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The Mirror of Life

A wonderful poem about repentance, making wise choices, thinking ‘celestial’, and parental love and care.

Till two, I stayed the other night, till three the night before,
   So cautiously I tiptoed in, with mother at the door;
Cold anger surged within my breast, to think that she would sit
.     And wait for me.  So big was I.  Upset?  I bit my lip.
I passed her by and went upstairs, to get a little sleep,
   But soon my mother’s gentle form, seemed silently to creep
Into my little bedroom, and I knew she was there.
.     I saw her pale lips quiver as she breathed a little prayer –
A prayer of thanks that I was home, all safe and quite secure.
   She asked of God that He would keep me good and clean and pure.

Long hours after she had gone, I lay in troubled thought,
   Just wondering what my mother knew, of follies I had wrought.
And if I’d ever do a thing, to bring to that sweet face
.     The wrinkles or the graying hair or shadows of disgrace.
And I began to wonder too, just what my life would be
.     Without my loving mother there, to love and care for me.
And then, just like my mother, I too, breathed out a prayer
   For God to bless her also, and to keep her in His care.
With prayer the anger left me then, that surged within my breast,
   Both weary and exhausted now, I closed my eyes in rest.

As I slept I dreamed a dream, it almost made me cry,
.     I stood out on the sidelines and I watched myself go by.
I, first of all, then saw myself, back in pre-earthly life
   With hosts of others, sons of God; I saw the mighty strife;
For Satan’s hosts were angry and they waged a hostile fight.
   And full of pride I saw myself, safe on the side of right;
Still full of great excitement when that victory was won,
.     I saw that in the battle there, my fight had just begun,
For I would come to mother earth where Satan and his men
   Would try my soul to conquer, and I would fight again!

I chose a loving mother, and a father good and true,
.     To guide my footsteps in my youth and teach me what to do.
I love a fair young woman there, in that pre-earthly life;
   We pledged to meet while on the earth, where she would be my wife.
If we could fight and conquer there, then we could surely be
   Sealed by God’s holy priesthood, for time and eternity.

I left that world of spirits, convinced that I would pray
.     For God to help me conquer, as I had conquered there that day.
“Take prayer to be your armor!” was the counsel Father gave,
   “It is the key to heaven, your soul it now can save,
From Satan’s wicked clutches, for he’ll try with all his might
.     To lead you in forbidden paths, so pray and seek and fight!”

My vision changed then and I saw the spirits come to earth,
   I saw my loving mother there who gave me mortal birth;
I felt her loving kindness and saw her gentle care,
   I saw her teach me at her knee to say a tender prayer,
A plea for God to bless me in all I do or say,
   And guidance for my footsteps in the straight and narrow way.

As I stood on the sideline there, to watch myself that day,
.     I saw the guardian angel whom God gave to guide my way;
He would whisper deep within my breast, and tell me what was right,
   And he did his very best to lead me in eternal light.
Then I saw Satan’s forces who were working night and day
   To tempt me into crooked paths and lead my soul astray.
And so I stood there all alone in some part of the sky,
   Standing on the sideline while I watched myself go by.

I was surprised to see me there, not knowing they were near,
   Obeying their suggestions without doubt and without fear.
They first made me to feel ashamed, to kneel before God’s throne,
   And plead for Him to be my guide and leave me not alone.
Then, when I ceased to humble my bold, stubborn soul with prayer,
.     They smiled.  The next came easy, for I began to dare
To disobey my parents, and to break the Sabbath Day,
.     And not attend my meetings, yes, in short, to go ‘his’ way.
I dared to smoke a cigarette, and take a sip of wine.
   I felt just like king supreme, Ah, yes, I was doing fine.

As I stood on the side lines there, to watch myself go by,
   I saw a smile curl Satan’s lips, He winked a wicked eye.
Grinning with an evil smile, his cohorts he did tell —
   “We will lead him safely down into the depths of hell.”
I was in hell right at that time, while standing in the sky
   And watching, from the sidelines there, my blinded self go by.
Hell?  Where can hell be greater, than in pain of sinful men
   Who know their lives are failures to what they could have been.

I saw while seeking pleasure, I entered a garden fair
.     Where grew magnificent flowers, sweet perfume filled the air.
I smelt the gorgeous fragrance, caressed the petals sweet,
.     I picked one from its tender stem and cast it at my feet.
All crushed and bruised and broken there, along my thoughtless way,
   I left a trail of pain and gloom along my path that day.
I then heard Satan chuckle, “His soul we soon will win,
.     For he has now committed there much grave and evil sin.”
I looked back to the garden; I saw not flowers rare,
.     But friends who’d loved and trusted me, young maidens sweet and fair.
Among the disappointed friends I saw my sweetheart’s face,
.     I stood ashamed, dishonored, sad, bowed down in deep disgrace.
I’d robbed her of her virtue, old Satan had his way,
.     I’d forfeited my rarest gift, for pleasure there that day.
As I stood on the sidelines there, no mortal tongue can tell,
   Just how I writhed with anguish in the bitterness of hell.

As I stood on the sideline then, a greater glimpse was given
   Of life and its vast meaning and the peace and love of heaven
Enjoyed by those who conquer the yearnings of the flesh,
   And in God’s Holy Kingdom they live among the blessed.
No more did Satan’s evil power, with them hold any sway,
.     For they were heirs of glory, on the Resurrection Day.
Then I saw people shackled as in a prison tomb,
   By vile and evil habits, leading to their doom.
These vile, enslaving habits followed souls beyond the grave,
   Their spirits warped with passion and appetites depraved.

Death had not taken from them a craving for that weed,
.     And drunkards, from their habits, were never, ever freed.
I saw long years of waiting, the mistakes of life to pay;
   Long years of gloom and heartache, before the Righteous Day.
I learned while in that vision, one thing I want to tell —
   The righteous make their heaven and sinners make their hell.
Now I could see most clearly, God’s loving, thoughtful care
   In giving to His children, the Word of Wisdom rare.

I awoke and vowed that moment, that I would turn around,
.     For in the darkness of the night, I was on evil ground.
Right then and there I wept with joy, thanked God, and you ask ‘why’?
   He stood me on the sideline, and I watched myself go by.
He showed me that to conquer, I must not forget to pray
   For God’s concern and loving care — I must learn to obey!
Obey the ones who teach me and shun forbidden things
   As I would shun a serpent, they all have deadly stings.
The Priesthood I must cherish, which God has given me,
   To help me conquer Satan, from sin to keep me free.

Now when I spend an evening, I never stay out late,
.     The Tempter shall not lure me, or bring an awful fate.
I notice that my sweetheart, has deep and loving joy,
   She has more faith and trust and love, that she’s not just a ‘toy’
That soon will be forgotten as to her I say ‘good-night’.
   Much earlier than in early times, her eyes still sparkle bright
And when I meet my mother now, so early at our door,
   She welcomes me with kiss and smile, and waits for me no more.
And I thank God she showed me there, before it was too late,
.     That I must conquer Satan now, avoid a dreadful fate.
And I thank Him for loving care, alone there in the sky,
   For standing with me, arm in arm, to watch myself go by.

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