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missionpfm (Elder Meurs ** )

Elder and Sister Peter F. Meurs of the Seventy

Tuesday devotional,  January 31, 2017

Sister Meurs

  • How much your mission changes you will depend on YOUR choices.
  • President Hinckley said that every missionary reaches a “time of decision” — are you going to forget yourself and truly go to work?
  • Matthew 16:24-25 — serve, love, lose, save (serving changes everything).
  • President Benson promised that the Spirit would deepen our joy, expand our minds, raise up friends, pour out peace.
  • Thank the Lord for the joy of the ride, and obey no matter what!
  • She said that in Australia, as soon as missionaries entered their home, they could tell what type of missionaries they were.  Their countenances and manner of speaking told the story.

Elder Peter F. Meurs of the Seventy 

  • Elder Meurs is from Australia and was called to the Seventy in 2016.   
  • Every part and aspect of your life will be blessed by your devoted missionary service.
  • When he began his missionary service in 1976, there were 3.6 million members of the Church, 16 temples, and 23,000 missionaries.  Today there are 16.5 million members of the Church, 155 temples, and 75,000 missionaries.
  • Do not feel discouraged if you feel inadequate or unprepared.  In Exodus 4:10-12, Moses tells the Lord that he is not eloquent, that he is slow of speech, and that he has a slow tongue.  The Lord tells him to ‘go’, and He will be with his mouth and teach him what to say. In Moses 6:31-32 we read that Enoch, when called to the Lord’s service, expressed that he was but a lad, that the people hated him, and that he was slow of speech.  The Lord responded with the  incredible admonitions and promises, despite the inadequacies Enoch felt.
  • The general authorities know “perfectly” where the missionaries are to be assigned: 1) to find, teach, repent, baptize  2) to be taught by your mission president.
  • The only full-time servants in the Kingdom are 1) First Presidency  2) Quorum of the Twelve 3) Presiding bishopric 4) the Seventy 5) full-time missionaries!
  • Let virtue garnish your thoughts UNCEASINGLY!
  • You are on the front lines of the greatest work in work on earth.
  • Teach repentance – baptize converts.  Converts become converts not just by “will power” but by the “power of the atonement”.
  • We must practice repentance – repentance is a process, not an event.
  • The 2,500 saints who were alive at Christ’s appearance in America were counseled to REPENT!

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