Accountability — Why do we serve as missionaries?
Taranaki Zone Meeting – November 5, 2015 – New Plymouth, New Zealand
1/ Accountability = answering to God for and taking responsibility for our actions (see D&C 101:78 and D&C 104:13)
2/ How we view our “accountability” varies greatly. How we serve in our stewardships is important, but WHY we serve is the true measure of our character (whited sepulchers).
3/ Some reasons for serving are simply better than others. Most of us serve for a variety of reasons, but we should strive to serve for the best or highest reasons.
NUMBER ONE — Love of God, charity Focus:_________ Accountability:_________
- “…a more excellent way” __________________________________________________
- The pure love of Christ (TWO types of love) ___________________________________
- 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 _____________________________________________________
- D&C 4:2 ______________________________________________________________
- It is a gift! Moroni 7:48 ___________________________________________________
- We submit our will to the will of the Father ____________________________________
- Examples: Christ (3 Nephi 11:10-11), Moroni (Ether 12:37-41)
NUMBER TWO — Hope of eternal reward Focus:_________ Accountability:_________
- The expectation of enjoying the fruits of one’s labors ___________________________
- D&C 18:15-16 _________________________________________________________
- It involves faith in God and in His promises __________________________________
- Examples: ____________________________________________________________
NUMBER THREE — Sense of duty or loyalty Focus:_________ Accountability:_________
- Honorable men and women _______________________________________________
- “…good soldiers…”, they are obedient and hardworking _________________________
- Being willingly obedient to God or others is an acceptable offering _________________
- Examples: _____________________________________________________________
NUMBER FOUR — Fear of punishment Focus:_________ Accountability:_________
- Fear is a paralyzing character trait __________________________________________
- A byproduct of selfishness ________________________________________________
- Mosiah 2:38 ___________________________________________________________
- Serving out of fear or coercion is viewed as a “tax” rather than as an “offering” _______
- Examples: ____________________________________________________________
NUMBER FIVE — Desire for good companionship Focus:______ Accountability:______
- D&C 1:16 ____________________________________________________________
- Luke 5:31-32 _________________________________________________________
- Members or friends come and go; service to fellowmen does not ________________
- Examples: ____________________________________________________________
NUMBER SIX — Hope for earthly reward Focus:_________ Accountability:_________
- Prominence or leadership positions ________________________________________
- Wealth or worldly goods _________________________________________________
- Priestcraft = preaching or serving for gain or the praise of the world (2 Nephi 26:29)
- Outwardly appearing righteous but inwardly full of hypocrisy (Matthew 23:28)
- Examples: ___________________________________________________________
- Matthew 20:27 “…whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant…”
- Matthew 25:40 “…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me…”
- John 21:16-17 “…lovest thou me? Feed my sheep.”
- D&C 58:27 “…anxiously engaged in a good cause,…many things of their own free will,..bring to pass much righteousness…”
- D&C 64:34 “…the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind…”
- D&C 81:5 “…succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, strengthen the feeble knees…”
- Alma 5:19
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