John Lothropp, a timeless prayer offered by a brave religious dissenter in England
Reverend John Lothropp’s unforgettable prayer regarding the religious tyranny that existed in England during the 1600’s. This prayer was offered during his incarceration in a filthy London prison.
“Lord of the Universe. Send Thy legions. Send Thy warriors. Hold not back Thy judgments, but make bare Thine arm in England. Open the jaws of hell to receive and swallow the infernal hell hounds that have cursed England with their loathsome pall. Thou are the Head of the church, not King Charles, not the bishops. Ignite the plagues of Laudism upon the head of Laud [the head priest of the Church of England]! Spew the ungodly into the pit! Oh, God, rend the harlot and raise unto us a Moses! Let him speak with a trump! Let his voice be heard throughout the earth. Let Thy kingdom roll forth and consume the damnable heresies! God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — Majesty of All! Lift the veil from Thy hiding place and hear my prayer. Pave the way for liberty! Let it ring out from every land and clime! Let sails rise on the seas! Let winds blow from the east! Let gales descend and unfurl Thy banners. Let the words freedom and conscience sear the bosoms of men that Thy will might be done!”
Taken from ‘Exiled, the story of John Lothropp’ by Helene Holt, page 139.
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