Talks and sermons, given by myself or those I know
- Accountability: being accountable in our missionary service, given by Elder Michael Taylor at the Taranaki Zone Meeting, November 5, 2015
- Atonement: the power of Christ’s atonement in our personal lives, by James Taylor, October 27, 2024
- Baptism: a baptismal talk delivered by Sister Laie Mihaere at the baptism of Holly Stone, in Hawera, New Zealand
- Called of God: Sacrament meeting talk delivered by Sister Susan Taylor in July of 2014 in the Stratford Group, Stratford, New Zealand
- Christmas: a Christmas Sacrament meeting talk given by Susan Rudd Taylor
- Commitment: Are we totally invested in the service of the Lord?
- Easter: an Easter Sunday talk, written and delivered by Susan Taylor
- Enduring to the end: missionary training center talk about the joy of enduring
- Favorite chapter: what chapter of the scriptures would you choose if you could only have 1 chapter?
- Follow The Prophet: in every sense of the word
- Gratitude: a talk given by our daughter, Anne, on gratitude and thankfulness
- Hasten the work: the momentum of God’s kingdom on earth is increasing, and we should be part of this effort
- Joseph Smith: the divine call of a modern-day prophet of God
- Learning and knowledge: how God teaches us and how we should learn
- Liahona, spiritual: spiritual compasses for us in these last days
- Parenting: prepare now to become the parent the Lord would have you be
- Personal revelation: receiving inspiration from the Lord
- Prayer: an outline of a possible talk about ‘fervent prayer’
- Priesthood: scriptural explanations of the Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthoods
- Priorities: spiritual priorities in our lives, by Cheyenne Taylor, October 27, 2024
- Repentance: by Elder Bruce C. Hafen, don’t fall into the trap of ‘planning to repent’ in the future while currently sinning
- Sabbath Day: commandment to live it and blessings that accrue
- Shez: a wonderful Book of Mormon king changes my life
- Temptation: avoiding or overcoming temptation
- Widow of Nain: one of the most compassionate and moving of Christ’s miracles
- Wolves: spiritual wolves waiting to destroy the youth of today
- Worlds without number: a star and astronomy talk given in Taranaki, New Zealand
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Here is a link to an excellent article dealing with sharing personal stories during talks. Click here.
Here are some possibilities or ideas for future talks. Click here