Missionary Conference — Sunday, December 4, 2016
Mission Conference, Sunday, December 4, 2016
- Sister Snow:
- Elder Oaks – “The greatest evils on earth happen within the walls of homes, but the greatest good on earth also happens within the walls of homes.”
- Family life is not mundane, it is exalting.
- A 16-year old girl saw her deceased father as she came up out of the waters of baptism. He spoke four words to her: “Be baptized for me”.
- “Jesus surpasses all in intelligence.” – Elder Neal A. Maxwell
- President Snow:
- Work on the Christmas initiative.
- Study page 97 of Preach My Gospel.
- Sister Burgess:
- You will always remember your Christmas days in the mission field.
- God’s gifts to us:
- Our lives
- Our agency
- His commandments
- Prayer
- Forgiveness
- Holy Ghost
- His Son
- President Burgess:
- 2 Nephi 25:26 – Don’t miss even one opportunity to bear witness of the Savior
- Learn and know for yourself
- Ask, seek, knock
- Repent and be clean
- Be obedient
- Look for opportunities to testify
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