Mosiah 22
544. (H-M) How did Ammon and king Limhi formulate a plan of deliverance from their Lamanite bondage?
. A. They conferred only with each other
. B. They convened a council of the church leaders
. C. They convened a war council of the captains of their army
. D. They consulted with their people and sought the voice of the people
. Answer: D (Mosiah 22:1)
545. (H-M) The only means of deliverance from bondage that Ammon, king Limhi, and the people could conceive of was:
A. To engage their Lamanite captors in open warfare
B. To depart into the wilderness with their families, flocks, herds, and tents
C. To negotiate with the Lamanite king and plead for their freedom
D. To capture some of the Lamanite daughters and hold them hostage
Answer: B (Mosiah 22:2)
546. (H-E) Ammon and king Limhi felt it was impossible to contend with the Lamanites for the following reason:
A. The Lamanites had superior weapons of war
B. The Lamanites were more fully trained in warfare
C. The Lamanites were too numerous
D. The Lamanites were ferocious and blood-thirsty
Answer: C (Mosiah 22:2)
547. (H-M) Who stepped forward and offered an excellent plan of escape to king Limhi?
A. Gideon
B. Ammon
C. Aaron
D. Giddianhi
E. Gidgiddoni
Answer: A (Mosiah 22:3)]
548. (H-C) As Gideon presented his plan of escape to king Limhi, he said all of the following things EXCEPT:
A. Thou hast hitherto hearkened unto my words many times when we have been contending with our brethren, the Lamanites
B. If thou hast not found me to be an unprofitable servant
C. We must be patient in our afflictions and wait upon the hand of the Lord for deliverance from bondage
D. If thou hast hitherto listened to my words in any degree and they have been of service to thee
E. I desire that thou wouldst listen to my words at this time
F. I will be thy servant and deliver this people out of bondage
Answer: C (Mosiah 22:3-4)
549. (H-M) Gideon presented which of the following plans to king Limhi?
A. To overpower the small group of Lamanite guards that guarded the back pass of the city and then flee into the wilderness
B. To lure the Lamanite guards away from the back pass by creating a diversion at the front pass of the city
C. To attempt to preach the gospel to the Lamanite guards, softening their hearts toward the Nephites
D. To pay an extra tribute of wine to the guards which guarded the back pass, causing them to become drunk
Answer: D (Mosiah 22:6-7)
550. (H-C) Which pass out of the city did Gideon propose that the Nephites use for their escape?
A. The front pass
B. The secret pass
C. The back pass
D. The side pass
E. The forward pass
Answer: B (Mosiah 22:7)
551. (H-M) Gideon suggested that the Nephites depart into the wilderness after the Lamanite guards were drunken and asleep, and that they then travel around the land of _________.
A. Zarahemla
B. Nephi
C. Shilom
D. Sidon
E. Shemlon
Answer: C (Mosiah 22:8)
552. (H-C) All of the following events transpired as Limhi’s people escaped EXCEPT:
A. King Limhi hearkened unto the words of Gideon
B. The Lamanite guards drank freely of the wine presented to them
C. The Nephites fled into the wilderness, went round about the land of Shilom, and bent their course toward the land of Zarahemla
D. The Nephites left their gold, silver, and precious things behind so that they could lighten their loads and flee in greater haste
E. After many days in the wilderness, Limhi’s people arrived in Zarahemla Answer: D (Mosiah 22:9-13)
553. (H-M) Once Limhis people arrived in Zarahemla, all of the following things happened to them EXCEPT:
A. They joined Mosiah’s people
B. They became Mosiah’s subjects
C. Mosiah received them, but viewed them as an additional burden for him in his kingdom
D. Mosiah received their own records and also the records they had discovered
Answer: C (Mosiah -14)
554. (H-M) When the Lamanites discovered that the people of Limhi had fled, they did all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Sent an army in pursuit
B. Sought vengeance by attacking other Nephites that were living in the area
C. Pursued the Nephites for two days before losing their tracks
D. Became lost in the wilderness after vainly pursuing the people of Limhi Answer: B (Mosiah -16)
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