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missionjbb2 (Sister Bingham ** )

President Jean B. Bingham, General Relief Society President, and her husband Bruce Bingham

Tuesday devotional,  August 7, 2018

Tuesday devotional, President Jean B. Bingham, General Relief Society President, and her husband Bruce Bingham

Brother Bingham:

  • Your power is palpable. Our nonmember family visited Nauvoo in 1961 as part of a family trip, mainly because my mother had been impressed by some members of this Church she had met earlier in life.  A senior couple from Spanish Fork shared the message of the Restoration and gave us a copy of the Book of Mormon. Our entire family eventually came into the church because of that experience. We were tough converts, but the missionaries PERSISTED!  How happy are we that they persisted.
  • This is the gospel of “Never Give Up”!
  • The gospel is exactly what we say it is.
  • A missionary in this congregation tonight gave up a $300,000 a year job as a rugby star in his country to come and serve the Lord!

Sister Bingham:

  • Perceive the beauties of life all around you.  Notice the patterns in nature. For example, the Fibinacci pattern.  It is repeated throughout nature and even the galaxies. Other example are fractals, flows, bubbles, crystals, and tilings.  The patterns contribute to maximum performance and contribution of many species.
  • Are there spiritual patterns?  Yes!  How can we recognize the spiritual patterns that protect us from Satan?  What ‘patterns’ have blessed your life?
    • The ‘Ask, seek, knock’ pattern.  See Matthew 7:22, which speaks of faith and deep desire.  Intent is a desire to DO, not just inquire.  There will be times when we simply need to set unanswered questions aside and move forward with faith.
    • The ‘Seek, ponder, pray’ pattern.  Look for the phrase “And thus we see…” throughout the Book of Mormon – this phrase always leads to profound spiritual truths.  President Joseph F. Smith used this pattern and it led him to the vision that is now Doctrine and Covenants 138.
    • The ‘Look to God and live!’ pattern. Keep trying despite mistakes.  Keep the commandments, for this leads to safety and peace.

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