STIMULATOR message for the week of December 21, 1971
Message from President Eugene C. Ludwig, dated December 21, 1971.
“…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)
Dear Fellow Missionaries,
Sister Ludwig joins me in wishing each of you much happiness at Christmas and true joy throughout the coming year. The heartfelt gratitude we have for you, our companions, in this great New Zealand South Mission, is something akin to the love and joy we experience with our sons and daughter at home. Your devotion during the past year, or whatever time you have been with us, has made it possible for over 700 souls to come to a knowledge that the story of the Christ Child in Bethlehem is real.
We are sure at this Christmas season these new members of the Church will find greater joy in Christmas than they have ever known before, because there is now no doubt. They know that Jesus is the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world. They know that it was the same Jesus that spoke to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The message of the Gospel brings to life the real meaning of this joyous season. By becoming aware of the reality of the birth of the Savior into the world, we can see what great love God has for us. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
With this knowledge we can sing with all our hearts this Christmas season, “glory to God in the Highest, and on earth Peace, good will towards men.”
“What does Christmas mean to the Latter-day Saint? It means the birth of the Savior. It means the establishment of the Church in the meridian of time. It means a restoration of the Gospel in our day, after a long night of darkness. It means meeting loved-ones who have gone before. It means the preservation of family ties for all eternity. IT means the exercise of the priesthood authority and the power of God in our day. It means the hope of exaltation in the presence of God, and the opportunity to become like Him. That is Christmas.” (Elder Mark E. Petersen)
May the true spirit of Christmas be with you this Christmas season and always.
Faithfully yours,
President Eugene C. Ludwig
“Little prayer, go far and wide; Bless all our friends this Christmas tide.”
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