Ecclesiastical Training — Provo Missionary Training Center — June 11, 2017
Branch Presidencies Training
Ecclesiastical Training, June 11, 2017
1/ Training
- Tell the missionaries to not touch the murals in the new buildings.
- ‘Millennials’ need to know why and how.
- Prepare to learn, interact to edify, invite to act.
- We need to talk less and listen more in our interactions with the young missionaries.
- Give assignments ahead of time so that the missionaries can prepare.
- The missionary who is not teaching should be listening by and with the Spirit.
- Don’t accept ‘Sunday School’ answers – push them for more depth.
- Virginia Pearce’s method: present the topic, give the middle portion of the lesson to the students, issue invitations to act at the end.
- ‘Step out of the boat’ like Peter did, venture into new territory.
- Teach the GREAT apostasy so that they understand the need for a restoration.
- How did the Restoration correct ALL of the errors of the Great Apostasy?
- The correct understanding of the Godhead
- Tthe organization of the Church
- The need for ongoing revelation
- Personal study of scripture
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