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Information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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  • Aaronic Priesthood:  the mission statement of the Aaronic Priesthood
  • Aaronic Priesthood:  general information about the Aaronic Priesthood
  • Abraham, book of:  information about the Book of Abraham
  • Adam and Eve:  basic truths about the Fall, ‘original sin’, and conflicting commandments in the Garden of Eden
  • Basics:  An apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints clearly explains the basic principles of the our religion, including faith, family, facts and fruit!
  • Basics:  An article about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints distributed by Ford Motor Company to its employees
  • Basics, Gospel:  basic gospel doctrine as presented in the Liahona magazine
  • Book of Mormon:  testimonies borne by 15 modern-day apostles concerning the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, September 2023
  • Book of Mormon:  An apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints explains what the Book of Mormon is and why it is a testament of Jesus Christ
  • Book of Mormon:  Elder Tad R. Callister explains why the Book of Mormon is a compelling witness of the divinity of Christ and the restoration
  • Book of Mormon:  Bishop W. Christopher Waddell explains why the Book of Mormon is “A Standard unto All People”
  • Book of Mormon:  Hiram Page’s bold pronouncement about the origins of the Book of Mormon
  • Book of Mormon: purposes of the Book of Mormon and doctrinal contributions of the Book of Mormon
  • Book of Mormon:  KnoWhy’s published by Book of Mormon Central, in-depth articles about all things pertaining to the Book of Mormon
  • Book of Mormon:  highlights from John Bytheway’s remarkable book, Golden Answers
  • Book of Mormon:  Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon; could you duplicate this fete?
  • Book of Mormon:  the Book of Mormon issues a challenge to the world!
  • Book of Mormon:  What the Book of Mormon means to me!
  • Book of Mormon:  What would we miss if we didn’t have the Book of Mormon?
  • Book of Mormon plates:  a statement by Brigham Young concerning the Book of Mormon plates
  • Brigham Young University: information concerning the past presidents and principals of Brigham Young University
  • Christians:  Are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Christian?  An LDS apostle gives a clear and unequivocal answer to this question
  • Christians:  Are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Christian?  An article addressing this issue, found on ‘’
  • Christians:  13 reasons definitive reasons why the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are Christians
  • Christians:  Are Baptists Christians?  by Robert Starling
  • Come Unto Christ:  seven poignant scriptures that direct us to the Savior
  • Comparison of church doctrines:  a discussion of and comparison of church doctrine of 19 current religions; the ‘Reformers’
  • Doubt and difficult questions: How can we deal with doubt and difficult questions?
  • Eyes that see, ears that hear: a wonderful article by Daniel Peterson concerning creation
  • Godhead:  President Gordon B. Hinckley gives the LDS view of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit
  • Gospel basics:  basic gospel doctrine as presented in the Liahona magazine
  • Gospel topic essays:  informative articles found on ‘’ relating to current issues 
  • Handbook, General:  wording changes in the General Handbook of Instructions
  • Homosexuality and same-sex marriage:  a statement from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, issued in 2015
  • Hope:  interesting perspective on this important doctrinal principle
  • ‘If Thou Endure It Well’:  thoughts concerning wayward children and facing life’s challenges, by Elder Marvin J. Ashton
  • Immigration and Race: Church statements on Immigration and race relationships
  • Joseph Smith:  Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon; could you duplicate this fete?
  • KnoWhy’s:  KnoWhy’s published by Book of Mormon Central, in-depth articles about all things pertaining to the Book of Mormon
  • Lehi’s Transoceanic Voyage:  questions asked by Dr. John L. Sorensen, professor of Anthropology at Brigham Young University
  • Living Christ, The:  January 1, 2000 – The Testimony of living apostles regarding the Savior
  • Meeting the Challenges of Today:  Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s classic talk regarding secularism and irreligion
  • Members:  “Touched by a Mormon”; the widespread influence of the LDS church and its members
  • Mormons:  ‘What of the Mormons?’, by Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, the basics of ‘Mormonism’ and the ‘Mormon Church’, published in 1947
  • Neighbors:  Why members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints make good neighbors
  • Our Child Is His Child:  We can trust the Lord to care for our wayward children
  • Pearls, Gems, Diamonds, Treasures — wisdom garnered over many years
  • Proclamations from our Church leaders:  various proclamations given from Church leaders over the years
  • Restoration, The:  the ten foundation stones of the Restoration, as presented by Elder David A. Bednar
  • Revelation on the Priesthood, 1978: remarks by President Dallin H. Oaks
  • Revelation, ongoing: instruction concerning ongoing revelation in the Church, March 2019
  • Road to apostasy:  seven unpleasant steps that lead downward
  • Sabbath Day:  proper observance of the Sabbath Day
  • Sacramental Covenant:  by Elder Melvin J. Ballard, sound and revelatory doctrine
  • Sanctification, justification, holiness:  a brief explanation of these important Gospel concepts
  • Smart Mormons: an article written by an author not affiliated with the Church but who has had extensive involvements with Church members
  • Stand Forever: a faith-promoting talk by Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge of the Seventy, concerning finding solid spiritual footing in a day of deception and distraction, as long as we stand on the rock of revelation
  • Symbolism found in the Thorvaldsen statues of the original apostles of Jesus
  • Temples:  What are they, why do we have them, what do we do in them, and why are they significant
  • Temple recommend questions: for those seeking a recommend to enter the temple
  • “Ten things I know for sure”: President Russell M. Nelson shares 10 doctrinal facts that he KNOWS to be true!
  • Test:  Is this life a ‘test’, a ‘probation’, a ‘trial’?  An interesting Elders’ Quorum experience regarding this question
  • Websites:  Links to three excellent LDS websites
  • Women: Women are endowed with Priesthood power

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