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mission10 (daily follow-up ** )

Daily Follow-up

A. You and your companion:         

1) Did we live the mission rules?
2) Did we plan effectively?
3) Did we seek the Spirit?
4) Did we pray and work for success?
5) Did we move closer to our goal of weekly baptisms?

B. Investigators:                      

1) Did we visit at a convenient time?
2) Did we review commitments?
3) Did we give them a specific goal?
4) Did we pray with them?

C. Referrals:                                   

1) Did we have a proper attitude?
2) Did we approach in an enthusiastic way?
3) Did we tell the referring member of the results?

D. Members:                    

1) Did we visit for a specific, productive reason?
2) Did we accomplish that purpose?
3) Did we inspire and motivate them?

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