PROPHETS — Calling of apostles Quizzes
QUESTION: Can you identify which presidents of the Church called each of our current and recent apostles into the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles?
ANSWER: President David O. McKay called President Monson (1963). President Joseph Fielding Smith called Elder Packer (1970). President Spencer W. Kimball called four of our current or recent apostles, Elders Perry (1974), Nelson (1984), Oaks (1984), and Ballard (1985). President Ezra Taft Benson called two of our recent apostles, Elders Scott (1988) and Hales (1994). President Howard W. Hunter called Elder Holland (1994). President Gordon B. Hinckley called four apostles, Elders Eyring (1995), Uchtdorf (2004), Bednar (2004), and Cook (2007). President Monson has called Elders Christofferson (2008), Andersen (2009), Rasband (2015), Stevenson (2015), and Renlund (2015). President Russell M. Nelson called Elder Gong (2018), Elder Soares (2018), and Elder Kearon (2024) into the quorum. More apostolic information can be found here.
QUESTION: Which presidents of the Church in this dispensation called the largest number of brethren into the apostleship (acting as the Lord’s agents, of course)?
ANSWER: Twenty-two apostles were called during Joseph Smith’s tenure (Joseph Smith to Amasa Lyman), 13 during Brigham Young’s presidency (Ezra T. Benson to Albert Carrington), 12 during Heber J. Grant’s presidency (Melvin J. Ballard to Mark E. Peterson), 11 during Joseph F. Smith’s presidency (Hyrum Mack Smith to Richard R. Lyman), and 11 during David O. McKay’s presidency (Marion G. Romney to Alvin R. Dyer). More information on this topic can be found here.
QUESTION: Which President of the Church called the largest number of apostles during his tenure as President? Which President of the Church called the largest number of apostles into the Quorum of the Twelve that eventually went on to serve as Presidents of the Church themselves?
ANSWER: Joseph Smith called the largest number of apostles during his tenure as President of the Church. He called 20 men to the apostleship (Thomas Marsh down to Amasa Lyman. If we include Joseph himself and Oliver Cowdery, the number is 22). Four of our prophets have called three men into the Quorum of Twelve who eventually went on to serve as Presidents of the Church. Joseph Smith called Brigham Young, John Taylor, and Wilford Woodruff. Joseph F. Smith called George Albert Smith, David O. McKay, and Joseph Fielding Smith. Heber J. Grant called Harold B. Lee, Spencer W. Kimball, and Ezra Taft Benson. David O. McKay called Howard W. Hunter, Gordon B. Hinckley, and Thomas S. Monson. To see more information on this topic, click here.
QUESTION: During the presidency of Joseph Smith, 22 brethren were called to the apostleship. This is the most of any president of the church. Which apostle ordained the largest number of apostles to the apostleship in this dispensation?
ANSWER: Brigham Young personally ordained 16 brethren to the apostleship. Three of those ordinations were before he was the president of the Church, and the rest were during his tenure as president. Joseph F. Smith and Heber J. Grant each ordained 12 brethren to the apostleship. The Three Witnesses ordained 11 brethren to the apostleship. By clicking here, you can see who ordained each of our apostles to the apostleship.
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