Ecclesiastical Training — Provo Missionary Training Center — May 21, 2017
Match The Message training for ecclesiastical leaders
Match The Message training for ecclesiastical leaders, May 21, 2017
President Martino
- Matthew 5:48 states: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
- 3 Nephi 12:48 states: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as I am, or your Father in Heaven, is perfect.” Notice the change!
- Between the Sermon on the Mount and the visit to the Nephites, He had worked the Atonement, been resurrected, and was perfected Himself.
- Elder Brent Nielson was told to “become” when he was first made a general authority. He quickly realized that he needed to strive for perfection.
- Moses 8:27 sates that Noah was perfect in his generation, and he walked with God
- Alma 48:11 and 17 state that Captain Moroni had a perfect understanding.
- Ether 3:20 states that the brother of Jared had a perfect knowledge of God.
- How do we become perfect? Moroni 10:33 states that by the grace of God, ye are perfect in Christ.
President Weidman
- Our sisters are needed for three reasons:
- Many missionaries come from “challenged” homes and they need to see a caring, giving wonderful mother.
- Missionaries need to see and feel sisters teaching.
- Sisters are more talented and giving than brethren, by a long shot.
- Interviewing missionaries here at the Training Center:
- Teach as you interview
- Meet needs
- Use scripture
- Ask questions
- Open a channel of communication between the missionary and the Lord
- Ask them what they cherish? What do you hold dear? What do you fear? What do you yearn for?
- Ask them if they have given careful consideration to their patriarchal blessing and their setting-apart blessing?
- Do less talking and ask more questions.
President Gilbert
- Ecclesiastical sisters are not set apart because the brethren do not want the sisters to feel obligated in their service here. Some still have children at home.
- The sisters, however, are critical at the the training center. They have insights the brethren do not have.
- Be thankful for the sisters, praise them, thank them, utilize them, be appreciative.
- Moses 5:10 — It was all about Adam, notice the personal pronouns: I, me, my, mine
- Moses 5:11 — For Eve, it was us and we and our. What a difference.
- 1 Corinthians 11:11 — “Neither is man without the woman, nor woman without the man, in the Lord.”
- Wives should receive a “blessing” from their husbands as they begin their training center service, but they are not set apart.
- They are encouraged but not obligated.
- President Gordon B. Hinckley stated that Eve was God’s masterpiece, created after all the other works had been created.
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