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Church history and miscellaneous quiz questions

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  1. Who baptized Emma Smith, the Prophet Joseph Smith’s wife?  Answer: Oliver Cowdery baptized Emma Smith.  In June of 1830, a dam was made across a stream near the farm of Joseph Knight.  Oliver baptized thirteen people in this make-shift font, including Emma Smith, Joseph Knight, and Polly Knight (Joseph’s wife).
  2. Which brother in early church history is described by the following facts:  1) he was the great-grandfather of Franklin Harris, the president of BYU from 1921 to 1945   2) he was the great-great-grandfather of Dallin H. Oaks, president of BYU from 1971 to 1980 and current apostle   3) he was the brother of Martin Harris.  Answer: The above facts are describing Emer Harris, Martin Harris’ brother.
  3. Who was the first Latter-day Saint to die in Missouri?  Answer: The first Latter-day Saint to die in Missouri was Polly Knight, wife of Joseph Knight.  She passed away just a few days after the Colesville saints arrived in Jackson County, Missouri.  The Prophet Joseph Smith preached at her funeral service.
  4. In 1831, the Prophet Joseph was so impressed by the unity and dedication of a certain group of people that he called them together and “sealed them up to eternal life”.  Who were these people?  Answer:  The people sealed up to eternal life by the Prophet Joseph were the Colesville Branch saints.
  5. In October of 1838 Governor Boggs of Missouri issued an extermination order, demanding that Latter-day Saints be exterminated or driven from the state.  Missouri officials attempted to force a prominent member of church leadership to testify against the Prophet Joseph Smith.  This leader said the following to the Missouri officials: “You are entirely mistaken — Joseph Smith is as good a friend as you have.  Had it not been for him, you would have been in hell long ago, for I would have sent you there by cutting your throats, and no other man but Joseph Smith could have prevented me, and you may thank him for your life.  And now, if you will give me the boys I brought from Adam-ondi-ahman yesterday, I will whip your whole army.”  Informed that he would be shot at 8 am, he declared, “Shoot and be damned.”  Who was the leader that made these statements?  Answer:  The apostle who made the above statements was Lyman Wight, affectionately known as the “Wild Ram of the mountains”.
  6. Which LDS apostle does the following information describe: He was active in farming and business activities, and also had many civic and church responsibilities.  He represented Tooele for one term in the Utah Legislature and also served as chairman of the board for the local school district and irrigation company.  In 1890, he was set apart as a counselor in the Tooele Stake presidency, and three years later, at the age of 39, was ordained a stake patriarch.  Answer: The above information describes Elder George F. Richards.  Elder Richards was ordained an apostle in 1906.
  7. One of the sections of the Doctrine and Covenants used to contain the substitute names Baurak Ale, Gazelam, and Baneemy.  What section was it and what was the purpose of the substitute names?  Answer:  The section was D&C 78 and Orson Pratt gives this explanation for the substitute names: “When the Lord was about to have the Book of Covenants given to the world it was thought wisdom, in consequence of the persecutions of our enemies in Kirtland and some of the regions around, that some of the names should be changed, and Joseph was called Baurak Ale, which was a Hebrew word; meaning God bless you. He was also called Gazelam, being a person to whom the Lord had given the Urim and Thummim. He was also called Enoch. Sidney Rigdon was called Baneemy.”
  8. What legendary bishop of the early Church had the following heated encounter with Brigham Young: On one occasion, the bishop and Brigham had a vigorous discussion about a business deal.  President Brigham Young, who could be very sarcastic, said to the bishop, “Now, Bishop, I guess you will go off and apostatize.”  The Bishop countered, “If this were your church, President Young, I would be very tempted to do so.  But this is just as much my church as it is yours, and why should I apostatize from my own Church?”  Answer: The legendary bishop who had this encounter with Brigham Young was Bishop Edwin Woolley, famous bishop of the Thirteenth Ward in Salt Lake City.
  9. Wilford Woodruff was baptized into the church on December 31, 1833, at age 26.  He was baptized in an icy river in upstate New York. The river was a mixture of snow, water, and ice.  The snow was three feet deep at the water’s edge.  Wilford didn’t mind the cold water, for he had found the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  He later had another experience with baptism in an icy river.  Can you name the circumstances of the second icy experience?  Answer: Jonathan and Olive Hale, friends of Wilford Woodruff, asked him to baptize their oldest child, Aroet.  Many years later, Aroet wrote the following in a journal: “My father [Jonathan Hale] took the axe along and cut a large hole in the ice.  Elder Woodruff got down into the water and baptized me and several other children.  My name being Hale, and being baptized in ice water, froze me into the Church and I am still with it, thank God!”
  10. United States President James K. Polk was the president that made the decision to enlist a battalion of 500 Mormon men for the campaign to take the western U.S. back from Mexico.  The Mormon Battalion would be part of the “Army of the West” and would march from Kansas to California.  Who were the two men that urged President Polk to form this battalion?  Answer: The two men who persuaded President Polk to form the Mormon Battalion were Elder Jesse C. Little and non-member Thomas L. Kane, a wonderful friend and ally of the Church.  The formation of the Battalion was a financial and emotional boon to the Church at a challenging time in Church history.
  11. What faithful LDS apostle does the following information describe:  He served as President of the Salt Lake Temple while serving as an apostle.  He was released as president of the Salt Lake Temple in 1937 and promptly sustained as acting Patriarch for the Church, still serving as an apostle.  He served in that calling for 5 years.  Two of his sons served as stake patriarchs.  Another son, LeGrand, served 4 missions, was bishop of three different wards, served as a stake president, served as the Presiding Bishop of the Church, and was called to the Quorum of the Twelve in 1952.  Answer: The above information describes Elder George F. Richards, one of the most devoted servants of the Lord in this dispensation.
  12. Harold B. Lee and Marion G. Romney each served 20 years as priesthood advisors to what auxiliary?  Answer: The Primary organization.
  13. Joseph Smith’s son, Alexander Hale Smith, was named for what friend of the Prophet?  Answer: He was named after Alexander W. Doniphan.
  14. What program replaced the Home Builders?  Answer:  The Lihomas.
  15. For 10 cents what could a Primary child buy to raise money for the Primary Children’s Hospital?  Answer:  A brick for the hospital.
  16. What was the emblem or symbol of the Trekkers?  Answer:   A wheel.
  17. What was the motto of the Larks in Primary?  Answer: “Greet the day with a song”.
  18. What age was the Rainbow class in Primary?  Answer: Six years old.
  19. What did you have to be before you could become a “Top Pilot”?  Answer A “Co-pilot”.
  20. In 1930, what stake board would include a librarian, a play leader, and a handwork leader?  Answer:  The Primary Board.
  21. The first broadcast of what radio show for children occurred on June 15, 1946?  Answer:  “Children’s’ Friend of the Air”.
  22. A “Book of Mormon Catechism” was published in the Juvenile Instructor in 1886 for use in what organization?  Answer:  The Sunday School.
  23. What three groups comprised the Lihomas?  Answer: The Gaynotes, the Firelights, and the Merrihands.
  24. What does the acronym ‘Lihomas’ stand for?  Answer: Little Home Makers.
  25. What did the song “In Our Lovely Deseret” tell children to despise?  Answer: Tea, coffee, and tobacco.
  26. What is the name of the collection of songs for Primary (and Junior Sunday School) published in 1970?  Answer: Sing With Me.
  27. What song, written by Naomi W. Randall, is known by Primary children all over the world?  Answer: ‘I Am a Child of God”.
  28. Where would you find Barnabee Bumbleberry?  Answer: In the Children’s Friend (a cartoon series).
  29. What hospital did the Primary sponsor for 61 years?  ANSWER: The Primary Children’s’ Hospital, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  30. What are the colors of the CTR (‘Choose The Right’) class in Primary?  Answer: Green and white.
  31. Records say that the children took delight in the first Sunday School and had no trouble getting there by what time?  Answer: 8:00 am.
  32. It was 28 years before what was introduced into the services of the Sunday School?  Answer: The sacrament.
  33. What group made the longest infantry march in history? Answer: The Mormon Battalion.
  34. In 1881, what kind of musical groups were organized in connection with the Sunday Schools of various wards and settlements?  Answer: Fife and drum bands.
  35. What was the name of the band organized under the Sunday School Union?  Answer: The Deseret Sunday School Union Brass Band.
  36. In 1891, the first Sunday in September was inaugurated as “Nickel Day”.  For what purpose?  Answer: To invite members to contribute 5 cents to the general and stake Sunday School.
  37.  In 1897 the Deseret Sunday School Union instituted “Humane Day” on which children were taught what?  Answer: The proper treatment of animals.
  38. At least until 1900, what happened after the prayer and opening song in the Sunday School?  Answer: The reading of the minutes of the previous session.
  39. Joseph Smith and John Taylor favored calling the Relief Society by what name?  Answer: The Benevolent Society.
  40. What single book was studied by the Relief Society in its literature lessons in the first Relief Society Magazine?  Answer: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.
  41. Under the direction of President Emmeline B. Wells, the Relief Society made available what two forms of insurance?  Answer: Burial and endowment (for saving purposes).
  42. To whom did the Relief Society make its insurance available?  Answer: Registered members under 70 years of age.
  43. At the turn of the century the Relief Society participated in a campaign to destroy what?  Answer: Flies.
  44. “Preparatory theological” and “higher theological” were the two highest grades in what early organization?  Answer: Sunday School.
  45. What was the name of the weekly, half-hour television show that featured a panel of Primary children answering questions?  Answer: Junior Council.
  46. Most members of the Church are of what tribe?  Answer: Ephraim.
  47. In what temple were endowments for the dead first performed?  Answer: The St. George Temple.
  48. What was the building that was built in 1854 for performing higher ordinances until the temple was completed?  Answer: The Endowment House.
  49. What were the Cattaraugus and the Wyandots?  Answer: Native American Indian tribes that were taught the Gospel in 1830.
  50. How many letters or symbols were found in the Deseret Alphabet?  Answer: Thirty-eight (38).
  51. In 1868 and 1869 what two books appeared in the Deseret Alphabet?  Answer: A school primer and the Book of Mormon.
  52. Though part of the crops were saved, what destroyed most of the crops and left the Saints in dire circumstances in 1848 and 1849?  Answer: Crickets, or locust.
  53. Children under what age do not need to be baptized?  Answer: Eight years of age.
  54. What law has been referred to as the “Law of Stewardships” or “Order of Enoch”?  Answer: The Law of Consecration.
  55. What program was instituted in 1874 and was a modification of the Law of Consecration?  Answer: The United Order.
  56. Under the Law of Consecration, the portion that was deeded back to the individual was known as his what?  Answer: Stewardship.
  57. Who was older, Oliver Cowdery or Joseph Smith?  Answer: Joseph Smith, by nine months.
  58. Who said, ” ‘Tis enough, ’tis enough, mine eyes have beheld, mine eyes have beheld” ?  Answer: Martin Harris.
  59. When George Albert Smith became president of the Church, who were the men chosen as his counselors?  Answer: J. Reuben Clark, Jr. and David O. McKay.
  60. When David O. McKay became president of the Church, who were the men chosen to be his counselors?  Answer: Stephen L. Richards and J. Reuben Clark.
  61. John Taylor prophesied of whom that “the flesh would wither away from his bones and a pauper’s death would be his”?  Answer: Governor Thomas Ford.
  62. Who was the first prophet in the “dispensation of the fulness of times”?  Answer: Joseph Smith.
  63. What is another name for the seventh dispensation?  Answer: The Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.
  64. What is the first office that an individual may receive when given the Melchizedek Priesthood?  Answer: Elder.
  65. What keys did the prophet Elijah restore to the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1836?  Answer: The keys of the sealing power.
  66. What type of revelations were sections 13, 76, and 110 in the Doctrine and Covenants?  Answer: Angelic visitations.
  67. An article entitled “Of Governments and Laws in General” was included in the 1835 edition of what work?  Answer:  The Doctrine and Covenants.
  68. Who may act in the office of bishop independently or without counselors?  Answer: A direct lineal descendant of Aaron.
  69. What book was 2.5 by 4 inches and had 65 chapters and 160 pages?  Answer: The Book of Commandments.
  70. What book contains no proper personal names with the letters Q, X, or W in them?  Answer: The Book of Mormon.
  71. What is the name of the book that is a collection of 15 books covering from approximately 2200 B.C. to 421 A.D.?  Answer:  The Book of Mormon.
  72. When the Angel Moroni came to Joseph Smith on September 21st and 22nd in the year 1823, what New Testament book did he quote from?  Answer: Acts.
  73. What are the offices of the Melchizedek Priesthood?  Answer:  Elder, Seventy, High Priest, Patriarch, Apostle, President.
  74. What was the Brigham Young Academy Expedition in 1900 seeking?  Answer: Evidences to be found in South and Central America pertaining to the Book of Mormon.
  75. The Bible Dictionary in the LDS edition of the Bible was based on what other Bible dictionary?  Answer: Cambridge University Press Bible Dictionary.
  76. What was the object of the Elders’ School?  Answer: To “improve our time and reigning up our minds”.  (History of the Church 2:301)
  77. In what school, established in December 1834, were penmanship, arithmetic, grammar, and geography taught?  Answer: Kirtland High School.
  78. In November 1834, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery covenanted that if they obtained means to pay their debts, they would do what?  Answer: Give a tenth to the Church.
  79. In July 1835, Joseph Smith worked on an alphabet and arrangement of a grammar for what purpose?  Answer: Translation of the Egyptian papyri.
  80. The high council in Kirtland decided to pay what two people $10 for expenses incurred in their Church callings?  Answer:  Joseph Smith, Sr., patriarch, and Frederick G. Williams, scribe.
  81. What is the name of the manual printed by the Church that is recommended for studying the gospel in the home?  Answer: Family Home Evening manual.
  82. The all-Church women’s poetry contest is for women over what age?  Answer: Eighteen.
  83. What is the “Mormon Meteor”?  Answer: A race car.
  84. What book is used to organize pedigree charts and family group records?  Answer: Book of Remembrance.
  85. On which numbered line on a pedigree chart should the researcher place his own name?  Answer: Line number one.
  86. On the family group sheet, what temple is abbreviated NV?  Answer: The Nauvoo Temple.
  87. On the family group sheet, what temple is abbreviated OK?  Answer: The Oakland Temple.
  88. On the family group sheet, what temple is abbreviated LD?  Answer: The London Temple.
  89. In genealogical research, a surname acquired due to a trade such as carpenter or cook is called what?  Answer: An occupational surname.
  90. In 1969, what technology brought more efficiency to processing in the Church genealogical department?  Answer: The computer.
  91. Baptisms and endowments for the dead are not performed for those who die below what age?  Answer: Eight years old.
  92. In the late 1800’s, Latter-day Saint artists in Utah became associated with what school of artist attracted by Utah’s scenery?  Answer: Rocky Mountain School.
  93. After the Nauvoo period, what type of sealings were not performed until the dedication of the St. George Temple?  Answer: Sealings of children to parents, rather living or dead.
  94. Joseph Smith organized a school for the teaching of what language in Kirtland?  Answer: Hebrew.
  95. What does the B. stand for in Hugh B. Brown?  Answer: The B. stands for Brown.  His mother’s maiden name was Brown, and the parents decided to give him the same middle and last name to honor both Brown families.
  96. The School of the Prophets in Kirtland studied what book in Hebrew? Answer: The Bible.
  97. In what place was Joseph Smith when he received the vision of the celestial kingdom now included in Doctrine and Covenants 137?  Answer: The President’s room in the Kirtland Temple.
  98. The Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ versus United States was the name given to what court case?  Answer: The case the Church appealed to the United States Supreme Court after the Edmunds-Tucker Act.
  99. What was the 1879 case the Church appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court challenging federal laws against polygamy? Answer: Reynolds versus United States.
  100. In what book by Charles Dickens does the author record an account of his visit to a group of Latter-day Saints?  Answer: The Uncommercial Traveler.
  101. By looking at the cover, how can a person tell he has the LDS Edition of the Bible?  Answer: The official name of the Church is on the spine.
  102. On October 4, 1891, what group was seated on the stand together at general conference for the first time in over 7 years?  Answer: The First Presidency.
  103. The calling of whom as president of the Twelve established seniority by the date of setting apart as a member of the Twelve?  Answer: Joseph F. Smith.
  104. The policy of paying the homeward expenses of missionaries began under what president?  Answer: President Joseph F. Smith.
  105. The giving of what order resulted in the Haun’s Mill massacre?  Answer: The ‘Extermination Order’ given by Lilburn W. Boggs.
  106. In 1976, what order was rescinded?  Answer: The ‘Extermination Order’, originally issued by Governor Lilburn W. Boggs.
  107. October Conference in 1868 was the first time in 32 years that what group had been all together?  Answer: The Quorum of Twelve Apostles.
  108. When drought and grasshoppers caused a poor harvest in 1855, what was started on a regular basis?  Answer: Fast Day.
  109. What 1874 law took criminal, civil, and chancery jurisdiction away from the probate courts of Utah?  Answer: The Poland Law.
  110. What sentence was passed on George Reynolds when he was found guilty of violating the anti-bigamy law of 1862?  Answer: A fine of $500 and 2 years at hard labor.
  111. In the 1880’s, what state legislature took away the right of citizenship from Church members?  Answer: The Idaho state legislature.
  112. On October 6, 1890, the Church members at general conference voted to accept what declaration?  Answer: The Manifesto.
  113. On January 4, 1896, Grover Cleveland signed a proclamation stating what?  Answer: Utah was now a state.
  114. In October 1847, to what group of men did the people in Salt Lake Valley vote to give jurisdiction over municipal affairs?  Answer: The stake presidency and high council.
  115. To what form of punishment, once instituted in the Salt Lake Valley, was Brigham Young opposed?  Answer: The whipping post.
  116. In 1849, who served as magistrates over areas of Salt Lake City?  Answer: Bishops.
  117. In 1850, Brigham Young reported what to the legislature in regards to expenses incurred by departments of government?  Answer: There were no expenses.  No one was paid for governmental service.
  118. A delegate from a territory in the United States House of Representatives was not permitted to exercise what right?  Answer: The right to vote in Congress.
  119. On July 24, 1857, what information did Porter Rockwell convey to Brigham Yong at the pioneer anniversary celebration?  Answer: An army was approaching Utah with no advance government notice.
  120. What was the Utah War?  Answer: The coming of Johnson’s army troops to Utah.
  121. What ultimately brought about removal of army troops from Utah in 1861?  Answer: The Civil War.
  122. What day of the week did Brigham Young arrive in the Salt Lake Valley in July 1847?  Answer: Saturday.
  123. How many apostles were with the first group of pioneers that arrived in the Salt Lake Valley?  Answer: Seven.
  124. What was the first structure built in the Salt Lake Valley?  Answer: The bowery.
  125. What two Indian tribes inhabited part of the Salt Lake Valley when the pioneers arrived?  Answer: The Utes and the Shoshones.
  126. The first group of men to return to Winter Quarters from the Salt Lake Valley by wagon became know as what?  Answer: The “ox train”.
  127. Contrary to their first opinion, what animals did the pioneers find adapted most easily to travel across the plains?  Answer: Oxen.
  128. How long did Brigham Young spend in the Salt Lake Valley before he returned to Winter Quarters?  Answer: One month.
  129. What form of government existed in the Salt Lake Valley during the first years that the Saints were there?  Answer: A theocracy.
  130. What disease was known among the pioneers as ‘black leg’?  Answer: Scurvy.
  131. In 1846, Church officials received permission from what Indian tribe in Iowa to winter in their lands?  Answer: The Pottawatamie tribe.
  132. The first Saints to reach the West traveled by what means?  Answer: Ship.
  133. The road followed by the pioneers through the Wasatch Range was hewn by what group of people who passed through in 1846?  Answer: The Reed-Donnor party.
  134. What was the name given to the Gleaner Code?  Answer: The Gleaner Sheaf.
  135. In 1913, what became the sister organization to the Boy Scouts in the Church?  Answer: The Beehive Girls.
  136. Picking 800 pounds of cherries in 6 days and clearing sagebrush from half an acre of land were advance requirements in what program?  Answer: The Beehive Girls.
  137. In 1922, what colors were chosen as the Mutual colors?  Answer: Gold and green
  138. The name for the “Gleaner” girls was taken from what story in the Bible?  Answer: The story of Ruth.
  139. What did the Palmyra Reflector plagiarize?  Answer: Chapters of the Book of Mormon while it was still being typeset at the printer’s office.
  140. On June 11, 1829, what did Joseph Smith file for in district court?  Answer: The copyright for the Book of Mormon.
  141. What was the original name for Stake Mutual ‘leadership meetings”?  Answer: “Union meetings”.
  142. Joseph Smith’s work on the translation of what book, found on the Egyptian papyri, has not yet been published?  Answer: The book of Joseph.
  143. On the 15th day of Nisan, 1836, who appeared in the Kirtland Temple to fulfill the prophecy of Malachi?  Answer:  Elijah (Passover day, the day he is expect by the Jews).
  144. When the Nauvoo Charter and police force were repealed, what was organized to take the place of the city police?  Answer: “The Whittling and Whistling Club”.
  145. A white flag with ‘PEACE’ written in red letters was carried at the front of what group?  Answer: Zion’s Camp.
  146. What are referred to as Joseph Smith’s holographs?  Answer: Manuscripts written personally by Joseph.
  147. When Brigham Young spoke in tongues at a meeting with Joseph Smith, November 1832, what language did Joseph say he spoke?  Answer: The Adamic language.
  148. On what holiday in 1832 did Joseph Smith receive the Civil War prophecy?  Answer: Christmas Day.
  149. What school began on January 24, 1833?  Answer: School of the Prophets.
  150. Simonds Ryder and Ezra Booth are believed to have been among the leaders of the mob that did what to Joseph Smith?  Answer: Tarred and feathered him.
  151. In a note to Simonds Ryder, Joseph Smith spelled Ryder’s name with an ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’, causing Ryder to do what?  Answer:  Apostatize from the Church.
  152. At a conference in Ohio on January 25, 1832, Joseph Smith was sustained and ordained to what position for the first time?  Answer:  President of the High Priesthood.
  153. Emma Smith’s distress over smoking and tobacco chewing at the School of the Prophets led to the revelation known as what?  Answer:  The Word of Wisdom.
  154. What did Joseph Smith do the day after being tarred and feathered?  Answer:  Preached a sermon at a Sunday meeting.
  155. Governor Dunklin told the Saints he would restore them to Jackson County but could not protect them from what?  Answer: The mobs.
  156. During the persecutions in Jackson County, Joseph Smith told the Saints to seek redress from the law but not to sell what?  Answer: Any land.
  157. On May 18, 1833, the first official organization in the latter days of what group took place?  Answer: The First Presidency.
  158. Five days after the tarring and feathering of Joseph Smith, what happened to his 11-month old son?  Answer: He died from a cold contracted the night of the mobbing.
  159. In October 1833, Messengers Wood, Reese, Doniphan, and Atchison offered to provide what service to the Saints?  Answer: Legal defense.
  160. While camped along the Missouri River, the saints saw what they considered to be a favorable sign from Heaven.  What did they see?  Answer: A meteoric shower that filled the sky with meteors.
  161. In October 1833, Joseph Smith sent Oliver Cowdery to New York with $800 to purchase what?  Answer: A new printing press (after the press of W. W. Phelps was destroyed).
  162. The first time the anniversary of the organization of the Church was celebrated was in what year?  Answer: 1833.
  163. What was Joseph Smith told with regards to translating the Apocrypha?  Answer: It need not be translated.
  164. In what year did the first organized resistance to the Saints take place?  Answer: 1833.
  165. In December 1832, the Saints were commanded to build what?  Answer: A temple in Kirtland.
  166. “Free People of Color” was an announcement published in what periodical?  Answer: The Evening and Morning Star (JSC, page 42)
  167. The printing of the newspaper article “Free People of Color” finally led to what incident?  Answer: The destruction of W. W. Phelps’ printing press and home.
  168. How many revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants were received in Salt Lake City?  Answer: One.
  169. On July 18, 1838, the revelation found in Doctrine and Covenants 119 was given, instituting what principle for the Church?  Answer: The Law of Tithing.
  170. In 1837, where were the Egyptian mummies kept?  Answer: In the Kirtland Temple.
  171. The “Reformers” threatened to take over ownership of what if Joseph was unable to pay the debt they sued him for?  Answer: The Egyptian mummies.
  172. The Kirtland Safety Society operated for how long?  Answer: Seven months.
  173. About 9,000 spectators watched what event on July 30, 1837?  Answer: Baptisms of the first nine converts in England.
  174. Who were the “Old Standard”?  Answer: A group of dissident members who claimed they should lead the Church.
  175. A group led by Collins Brewster claimed that what person had appeared to him?  Answer: Moroni.
  176. Ohio State Legislature’s refusal to grant a bank charter caused the name Kirtland Safety Society to be changed to what?  Answer: Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Company.
  177. Who was sent to Philadelphia to get printing plates for printing banknotes in Kirtland?  Answer: Oliver Cowdery.
  178. Records of a conference held April 3-6, 1837, first mention what being used in the sacrament?  Answer: Water.
  179. In what year did the spirit of apostasy drastically threaten every quorum of the Church?  Answer: 1837.
  180. On what ship did the first missionaries to England travel?  Answer: The Garrick.
  181. What happened to Joseph Smith whenever he tried to heal a person stricken with cholera in Zion’s Camp?  Answer: The disease attacked his body.
  182. Each member of what group received $1.14 at the end of their march?  Answer: Zion’s Camp.
  183. How were the court proceedings between Sylvester Smith and Joseph Smith finally resolved?  Answer: Sylvester Smith published a public apology.
  184. Delusions, a compilation of articles by Alexander Campbell, was the first what?  Answer: Anti-Mormon book to be published.
  185. What book was in the process of being published when W. W. Phelps’ press was destroyed in 1833?  Answer: The Book of Commandments.
  186. Through what city did Zion’s Camp go one or two at a time, having been warned they would not be allowed to pass at all?  Answer: Indianapolis.
  187. While camped at Embarrass River, Zion’s Camp prepared for battle after mistaking what for an enemy campfire?  Answer: The reflection of the rising moon.
  188. During a confrontation with Joseph Smith in Zion’s Camp, what did Sylvester Smith threaten to kill?  Answer: Joseph Smith’s dog.
  189. Joseph prophesied that a scourge would come on Zion’s Camp.  What did the scourge turn out to be?  Answer: Cholera.
  190. What was the compromise proposed by Joseph Smith and the saints of Missouri to the nonmembers there?  Answer: Each side chose 6 men to decide the compensation due the Mormons.
  191. What happened to the man who vowed he would kill the Mormons in Zion’s Camp or the buzzards would eat his flesh?  Answer: He drowned and his flesh was eaten by buzzards.
  192. What was the Shakers’ response to the revelation Parley P. Pratt and others took to them?  Answer: They rejected it completely.
  193. At a general conference of the Church in Kirtland, Joseph stated that John the Revelator is working among what people?  Answer: The Ten Tribes.
  194. At a general conference in June 1831, elders were ordained to what position for the first time in this dispensation?  Answer: High Priests.
  195. Because Joseph felt Missouri was sacred and he wanted to see it, how did he travel the last 250 miles to Independence?  Answer: He walked.
  196.  In Kaw Township, outside Independence, the first log was laid by twelve men to represent what?  Answer:  The laying of the foundation of Zion.
  197. What was the first published portion of Joseph Smith’s translation of the Bible?  Answer: Matthew chapter 24.
  198. In Doctrine and Covenants 67, the Lord challenges the wisest of the elders to do what?  Answer: Write a revelation like unto the least of Joseph’s.
  199. In November 1831, Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer took what book to Missouri for printing?  Answer: The Book of Commandments.
  200. The prophecy of what ancient prophet, now found in Moses 7:1-69, was revealed to Joseph Smith in December 1830?  Answer: Enoch.
  201. What section of the Doctrine and Covenants contains the revelation that introduced the law of consecration?  Answer: Section 42.
  202. Joseph Smith received Doctrine and Covenants section 43 in relation to what claim made by Hubble and Hawley?  Answer: That they had received revelations.
  203. Doctrine and Covenants section 49 was given to Joseph Smith in answer to his inquiry about what sect?  Answer: The Shaking Quakers.
  204. What kind of dog accompanied Joseph Smith on the Zion’s Camp march?  Answer:  A bulldog.
  205. What was the first miraculous healing performed in the restored Church?  Answer:  A devil was cast out of Newel K. Knight.
  206. What was the series of articles entitled “The Book of Pukei”?  Answer:  A satire of the Book of Mormon.
  207. Where was the first conference of the Church held?  Answer: In the Whitmer home.
  208. Under what title did Abner Cole print excerpts of the Book of Mormon in his paper?  Answer: “Joe Smith’s Gold Bible”.
  209. The first Sunday meeting of the Church was held in whose home?  Answer: The home of Peter Whitmer.
  210. On what day of the week was the Church organized?  Answer: Tuesday.
  211. In the winter of 1830, mass meetings were held in Palmyra to boycott what?  Answer: The printing of the Book of Mormon.
  212. Elder Gary E Stevenson was only 60 when called to serve as an apostle.  Quite young?  Can you name other recent apostles who were younger than 60 years old when called to the apostleship?  (The age at which they were ordained apostles follows the name)  President Thomas S. Monson (36), President Dallin H. Oaks (51), Elder David A. Bednar (52), Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (53), Elder M. Russell Ballard (57), Elder Neil L. Anderson (57), Russell M. Nelson (59).
  213. Thus far, who has been the youngest brother called to the apostleship in this dispensation?  John W. Young (19 years old at the time of official announcement, but he was ordained an apostle at age 10).
  214. Elder Ronald A. Rasband was 64 years 8 months at the time of his ordination as an apostle.  Can you name some other recent apostles who were older than 64 when called to serve in the Quorum of the Twelve?   Elder Quentin L. Cook was 67 years 1 month when called, Elders David B. Haight and Joseph B. Wirthlin were both 69 years 4 months old when called, and President Hugh B. Brown was 74 years 6 months of age when called to the apostleship.
  215. Thus far in this dispensation, which apostle was the oldest at the time of his call to the apostleship?  Elder George Q. Morris was 80 years 2 months old when called as an apostle.
  216. Here is a unique birthday situation that existed among our apostles for several years — Elder Quentin L. Cook’s birthday is September 8, President Russell M. Nelson’s birthday is September 9, and Elder Boyd K. Packer’s birthday was September 10.  Elder Packer and President Nelson were only 1 day apart in age.
  217. A recent member of our First Presidency is or was a nephew of one of our prophets.  Can you identify the First Presidency member and his prophet-uncle?  — President Henry B. Eyring is the nephew of President Spencer W. Kimball.  President Eyring’s mother, Camilla Kimball Eyring, was President Kimball’s sister.
  218. The vast majority of our latter-day apostles passed away in the state of Utah.  One of our latter-day apostles passed away in Paris.  What were the circumstances that led to this unique situation?  — Apostle Charles C. Rich passed away in Paris, Idaho.  He helped to settle the Cache Valley area in northern Utah and southern Idaho.  (I apologize for this ‘trick’ question!)
  219. Can you name some apostles who served a long time as the junior apostle (or least senior apostle) in the Quorum of the Twelve — Elder Neil L. Anderson for 6.5 years, President Henry B. Eyring for 9.5 years, and Elder Franklin D. Richards for 11.5 years.
  220. One of our latter-day apostles had the same middle and last name.  What were the circumstances? — Hugh Brown Brown, his mother’s maiden name was Brown, and to honor both sides of the family, they names him Hugh Brown Brown.
  221. Not surprisingly, almost half of our latter day apostles have been born in the state of Utah.  What state is #2? — Vermont, with 10.
  222. Presently, only two prophets are buried outside of Utah.  Who are they and where are they buried?  The Prophet Joseph Smith is buried in Nauvoo, Illinois and President Ezra Taft Benson is buried in Whitney, Idaho
  223. Can you name some apostles who served in the apostleship for over 40 years without serving as the President of the Church? — Elder Franklin D. Richards for fifty years, Elder Orson Pratt for 46 years, and Elder Boyd K. Packer for 45 years.
  224. To date (2025), only one of our apostles has had 9 letters in his last name.  Can you name this apostle?  Elder Gary E. Stevenson.
  225. To date (2025), which of our apostles has had the longest last name?  Elder D. Todd Christoffersen, with 14 letters.
  226. Which of our apostles, to date, has had the shortest last name?  President Harold B. Lee, with just 3 letters.
  227. Elders L. Tom Perry and Boyd K. Packer passed away within 34 days of each other.  Can you name any situations in which apostles passed away within a shorter time period that 34 days?  Elders Neal A. Maxwell and David B. Haight, just 10 days.  Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, just 2 or 3 minutes.
  228. Can you identify long periods of time between apostolic deaths?  The time period between President Howard W. Hunter and Elder Neal A. Maxwell was 9 years and 5 months.  Another long period was 6 years 6 months between the deaths of Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin and Elder L. Tom Perry.
  229. Twice prophets have passed away without there being any other apostolic deaths in the interim.  Can you name these two occurrences?   The interim between Presidents Joseph Fielding Smith and Harold B. Lee, and then again between the deaths of President Ezra Taft Benson and Howard W. Hunter.
  230. To date, only once have three apostles passed away in the same calendar year.  Can you name this unusual occurrence? Elder Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, and Richard G. Scott all passed away in 2015.
  231. Can you name some of our apostles that were born in countries other than the USA and England?  Elder Marriner W Merrill in Canada, Elder Anthon H Lund in Denmark,  Elder John A Widtsoe in Norway, Elder Charles A Callis in Ireland, Elder Marion G Romney in Mexico, Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf in Czechoslovakia, Elder Ulisses Soares in Brazil.
  232. Only one apostle has served as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve TWICE — Boyd K. Packer, first while President Thomas S. Monson was serving as counselor to President Hunter, and then again when President Monson served as counselor to President Gordon B. Hinckley, a total of almost 14 years.
  233. Can you name some temples with the longest names?  Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple, and we will soon have the Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple.
  234. Can you name some of our temples with the shortest names?   Salt Lake, Lima Peru, Suva Fiji, Orem Utah, Yigo Guam.
  235. Can you name a temple that is very close to the equator?   Guayaquil Ecuador Temple.  Can you name two temples are far to the north?  Anchorage Alaska Temple and the Helsinki Finland Temple.  Can you name some temples far to the south?  Melbourne Australia Temple, Hamilton New Zealand Temple.  The new Wellington New Zealand will also be very far to the south.
  236. How many saints were held prisoner with Joseph Smith at Richmond Jail?  Answer: Fifty-two (52).
  237. In Joseph Smith’s political platform, he proposed to pardon all convicts except those accused of what?  Answer: Murder.
  238. In Joseph Smith’s political platform, he proposed to turn penitentiaries into what?  Answer: Seminaries of learning.
  239. In August of 1842 Joseph Smith was arrested in Nauvoo on what charge?  Answer: Ordering Porter Rockwell to shoot Governor Boggs of Missouri.
  240. What is the English translation of the Tongan word “Palaimeli”?  Answer: Primary.
  241. What was “The Lions of the Press”?  Answer: A parable satirizing publishers and writers who dealt with Mormonism.
  242. What was the original name of the Nauvoo Neighbor?  Answer: The Wasp.
  243. Heber C. Kimball organized the forerunner of Church youth organizations.  What was it called?  Answer: Young Gentlemen and Ladies Relief Society.
  244. Where in Nauvoo was Joseph Smith’s family living when he was martyred?  Answer: In the Nauvoo Mansion House.
  245. In Joseph Smith’s political platform, whom did he propose to pay $2 per day?  Answer: Members of Congress.
  246. In Joseph Smith’s political platform, what did he propose to abolish by 1850?  Answer: Slavery.
  247. Joseph Smith’s last public oration was delivered to what group?  Answer: The Nauvoo Legion.
  248. What was called the “rascal beater”?  Answer: The cane that John Taylor used at the Carthage Jail.
  249. How much time passed between when Martin Harris took the 116 pages of manuscript and when Joseph Smith learned they were lost?  Answer: Three weeks.
  250. The day after Martin Harris left with the 116 pages of manuscript, what tragedy occurred in Joseph Smith’s life?  Answer: His first child was born and died within a few hours.
  251. Doctrine and Covenants section 7 records the answer given to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery concerning what person?  Answer: John the Beloved.
  252. By the end of 1940, due to World War II, North and South America and Hawaii were the only areas left with what?  Answer: Full-time missionaries.
  253. What Church president participated in the first preaching of the gospel by radio during his administration?  Answer: Heber J. Grant.
  254. What work by B. H. Roberts was published for the Centennial Conference of the Church?  Answer: Comprehensive History of the Church.
  255. Because of mob violence, guards at the Kirtland Temple site were to sleep with what?  Answer: Their rifles.
  256. In the court case between Philastus Hurlbut and Joseph Smith over threats on Joseph’s life, who lost the case?  Answer: Mr. Hurlbut.
  257. Governor Dunklin told the Missouri Saints the state militia could be called out to protect them only by what man?  Answer: The President of the United States.
  258. Leonard Rich was called before a Church court on what charge?  Answer: Selling revelations.
  259. The first case before the first high council accused Curtis Hodges, Sr., of what?  Answer: Preaching so loudly that people ran to the church to see if someone was hurt.
  260. In February of 1834, the high council decided no member was worthy to hold a Church office if they broke what?  Answer: The Word of Wisdom.
  261. In February of 1834, Parley P. Pratt and Lyman Wight traveled 800 miles from Kirtland to Missouri by what means?  Answer: On foot, walking.
  262. What were the “Liberty Blues”?  Answer: The armed force ordered out in Missouri to protect the Saints.
  263. What is referred to as the “Miracle Bowl”?  Answer: Brigham Young University’s football victory in the third Holiday Bowl.
  264. BYU defeated what team 46 to 45 to win the Holiday Bowl number three?  Answer: Southern Methodist University.
  265. What anniversary was celebrated by the Church in 1980?  Answer: The sesquicentennial of the organization of the Church.
  266. Of the revelations recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants, the greatest number were received in what year?  Answer: 1831.
  267. In 1879, what man headed a committee that divided the Doctrine and Covenants into verses and added references?  Answer: Orson Pratt.
  268. On October 15, 1982, the Church was honored by the Laymen’s National Bible Committee for what work?  Answer: The LDS edition of the Bible.
  269. When the Angel Moroni came to Joseph Smith on September 21 and 22, 1823, what 3 Old Testament prophets did he quote?  Answer: Isaiah, Joel, Malachi.
  270. As of 1984, how many sections were there in the Doctrine and Covenants?  Answer: 138.
  271. How many official declarations are there at the end of the Doctrine and Covenants as of 1984? Answer: Two.
  272. What was the first Church motion picture produced at the BYU movie studio?  Answer: The Bishop.
  273. In the summer of 1839, the Saints in Nauvoo were plagued with what disease?  Answer: Malaria.
  274. Wilford Woodruff healed sick twins by wiping their faces with what belonging to Joseph Smith?  Answer: His silk bandana.
  275. How much did Joseph Smith pay the lawyers in Missouri for legal fees?  Answer: $34,000.
  276. The first saints to migrate to America from a foreign country came on what ship?  Answer: The Britannia.
  277. In August of 1841, members of what 2 Indian tribes visited joseph Smith in Nauvoo, to whom he preached?  Answer: Sac and Fox.
  278. Joseph Smith baptized Emma Smith’s first relative to join the Church.  What was his relationship to Emma?  Answer: Her nephew.
  279. In 1842, The Wasp published Joseph Smith’s phrenology chart, which described his character using what means?  Answer: The shape of his skull and bumps on his head.
  280. What was the first book Joseph Smith worked on in his translation of the Bible?  Answer: Genesis.
  281. After working on the translation of Genesis for 10 months, Joseph Smith translated which portion of the Bible next?  Answer:  The New Testament.
  282. What book of scripture was never published completely during joseph Smith’s lifetime?  Answer: The Pearl of Great Price.
  283. What church publishes Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible?  Answer: The Community of Christ, or the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  284. Who first had the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible published in book form?  Answer: Joseph Smith III.
  285. What is the name of the corporation that broadcasts general conference from Utah?  Answer: Bonneville International.
  286. In 1982, the only known signed testimony of which of the Three Witnesses was found?  Answer: Martin Harris (Church News, October 9, 1982, page 23)
  287. By what name was Joseph F. Smith known to the Polynesians?  Answer: Josepa.
  288. The pioneers made ‘minute pudding’.  What were the ingredients?  Answer: Flour, water, sugar.
  289. In what publication was Joseph Smith’s first vision first put into print?  Answer: “An Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions”.
  290. How many died during the first year at Winter Quarters?  Answer: 600 people.
  291. When the first conference was held in June 1830, how many people were members of the Church?  Answer: 27 persons.
  292. What was the name of the pageant given by the CHurch at its centennial celebration?  Answer: The Message of the Ages.
  293. In 1930, what 2 national organizations was the Relief Society a member of?  Answer: National Council of Women and the National Conference of Social Work.
  294. What was the first coeducational state university in America?  Answer: University of Utah.
  295. In what year was the Word of Wisdom first given?  Answer: 1833.
  296. How many children arrived in the Salt Lake Valley as part of the first group to leave from Winter Quarters?  Answer: Two.
  297. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan investigated and toured a center for what Church program?  Answer: The Church Welfare Program.
  298. During World War II, LDS sailors on the USS Nevada used what for their sacrament cups?  Answer: 20 millimeter anti-aircraft shell casings.
  299. What time was it when a bullet stopped John Taylor’s watch at Carthage Jail?  Answer: 5:05 pm.
  300. How many hospitals did the Church own when it divested its hospital holdings?  Answer: Fifteen.
  301. What Church magazine was discontinued in 1970?  Answer: The Relief Society Magazine.
  302. What was the first foreign language that the Pearl of Great Price was translated into?  Answer: Welsh (1852).
  303. What was the first foreign language that the Doctrine and Covenants was translated into?  Answer: Welsh (1851).
  304. In its infant stages, what did the Church issue to all missionaries and men holding priesthood offices?  Answer: Licenses  (see BYU Studies, volume 22, page 96).
  305. Why were Webster’s Dictionary, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Ben Franklin’s Autobiography, and the Book of Mormon exhibited together in 1946?  Answer: They were four of the written works published before 1900 that most influenced Americans.
  306. How many copies of the Book of Mormon were originally published?  Answer: Five thousand.
  307. Who pays for the trips that the Choir at Temple Square takes?  Answer: The choir itself, with funds from ticket sales, donations, fund raising, recording sales, etc.).
  308. How calm did Joseph Smith say that he was as he rode toward Carthage, shortly before his death?  Answer: “Calm as a summer’s morning”.
  309. How old was Joseph Smith when he was martyred?  Answer: Thirty-eight years old.
  310. What Church film depicts Lorenzo Snow and the revival of the principle of tithing?  Answer: Windows of Heaven.
  311. Who, as president of the Council of Twelve, reconciled a bitter quarrel between two men by singing to them?  Answer: John Taylor (see the New Era, January 1972, page 28).
  312. What man, who later became president of the Church, baptized 2,000 people into the Church?  Answer: Wilford Woodruff.
  313. What religious sect sponsored Oberlin College, where Lorenzo Snow Attended school?  Answer: Presbyterian.
  314. In Lorenzo Snow’s first year as president of the Church (1898), over 1000 missionaries were called.  When were that many missionaries called again?  Answer: 1918.
  315. What unusual event took place at the funeral of George Albert Smith?  Answer: A non-Mormon was one of the principal speakers (M. Fitzgerald).
  316. Whose suite in the Hotel Utah was affectionately referred to as the ‘bridal suite’?  Answer: The suite of President and Sister David O. Mckay.
  317. What prophet presided over the first area general conference?  Answer: Joseph Fielding Smith.
  318. Who was the tenth president of the Church?  Answer: President Joseph Fielding Smith.
  319. What does the acronym LDSSA stand for?  Answer: Latter-day Saint Student Association.
  320. Who was the first Church leader to visit New Zealand as a general authority?  Answer: David O. McKay.
  321. In 1996 the Relief Society Magazine was first translated into what foreign language?  Answer: Spanish.
  322. What was the ‘letters to the editor’ column in the Improvement Era titled?  Answer:  “Buffs and Rebuffs”.
  323. Five women arrived in San Diego on January 29, 1847, as part of what?  Answer: The Mormon Battalion.
  324. What was raised on Antelope Island to provide money for the Perpetual Emigration Fund?  Answer: Cattle.
  325. What was the cost of 1 week’s board and care when the Deseret Hospital opened in 1882?  Answer: Eight dollars.
  326. What group laid the third cornerstone of the Nauvoo Temple?  Answer: The High Council.
  327. What group laid the fourth cornerstone of the Nauvoo Temple?  Answer: Bishops.
  328. When the apostles left England in April 1841, why did Parley P. Pratt remain behind?  Answer: To edit and publish the Millennial Star.
  329. What selection from the New Testament printed in the Deseret Alphabet appeared in the Deseret News Answer: The Sermon on the Mount.
  330. What was the seminary filmstrip series called that starred Tom and Lillie?  Answer: Tom Trails.
  331. On what day of the week was the first network Tabernacle Choir program?  Answer: Monday.
  332. In what year did the Tabernacle Choir mark its 2,000th broadcast?  Answer: 1967.
  333. The announcements for the first network Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast were made atop what?  Answer: A 12-foot ladder (in order to reach the microphone).
  334. The wives and women of the Mormon Battalion were originally employed as what?  Answer: Laundresses.
  335. In what year did Elias, Elijah, and Moses return to restore the priesthood keys?  Answer: 1836.
  336. After Satan rebelled against God, how many of God’s spirit children did he persuade to follow him?  Answer: One-third.
  337. At the European area conference in 1973, out of the 700 saints allowed to attend from East Germany, 500 were over what age?  Answer: Sixty years of age.
  338. SON-ZAMAN AZİZLERİ ISA MESIH KILISESI is the name of the Church in what language?  Answer: Turkish.
  339. What was the first area conference that a Relief Society General President participated in?  Answer: The 1975 Asian area conference.
  340. The only known surviving example of the handcarts that crossed the plains is currently displayed where?  Answer: In the Smithsonian Institute.
  341. What kind of gun was given to Joseph Smith in the Carthage Jail?  Answer: A double-action percussion pepperbox.
  342. What kind of gun was given to Hyrum Smith in the Carthage Jail?  Answer: A single-shot percussion derringer.
  343. In 1856, Church leaders conducted a repentance campaign now called what?  Answer: The Reformation.
  344. For a number of years the Church held “Old Folks’ Day” for anyone over what age?  Answer: Seventy years old.
  345. There were approximately 2,000 in the beginning and now there are nearly 11,000.  What are they?  Answer: Pipes in the Tabernacle organ.
  346. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir took its first trip in 1893 to sing where?  Answer: At the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.
  347. In its beginning stages, the Tabernacle Choir performed where?  Answer: In the Bowery, in Salt Lake City.
  348. What was built in Australia, shipped across the Pacific Ocean to California, the hauled by mule teams to Salt Lake City?  Answer:  The original Tabernacle organ, built by Joseph Harris Ridges.
  349. What is the oldest coast-to-coast radio program in the United States?  Answer: The Tabernacle Choir broadcast (Music and the Spoken Word).
  350. Where does the Tabernacle Choir get money to operate?  Answer: It is self-sustaining, receiving no operational money from Church funds.
  351. Which was the first group ever to perform on the Passion Play House stage in Oberammergau other than the Passion players?  Answer: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
  352. A World Airways press release in 1973 stated that what record was set when the Tabernacle Choir traveled to Munich?  Answer: The most milk and least alcohol ever consumed on one airline flight.
  353. During the administration of Joseph F. Smith, the First Presidency issued two doctrinal expositions on what topics?  Answer: The origin of man and the nature of the Father and the Son.
  354. For what purpose was President Joseph F. Smith called to Washington, D.C.,  to testify?  Answer: As testimony in the hearings regarding the seating of Reed Smoot in the Senate.
  355. What Church-related society was established in 1894?  Answer: The Genealogical Society of Utah.
  356. In 1921, what assignment was given to Elder David O. McKay by President Grant that took a year to complete?  Answer: Tour the missions of the Church, world-wide.
  357. In 1971, what particular missionary program commenced?  Answer: The medical missionary program.
  358. In 1978, Church membership passed how many million?  Answer: Four million.
  359. Besides academic or theological subjects, what evening class did the School of the Prophets in Kirtland commission?  Answer: Classes in voice.
  360. The 1835 edition of what measured only 2.75 inches by 4.5 inches?  Answer: The first Church hymnbook.
  361. Brigham Young once said that if he was placed on a cannibal island, in charge of civilizing the inhabitants, he would build what?  Answer: A theater (Ensign, July 1977).
  362. What movie produced by the Brigham Young University motion picture department has won 14 national and international honors?  Answer: Cipher in the Snow.
  363. The first Church Music Committee was called by  what Church president?  Answer: Heber J. Grant.
  364. What printed booklet was included inside the March 1890 Ensign?  Answer: The Church and the Proposed Equal Rights Amendment — A Moral Issue.
  365. For the trek west, a family of 5 as recommended to have 20 pounds of what? Answer: Sugar.

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