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missionbhn1 (Elder Nielson ** )

Elder and Sister Brent H. Nielson of the Seventy

Tuesday devotional, June 13, 2017

Sister Nielson:

  • I have empathy for your nervousness.  If you feel like you are on a roller coaster, you are normal.
  • When my husband was called as an area authority, I had to speak every weekend. I was always on the edge, always feeling great anxiety.  One time I was asked to speak, and my topic was to be a review of the topic of the speaker just before me. I couldn’t do it.  I gave a prepared talk and felt like I had not followed instructions. I pled with the Lord to help me. He said that I should trust in Him, open my mouth and He would fill it.  Such has been the case ever since. He said to me, “I have been preparing you for this moment ever since you were young. Say what I put in your mind. Trust me.”
  • Julie Beck: “The ability to qualify for and act upon spiritual promptings is the greatest spiritual gift we can receive.”   Qualify for, receive, act upon!
  • Proverbs 3:5-6, 2 Timothy 1:7, D&C 8:2-3 ( you can part the Red Sea )
  • In the very moment you need it, the Lord will give it to you.

Elder Nielson:

  • We love you.  Our number 1 priority is your safety.
  • I want to give you a vision of the work.  In Matthew the Lord commissioned us to go into all the world, preaching God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost.  We take this commission very seriously.
  • We stand on the shoulders of giants – Abinadi, Ammon, Samuel the Lamanite, Mormon, Joseph Smith, Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson.  2 Nephi 12:2
  • That thy church shall come forth, that thy glory shall fill the earth (Section 109)
  • Our missionaries are baptizing 20,000 to 25,000 people per month
  • The work is not done.  Are you sleeping through the restoration?  Are you going to roll up your sleeves or just observe from the sideline?
  • The baton has been passed to you!  D&C 11:21 — obtain the word first, D&C 84:85 — it shall be given you
  • The Lord cares about his missionaries.  204 missionaries in a Philippine mission were spared when a devastating cyclone ripped through their mission.
  • Alma 57  “we ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, they did put their trust in God”
  • Remember these 5 points: 1) The Savior himself has called us  2) Do not sleep through the restoration 3) Teach repentance, baptize converts  4) Fill your treasure chest 5) The Lord cares for you.

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