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missionrcg2 (Elder Gay)

Elder and Sister Robert C. Gay of the Presidency of the Seventy

Tuesday devotional,  January 15, 2019

Tuesday devotional, Elder and Sister Robert C. Gay, January 15, 2019

1/ Sister Gay:

  • You will love the people you serve.  Take advantage of the opportunity to study the gospel intensively.
  • Someone asked me what 2 things I had learned during our missionary service:  1) I have so much more to learn  2) ask for and expect personal revelation.
  • Learn about the traits of Jesus
  • Be interested in others.  Let them see your smile, your face, your love.
  • President Nelson: “You have the same access to the Lord in your service as we do in our service as apostles.
  • Everyone is open to hearing the gospel

2/ Elder Gay:

  • My wife waited for me through three different boyfriends during my missionary service as a young man.
  • Apostles and prophets assigned you to your mission field of labor.  The Lord is in the details of our lives.
  • Billy Johnson, one of the church pioneers in Ghana, saw me in open vision years before I came to serve as mission president in Ghana.
  • Essentials in missionary work
    • Keep your eye single to the glory of God; forsake the world.  Gordon B. Hinckley as a young missionary heeded the counsel to forget himself and go to work.  He returned to that same house and bedroom when he lost his wife, and recommitted himself to forget his sorrow and go back to work. D&C 112:10  The Lord shall lead you by the hand.  Can you imagine holding the Lord’s hand and having Him lead you?  What might you feel in the palm of His hand?  Let His light fill your soul.
    • Missionary work is revelatory work.  Preach the gospel by the Spirit.  Elder Ballard wanted the name of Preach My Gospel to be Preach My Gospel by the Spirit, but the brethren said that the title would be too long.  But the message is clear.  The haircut story.  He didn’t want to go to Walmart for a haircut, but the Spirit told him to.  He met an inactive young sister, and he changed her life during their conversation.  He had the opportunity to perform the sealing of her and her husband in the Salt Lake Temple.
    • Members must be involved in this work to make it successful.  Members need to find and refer.
  • The world will never understand the magnificence of your work and the importance of your work.

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