- Trinitee
- Trinna
- Trilyon (pronounced the same as ‘trillion’)
- Trishka
- TruAnn
- Trynitee
- Tryphena
- Twilite
- Twilla
- Twinkie
- Tycee
- Tyeisha
- Tyla
- Tylr (pronounced the same as Tyler)
- Tymberlyn
- Tyme
- Tyneesha
- Tyra
- Tyradawn
- Tyreesha
- Tyrinie (pronounced the same as tyranny, but they wanted a unique spelling)
- Tysheena (has a daughter named Saphyra)
U – U – U – U – U – U – U – U
- Ulani
- Uneek (yes, Unique)
- Urania (pronounced ‘you-RAY-knee-uh’)
- Utopia
V – V – V – V – V – V – V – V
- V-anna
- Vadaesha (va-day-sha, Caucasian family, wanted to be unique)
- Vaden (she has siblings named Ketta and Halt)
- Vae Drewleene (first and middle names)
- Vagina (va-JEE-nah)
- Valentine
- Valere (pronounced ‘vuh-LEER’)
- Valkyrie (pronounced ‘VAL-kuh-ree’)
- Valrene (her mother’s name was Mayrene)
- Valyle
- Veann (pronounced ‘vee-ANN’)
- Velvet
- Vena (pronounced ‘VEE-nah’)
- Venone
- Veon (pronounced ‘vee-OWN’, she named her oldest daughter ‘Malene’)
- Verdaun (Verdaun was child #6 in this family, and the parents allowed the oldest sibling to name the new baby)
- Verta
- Vesta
- Veva
- Via
- Vilate (pronounced ‘vuh-LATE’)
- Vinnie (This was the name of an elderly cataract patient. When I asked about her unique name, she launched into a well-rehearsed response: “Yes, Vinnie is my given name; no, I am not a man; no, I am not Italian; no, I am not a member of the Mafia!”)
- Vonnie
- Vontella
- Vulva Starbright
W – W – W – W – W – W – W – W
- Warby
- Waverley
- Wenda
- Wesinda (father’s name is Wesley and mother’s name is Lucinda)
- Wesley (Jimmer Fredette’s daughter)
- Wiletta
- Willow
- Wilodene
- Winchester (the call her Winnie)
- Winry
- Winter
- Whitley
- Whysper Ryver
- Winnell
- Witni
- Wrigley
- Wyatt
- WyeAnne (pronounced ‘why-ANN’)
X – X – X – X – X – X – X – X
- Xakriuth (Caucasian, Utah Valley parents, blue-eyed, blond-haired little girl, they call her ‘Zackee’)
- Xanthe (pronounced ‘zan-thee’)
- Xiannah
- Xoiy (pronounced the same as Zoey)
- Xoriyah
- Xyla
- Xzealeah
Y – Y – Y – Y – Y – Y – Y – Y
- Ya Hyness
- Yandary
- Yanna
- Yaritza
- Yuklin
Z – Z – Z – Z – Z – Z – Z – Z
- Zaira
- Zamiya
- Zana
- Zana Doo (first and middle names)
- Za-naya (the hyphen is part of her given name)
- Zanella
- Zannah
- Zarahemla (father was Amulek)
- Zarin
- Zaydey (pronounced ‘zay-dee’)
- Zaylie
- Zedith
- Zellie
- Zephina
- Zerin Maluy (first and middle names)
- Zetella Lind
- Zianna
- Zierra
- Zinnia
- Zinniah
- Zion
- Ziva
- Zoetta
- Zofia
- Zona
- Zonda
- Zuhrenity (similar to ‘Serenity’)
- Zuma Nesta Rock (Gwen Stefani)
- Zurenity (nickname is ‘Zuri’)
- Zydian
- Zylah
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