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genaut7 (Assistants to the Twelve ** )

 Assistants to The Twelve

    The calling of “Assistant to The Twelve” was first announced on April 6, 1941, with the calling of five brethren to this position. As Elder Bruce R. McConkie later
stated, “From time to time as the needs of the ministry require, those holding the keys of the kingdom call worthy and qualified brethren to serve in administrative positions in the Church. Assistants to the Twelve, with appointments to serve as General Authorities, have been so called.” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 56) The utilization of this calling was in accordance with D&C 107:98.
    On October 3, 1975, President Kimball announced the organization of the First Quorum of the Seventy, with four brethren called to serve therein. One year later, on October 1, 1976, President Kimball announced that all of the brethren currently serving as Assistants to the Twelve would be called into the First Quorum of the Seventy, and the calling of Assistant to The Twelve has not been used since. As seen below, 38 brethren served in the position of Assistant to the Twelve.

  Assistant to the Twelve     Called as         Released as    Length of service    Other offices held
                           Asst to Twelve      Asst to Twelve   
 1. Marion G Romney          06 Apr 1941        11 Oct 1951     10 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
 2. Thomas E McKay           06 Apr 1941        15 Jan 1958     16 yrs 09 mons        --
 3. Clifford E Young         06 Apr 1941        21 Aug 1958     17 yrs 05 mons        --
 4. Alma Sonne               06 Apr 1941        01 Oct 1976     35 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
 5. Nicholas G Smith         06 Apr 1941        27 Oct 1945     04 yrs 07 mons        --
 6. George Q Morris          06 Oct 1951        08 Apr 1954     02 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
 7. Stayner Richards         06 Oct 1951        28 May 1953     01 yrs 08 mons        --
 8. ElRay L Christiansen     06 Oct 1951        02 Dec 1975     24 yrs 02 mons        --
 9  John Longden             06 Oct 1951        30 Aug 1969     17 yrs 11 mons        --
10. Hugh B Brown             04 Oct 1953        10 Apr 1958     04 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
11. Sterling W Sill          06 Apr 1954        01 Oct 1976     22 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
12. Gordon B Hinckley        06 Apr 1958        30 Sep 1961     03 yrs 06 mons      Apostle, Church president
13. Henry D Taylor           06 Apr 1958        01 Oct 1976     18 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
14. William J Critchlow      11 Oct 1958        29 Aug 1968     09 yrs 10 mons        --
15. Alvin R Dyer             11 Oct 1958        06 Apr 1968     09 yrs 06 mons      Apostle, First Presidency
         "                   18 Jan 1970        01 Oct 1976     06 yrs 08 mons      Seventy
16. N Eldon Tanner           08 Oct 1960        11 Oct 1962     02 yrs 00 mons      Apostle
17. Franklin D Richards      08 Oct 1960        01 Oct 1976     16 yrs 00 mons      Seventy
18. Theodore M Burton        08 Oct 1960        01 Oct 1976     16 yrs 00 mons      Seventy
19. Thorpe B Isaacson        30 Sep 1961        28 Oct 1965     04 yrs 01 mons      First Presidency
         "                   18 Jan 1970        09 Nov 1970     00 yrs 10 mons        --
20. Boyd K Packer            30 Sep 1961        06 Apr 1970     08 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
21. Bernard P Brockbank      06 Oct 1962        01 Oct 1976     14 yrs 00 mons      Seventy
22. James A Cullimore        06 Apr 1966        01 Oct 1976     10 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
23. Marion D Hanks           06 Apr 1968        01 Oct 1976     08 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
24. Marvin J Ashton          03 Oct 1969        02 Dec 1971     02 yrs 02 mons      Apostle
25. Joseph Anderson          06 Apr 1970        01 Oct 1976     06 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
26. David B Haight           06 Apr 1970        08 Jan 1976     05 yrs 09 mons      Apostle
27. William H Bennett        06 Apr 1970        01 Oct 1976     06 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
28. John H Vandenberg        06 Apr 1972        01 Oct 1976     04 yrs 06 mons      Presiding Bishop, Seventy
29. Robert L Simpson         06 Apr 1972        01 Oct 1976     04 yrs 06 mons      Presiding Bishopric, Seventy
30. O Leslie Stone           06 Oct 1972        01 Oct 1976     04 yrs 00 mons      Seventy
31. James E Faust            06 Oct 1972        01 Oct 1976     04 yrs 00 mons      Apostle
32. L Tom Perry              06 Oct 1972        06 Apr 1974     01 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
33. J Thomas Fyans           06 Apr 1974        01 Oct 1976     02 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
34. Neal A Maxwell           06 Apr 1974        01 Oct 1976     02 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
35. Wm Grant Bangerter       04 Apr 1975        01 Oct 1976     01 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
36. Robert D Hales           04 Apr 1975        01 Oct 1976     01 yrs 06 mons      Apostle
37. Adney Y Komatsu          04 Apr 1975        01 Oct 1976     01 yrs 06 mons      Seventy
38. Joseph B Wirthlin        04 Apr 1975        01 Oct 1976     01 yrs 06 mons      Apostle

Interesting notes:
1) Elder Alma Sonne is unique in that he served as an Assistant to the Twelve during the entire time that the calling of Assistant to the Twelve was in existence. He served from April of 1941, when the position was first created, to October of 1976, when the position was terminated.
2) As noted above, 13 of the 38 (34%) brethren who served as Assistants to the Twelve went on to serve in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
3) Five of the 38 brethren who served as Assistants to the Twelve went on to serve in the First Presidency (Elders Romney, Brown, Hinckley, Tanner, and Faust), with one of the 38 serving as President of the Church (Elder Gordon B. Hinckley).

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