STIMULATOR message for the week of May 30, 1972
Message from President Eugene C. Ludwig, dated May 30, 1972
Dear Missionaries:
Each day in New York City, the wheels of one of the largest newspaper presses in the world begin to turn. The press is allowed to turn several minutes before the printing actually begins. During this period, the wheels are turning and the rollers are spinning, but in reality nothing is happening. With the engagement of the clutch, the printing press begins and thousands upon thousands of papers go soaring through the press. The added power needed to make the press actually print isn’t great, but it is that extra power that makes the difference. In many respects, we as missionaries are the same as the press. As the press is capable of turning out scores of papers, we are capable of bringing forth scores of converts. We must, however, keep the clutch engaged by putting forth that extra power and exertion.
As the disengaged press is ineffective in printing papers, so are wasted hours ineffective in baptizing. A missionary can go through the motions of missionary work and spin the wheels, but bring forth no results. Every missionary knows what is and what isn’t effective, and what is and what isn’t wasting time. Visiting members without the goal of baptism in mind is comparable to the spinning but fruitless press. To be successful in our work, everything we do must be done with our purpose in mind! Every missionary minute must be spent working for baptisms.
Let us continuously exert that extra effort, and as the press turns out its thousands in fulfilling its purpose, we also will fulfill our purpose in bring forth many converts for the Lord.
May the Lord bless us this month with outstanding progress!
Sincerely your companion,
President Eugene C. Ludwig
“It is what you do with what you have that determines the measure of your success.” — Earl Nightingale
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