Ecclesiastical Training — Provo Missionary Training Center — November 6, 2017
1/ Sister Bertasso
- Follow THE leader – follow me (Christ) and do the things you have seen me do.
2/ President Bertasso
- Moses 7:62 – You BECOME the First Vision for your investigators.
- The Book of Mormon is the only tool of which the Savior has personally testified regarding its truthfulness (D&C 17:3).
- Preach My Gospel pages 110-111 talks of reading the Book of Mormon with your investigators.
- The spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), spirit of revelation (Doctrine and Covenants 8, mind and heart).
3/ Sister Burgess
- Have an attitude of gratitude. Spiritual growth begins with gratitude.
- Waiting for a brighter future will cause us to lose this beautiful today.
- Do you carry around a bottle of bitterness or a goblet of gratitude?
- Psalms 100:4, Alma 34:38, Doctrine and Covenants 59:7, Doctrine and Covenants 78:19.
4/ President Burgess
- Miracles occur at the Missionary Training Center.
- Elder Holland: “The greatest blessing of all is to be counted as a disciple of Christ.”
- Elder Holland: “By definition, an obedient missionary has the spirit of the Lord in his life!”
- Study and apply John 14:23.
- God’s love is conditional in that He loves trusted disciples. Where is your loyalty?
- Be obedient, work hard, serve and bless your companion.
- Yes, God loves you, but can He TRUST you? The greatest of all is to be LOVED AND TRUSTED!
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