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Second Counselors in the First Presidency


 Second Counselors in the First Presidency, listed chronologically:

Second Counselor            Birthdate   Length of Service      Dates of service     Age when sustained  Church President

Frederick G Williams(#1)   28 Oct 1787     04 yr 08 mo    18 Mar 183307 Nov 1837    45 yr 05 mo       Joseph Smith   

Hyrum Smith         (#2)   09 Feb 1800     03 yr 03 mo    07 Nov 183724 Jan 1841    37 yr 09 mo       Joseph Smith

William Law         (#3)   08 Sep 1809     03 yr 03 mo    24 Jan 184118 Apr 1844    31 yr 05 mo       Joseph Smith

Willard Richards    (#4)   24 Jun 1804     06 yr 03 mo    27 Dec 184711 Mar 1854    43 yr 06 mo       Brigham Young

Jedediah M Grant    (#5)   21 Feb 1816     02 yr 08 mo    07 Apr 185401 Dec 1856    38 yr 08 mo       Brigham Young

Daniel H Wells      (#6)   27 Oct 1814     20 yr 08 mo    04 Jan 185729 Aug 1877    42 yr 02 mo       Brigham Young

Joseph F Smith      (#7) a. 13 Nov 1838     06 yr 09 mo    10 Oct 188025 Jul 1887    41 yr 11 mo       John Taylor
                         b. 13 Nov 1838     09 yr 05 mo    07 Apr 188902 Sep 1898    51 yr 05 mo       Wilford Woodruff
                         c. 13 Nov 1838     03 yr 01 mo    13 Sep 189806 Oct 1901    59 yr 10 mo       Lorenzo Snow
                         Joseph F Smith – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 19 years 03 months

Rudger Clawson      (#8)   12 Mar 1857     four days      06 Oct 190110 Oct 1901    44 yr 07 mo       Lorenzo Snow

Anthon H Lund       (#9)   15 May 1844     08 yr 06 mo    17 Oct 190107 Apr 1910    57 yr 07 mo       Joseph F Smith

John Henry Smith   (#10)   18 Sep 1848     01 yr 06 mo    07 Apr 191013 Oct 1911    61 yr 07 mo       Joseph F Smith

Charles W Penrose  (#11) a. 04 Feb 1832     06 yr 11 mo    07 Dec 191119 Nov 1918    79 yr 10 mo      Joseph F Smith
                          b. 04 Feb 1832     02 yr 04 mo    23 Nov 191810 Mar 1921    86 yr 10 mo       Heber J Grant
                          Charles W Penrose – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 09 years 03 mos

Anthony W Ivins    (#12)   16 Sep 1852     04 yr 03 mo    10 Mar 192128 May 1925    68 yr 06 mo       Heber J Grant

Charles W Nibley   (#13)   05 Feb 1849     06 yr 06 mo    28 May 192511 Dec 1931    76 yr 04 mo       Heber J Grant

J Reuben Clark Jr  (#14) a. 01 Sep 1871     01 yr 06 mo    06 Apr 193306 Oct 1934    61 yr 07 mo       Heber J Grant
                         b. 01 Sep 1871     08 yr 02 mo    09 Apr 195112 Jun 1959    79 yr 07 mo       David O McKay
                          J Reuben Clark Jr – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 09 years 08 mos

David O McKay      (#15) a. 08 Sep 1873     10 yr 07 mo    06 Oct 193414 May 1945    61 yr 01 mo       Heber J Grant
                         b. 08 Sep 1873     05 yr 11 mo    21 May 194504 Apr 1951    71 yr 08 mo       George A Smith
                          David O McKay – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 16 years 06 months

Henry D Moyle      (#16)   22 Apr 1889     02 yr 04 mo    12 Jun 195912 Oct 1961    70 yr 02 mo      David O McKay

Hugh B Brown       (#17)   24 Oct 1883     02 yr 00 mo    12 Oct 196104 Oct 1963    78 yr 00 mo      David O McKay

N Eldon Tanner     (#18) a. 09 May 1898     06 yr 03 mo    04 Oct 196318 Jan 1970    65 yr 05 mo      David O McKay
                         b. 09 May 1898     02 yr 05 mo    23 Jan 197002 Jul 1972    71 yr 08 mo      Joseph F Smith
                                                      N Eldon Tanner – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 08 years 08 months

Marion G Romney    (#19) a. 19 Sep 1897    01 yr 06 mo   07 Jul 197226 Dec 1973    74 yr 10 mo       Harold B Lee
                         b. 19 Sep 1897    08 yr 11 mo   30 Dec 197302 Dec 1982    76 yr 03 mo       Spencer W Kimball
                           Marion G Romney – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 10 years 05 months

Gordon B Hinckley  (#20)  23 Jun 1910     02 yr 11 mo   02 Dec 198205 Nov 1985    72 yr 05 mo      Spencer W Kimball

Thomas S Monson    (#21)  a. 21 Aug 1927   08 yr 07 mo   10 Nov 198530 May 1994    58 yr 03 mo      Ezra Taft Benson
                          b. 21 Aug 1927   00 yr 09 mo   05 Jun 199403 Mar 1995    66 yr 09 mo      Howard W Hunter
                           Thomas S Monson – Total length of service as 2nd Counselor = 09 years 04 month

James E Faust      (#22)  31 Jul 1920    12 yr 05 mo   12 Mar 199510 Aug 2007    74 yr 08 mo       Gordon B Hinckley

Henry B Eyring     (#23)  a 31 May 1933  00 yr 04 mo   06 Oct 200727 Jan 2008    74 yr 04 mo       Gordon B Hinckley
                          b 31 May 1933    present     14 Jan 2018 – present        84 yr 08 mo       Russell M Nelson 

Dieter F Uchtdorf  (#24)  06 Nov 1940    09 yr 11 mo   03 Feb 2008 – 02 Jan 2018    67 yr 03 mo       Thomas S Monson

                                                              Second Counselors in the First Presidency, listed by length of service:

                         Second Counselor          Length of service      Age when first sustained
                       Daniel H Wells               20 yr 08 mo              42 yr 02 mo
                        Joseph F Smith                19 yr 03 mo               41 yr 11 mo
                        David O McKay                 16 yr 06 mo               61 yr 01 mo
                        James E Faust                 12 yr 05 mo               74 yr 08 mo
                        Marion G Romney               10 yr 05 mo               74 yr 10 mo
                       Dieter F Uchtdorf           09 yr 11 mo              67 yr 11 mo                      
                       J Reuben Clark Jr            09 yr 08 mo               61 yr 07 mo
                        Thomas S Monson               09 yr 04 mo               58 yr 03 mo
                        Charles W Penrose             09 yr 03 mo               79 yr 10 mo
                        Nathan Eldon Tanner           08 yr 08 mo               65 yr 05 mo
                        Anthon H Lund                 08 yr 06 mo               57 yr 07 mo
                        Charles W Nibley              06 yr 06 mo               76 yr 04 mo
                        Willard Richards              06 yr 03 mo               43 yr 06 mo
                        Frederick G Williams          04 yr 08 mo               45 yr 05 mo
                        Anthony W Ivins               04 yr 03 mo               68 yr 06 mo
                        Hyrum Smith                   03 yr 03 mo               37 yr 09 mo
                        William Law                   03 yr 03 mo               31 yr 05 mo
                        Gordon B Hinckley             02 yr 11 mo               72 yr 05 mo
                        Jedediah M Grant              02 yr 08 mo               38 yr 08 mo
                        Henry D Moyle                 02 yr 04 mo               70 yr 02 mo
                        Hugh B Brown                  02 yr 00 mo               78 yr 00 mo
                        John Henry Smith              01 yr 06 mo               61 yr 07 mo
                        Henry B Eyring                00 yr 04 mo               74 yr 04 mo
                        Rudger Clawson                 four days                44 yr 07 mo

Note:  Henry B. Eyring began his second term of service as 2nd Counselor on January 14, 2018.
Note:  Elder Hugh B. Brown and Elder N. Eldon Tanner served as counselors to President David O. McKay.  Elder Brown was an uncle of Elder Tanner.  Elder Tanner’s mother was Elder Brown’s sister.

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