STIMULATOR message for the week of September 28, 1971
Message from President Eugene C. Ludwig, dated September 28, 1971.
“THE LORD WILL DO IT IN 1971!” “600” in 1971
Dear Fellow Missionaries,
Let’s make October the month for 100 baptisms — This will require the united effort of every missionary working in tune with the Lord. “And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the spirit ye shall not teach.” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:14). Your power to influence lives comes through humility, prayer, and faith. You cannot teach the Gospel by yourself — you will be an effective missionary only when you are in tune with the spirit. May we remind you again that YOU were chosen by God to be HIS instrument for this work.
“All things are possible to him that believeth.” Remember Nephi as contrasted to Laman and Lemuel. Attitude made Nephi successful — and it made his brothers miserable failures. Nephi was a perfect example of diligence. He inquired of the Lord in all he did, then he diligently worked until he accomplished his goal. Think how easy it would have been to return to his father without the brass plates, having had so many obstacles placed in his way — but Nephi put first things first by being close to the Lord. This closeness enabled him to say to his Heavenly Father, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord given no commandment unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the things which he commandeth them.” (1 Nephi 3:7).
May I quote from the weekly report of one of our fine missionaries: “The Lord has truly blessed us here and I’m thankful to be an instrument in His hand, sharing the Gospel with his children here on the earth. It is so true that Heavenly Father grants us the desires of our hearts, if we but do our part as missionaries. As you know, the greatest joy in missionary life is seeing people you teach get baptized, and the joy is doubled when it’s a family that joins together. Yes, Brother and Sister _______ were baptized on Friday and my heart is full because, even though I have weaknesses and shortcomings, the Lord has never withheld the blessings of the righteous desires of my heart. It’s my testimony that God lives, and that this is His work we are engaged in, and if we do our part, He surely does His. By work, prayer, and fasting, and most importantly, unselfishness (a lesson which is hardest of all to learn) we as missionaries can and will baptize…”
Let’s all renew our determination to be more dedicated to this glorious missionary cause and to magnify the great TRUST the Lord has placed upon us. Sister Ludwig and I love you and naturally want you to succeed.
Sincerely your brother,
President Eugene C. Ludwig
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