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missionswo (President Owen ** )

President & Sister Stephen W. Owen, General Young Men President

Tuesday devotional,  December 18, 2018

Tuesday devotional, President and Sister Stephen W. Owen, General Young Men President

Sister Owen:

  • “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ…”
  • D&C 59:23  “peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come”
  • “They are kept from the truth because they know not where to find it…”
  • John 14:27  “But the Comforter…”
  • “…always remember Him…”
  • You will be blessed with the gift of discernment.
  • President Owen was advised to treat his wife like an “egg”.  She said she almost “cracked” at the MTC.
  • “A mission is work — everything else is just a job.”
  • President Nelson is the ‘youngest’ 94 year old on the planet.
  • Alma 7:10-13 is my favorite scripture passage.

President Owen:

  • What better place is there to celebrate the birth of Christ than right here in the MTC?
  • The Lord promised Joseph and Sidney that their families would be blessed in their absences.  So will your families be blessed.
  • You are qualified.  You know enough.  The gospel should not just be part of who you are — it should define who you are.
  • Have a humble heart and a willing mind.  “I will put my law in your inward parts.”  The gospel should be engraved in the fleshy tablets of our hearts.  We should be an ‘epistle’ of the Lord.  Be a good leader and a good follower.  Good leaders are always good followers first.
  • It is natural to feel under-qualified, but “faith, hope, charity and love qualify him for the work”.   You are entitled to the Lord’s help in this great work.
  • Elder Holland said, “Come as you are but don’t expect to remain as you are.”
  • Prepare yourself to give tranquil and dedicated steadiness to this work for your entire lifetime.  Don’t just be a flash in the pan missionary and fade into inactivity.  Be steady, steadfast, and immovable.  The Lord’s plan for you is much more than a two-year stint.
  • Fill your spiritual tanks!  Make sure your tank is always full.  You won’t get far with a tank that is one-eighth full.
  • “A hungry dog hunts best.”
  • Rejoice in the work.  Notice how many times the word ‘rejoice’ is used in the scripture relating to missionary work.  I will tell you that joy and rejoicing cannot, is not a part of a disobedient missionary’s life.  Find great joy in the work through dedication and devotion.

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