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KnoWhy chronological index  —  Articles 651 to 700  —  Book of Mormon Central

Book of Mormon Central, a wonderful resource for all types of Book of Mormon information, has a series of articles dealing with various topics in the Book of Mormon.  They are referred to as ‘KnoWhy’ articles.  These articles can be referenced at ‘‘.  Following is a chronological index of articles, from #651 to #700.

Index Two – chronological index  – #651 through #700                                                                Click here to return to the Scriptures index page

  • #651, November 8, 2022 — Why did Moroni quote from the book of Joel when he appeared to Joseph Smith?  (Joel 2:28-32, JSH 1:41)
  • #652, November 23, 2022 — What is the ‘sign of Jonas’?  (Matthew 12:39-40)
  • #653, December 13, 2022 — Why does Malachi refer to the ‘Sun of Righteousness’?  (Malachi 4:2)
  • #654, January 10, 2023 — Why do we have multiple accounts of Jesus’ birth?  (Matthew 1:23)
  • #655, January 24, 2023 — Why was Jesus proclaimed the Son of God at his baptism?  (Mark 1:11)
  • #656, January 31, 2023 — Why does Jesus announce that Isaiah 61:1-2 is fulfilled?  (Luke 4:18-19)
  • #657, February 6, 2023 — Why did Jesus compare himself to a brazen serpent?  (John 3:14-15)
  • #658, February 14, 2023 — How can Jesus furnish the ‘water of life’ to all people?  (John 4:14)
  • #659, February 21, 2023 — How can we build our foundation on a ‘rock’?  (Luke 6:47-48)
  • #660, February 28, 2023 — What does the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares teach about apostasy?  (Matthew 13:24)
  • #661, March 7, 2023 — Why are there Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon?  (1 Nephi 12:6-7)
  • #677, June 27, 2023 — Why did Christ appear to two disciples on the road to Emmaus?  (Luke 24:13-15)
  • #678, July 3, 2023 — What might Jesus have taught his apostles for forty days?  (Acts 1:3)
  • #682, August 1, 2023 — Why are there different accounts of Paul’s conversion?  (Acts 26:13-14)
  • #683, August 8, 2023 — What did grace mean to Paul?  (Romans 3:25-29)
  • #684, August 15, 2023 — How did Paul understand faith?  (Romans 9:30)
  • #685, August 22, 2023 — What did Paul really teach about marriage?  (1 Corinthians 7:2)
  • #686, August 29, 2023 — Why are we invited to partake of the Sacrament with our right hand?  (1 Corinthians 11:26)
  • #687, September 5, 2023 — Why are people baptized for the dead?  (1 Corinthians 15:29)
  • #688, September 12, 2023 — How does Paul use chiasmus to teach about Jesus’ Atonement?  (2 Corinthians 5:19)
  • #689, September 18, 2023 — What did early Christians teach about the 3 degrees of glory?  (2 Corinthians 12:2-4)
  • #690, September 26, 2023 — How are faithfulness and grace connected to the right hand of fellowship?  (Galatians 2:9)
  • #691. October 3, 2023 — Why is grace important in a covenantal community?  (Ephesians 1:5-6)
  • #692, October 5, 2023 — What is an evangelist?  (Ephesians 4:11)
  • #693, October 10, 2023 — How often do the Articles of Faith track sayings of the Apostle Paul?  (Philippians 4:8)
  • #694, October 12, 2023 — Why does the Apostle Paul quote from an early Christian hymn?  (Philippians 2:5-7)
  • #695, October 17, 2023 — What does the New Testament teach about the Great Apostasy?  (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
  • #696, October 24, 2023 — What is the ‘mystery of faith’?  (1 Timothy 3:8-9)
  • #697, October 31, 2023 — How does the epistle to the Hebrews describe the family of God?  (Hebrews 2:11)
  • #698, November 7, 2023 — How does the epistle to the Hebrews reflect the Israelite temple?  (Hebrews 8:1-2)
  • #699, November 14, 2023 — Why does God give liberally to those who ask?  (James 1:5)
  • #700, November 21, 2023 — Why did Jesus preach to the dead?  (1 Peter 4:6)

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