The Common ancestry of Susan Rudd Taylor and Michael Dean Taylor
Richard Sperry, Sr. and his wife, Dennis Goodyear
My wife, Susan Rudd, and I (Michael Taylor) discovered that we are descendants of a common ancestor, Richard Sperry, Sr. The following chart shows how we are related. The date following each name represents the year of birth of that individual:
Susan Rudd (1954) Michael Dean Taylor (1952) | | Marva Rudd (1922) Wayne Dean Taylor (1915) | | Arthur Joy Sperry (1892) Florence Stella Dean (1896) | | William Arthur Sperry (1867) Florence Ridges (1866) | | Harrison Sperry, Sr. (1832) Agatha Pratt (1848) | | Joy Sperry (1785) Parley Parker Pratt (1807) | | Moses Sperry (1767) Jared Pratt (1769) | | Aaron Sperry (1727) Jemima Tolles (1754) | | Moses Sperry (1681) Sarah Sperry (1721) | | Richard Sperry Jr. (1652) Nathaniel Sperry (1695) | | | Nathaniel Sperry (1656) | | | | Richard Sperry, Sr. (1614) Dennis Goodyear (his wife)
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