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Mosiah 5 ( ** )

Mosiah 5

281. (H-E) After king Benjamin finished speaking to his people, he did which of the following?|
.         A. Administered the sacrament to the people
.         B. Led the people in prayer
.         C. Led the people in a ‘Hallelujah’ shout
       D. Dedicated the Nephite lands for the preaching of the gospel
.         E. Sent among the people, desiring to know if they believed his words
                                                                                                                Answer:  E   (Mosiah 5:1)

282. (H-E) When king Benjamin sent among his people, desiring to know if they believed his words, the people cried out with ______ voice(s).
         A. A loud
         B. One
         C. Grateful
         D. Discordant
         E. Nearly united
                                                                                                                   Answer:  B   (Mosiah 5:2)

283. (D-E) King Benjamin’s people told him all the following EXCEPT:
         A. We believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us
         B. We know of the truth of thy words because of the spirit of the Lord Omnipotent
         C. The spirit has wrought a mighty change in our minds and in our souls
         D. We no longer have a disposition to do evil
         E. We desire to do good continually
                                                                                                                                                      Answer:  C   (Mosiah 5:2)

284. (D-C) Following king Benjamin’s sermon to his people, they said that they had great views of that which was to come, and, if needed, they could prophesy of all things. These blessings were due to which two spiritual gifts?
         A. Prophecy and divine revelation
         B. The condescension and longsuffering of God
         C. The power of the atonement of the Savior, and His eternal mercy
         D. The infinite goodness of God and the manifestations of His spirit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Answer:  D   (Mosiah 5:3)

285. (D-E) True or False:  The faith which the people had in the things which king Benjamin had spoken unto them was the thing
.        that brought them to great
knowledge and caused them to rejoice with great joy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Answer:  True   (Mosiah 5:4)

286. (D-M) The people of king Benjamin were willing to enter into a covenant with God to do two things.  Those two things were:
         A. To do God’s will and to be obedient to His commandments in all things
         B. To take upon themselves the name of God and always remember Him
         C. To fast and pray always
         D. To mourn with those that mourned and to comfort those in need of comfort
         E. To lift up the hands which hung down and to strengthen the feeble knees                                                                                                                                                                                      Answer:  A   (Mosiah 5:5)

287. (D-C) By doing God’s will and obeying His commandments, the people of king Benjamin hoped to avoid:
         A. Being cast into a lake of fire and brimstone
         B. Being called the children of Satan
         C. Bringing upon themselves never-ending torment
         D. Drinking out of the cup of the wrath of God
         E. Both A and B
         F. Both C and D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Answer:  F   (Mosiah 5:5)

288. (H-M) King Benjamin referred to the covenant which his people had made as a(n) __________ covenant.
         A. Righteous
         B. Eternal
         C. Everlasting
         D. Temple
         E. Binding
                                                                                                           Answer:   A   (Mosiah 5:6)

289. (D-M) Because of the covenant which king Benjamin’s people were willing to make with God, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
         A. They were called the children of Christ (His sons and daughters)
         B. They were spiritually begotten of Christ
         C. Their hearts were changed through faith on Christ’s name
         D. They were born of Christ
         E. They had their callings and elections made sure
         F. They were made free under the head of faith in Christ
                                                                                                          Answer:  E   (Mosiah 5:7-8)

290.  (D-E) True or False:  There are only two heads whereby men can be made free, and only two names whereby salvation can come.
                                                                                                        Answer:  False   (Mosiah 5:8)

291.  (D-M) The actual covenant that king Benjamin’s people made unto God was:
         A. That they would obtain all their errands from the Lord
         B. That they would share all their possessions in common
         C. That they would be obedient to God unto the ends of their lives
         D. That they would look unto God in every thought
         E. That they would not trust in the arm of flesh
                                                                                                        Answer:  C   (Mosiah 5:8)]

292.  (D-E) King Benjamin told his people that whosoever would take upon themselves the name of Christ would experience all of the following EXCEPT:
         A. They would be found on the right hand of God
         B. They would know the name by which they were called
         C. They would be called by the name of Christ
         D. They would run and not be weary and walk and not faint
                                                                                                         Answer:  D  (Mosiah 5:8-9)

293. (D-E) King Benjamin reminded his people that whosoever does not take upon himself the name of Christ will be called by another name and will be found
         A. In outer darkness
         B. In spirit prison
         C. On the left hand of God
         D. Outside of the degrees of glory
         E. Lacking the gifts of the spirit
                                                                                                     Answer: C   (Mosiah )
294. (D-M) King Benjamin asked his people to remember that ____________ will blot the name of Christ out of their hearts.
         A. Envy
         B. Greed
         C. Pride
         D. Hatred
         E. Transgression
                                                                                                   Answer: E   (Mosiah )
295. (D-M) King Benjamin hoped for all the following for his people EXCEPT:
         A. That they would retain the name of Christ always in their hearts
         B. That they would sell all that they had and give to the poor
         C. That they would not be found on the left hand of God
         D. That they would know the voice by which they were called
         E. That they would know the master whom they served
         F. That God would not be far from the thoughts and intents of their hearts
                                                                                                                                        Answer: B   (Mosiah -13)
296. (D-M) Just as the Lord will not receive a man who knows not the name by which he is called (the name of Christ), a man would not allow his neighbor's 
        ____________ to feed among his own flocks.
         A. Goat
         B. Black sheep
         C. Lamb
         D. Horse
         E. Ass
                                                                                                                                       Answer: E   (Mosiah 5:14)
297. (D-M) King Benjamin exhorted his people to do all of the following EXCEPT:
         A. To be steadfast
         B. To be immovable
         C. To cleanse the inner vessel
         D. To always abound in good works
                                                                                                                                      Answer: C   (Mosiah )
298. (D-M) King Benjamin exhorted his people to be steadfast so that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, could do which of the following for them:
         A. Seal them his
         B. Bring them to heaven
         C. Grant them everlasting salvation
         D. Grant them eternal life
         E. All of the above
                                                                                                                                     Answer: E   (Mosiah )
299. (D-M) King Benjamin concluded his admonitions to his people by describing God who is above all.  He mentioned all of the following traits of God EXCEPT:|
         A. Magnificence
         B. Wisdom
         C. Power
         D. Justice
         E. Mercy
                                                                                                                                    Answer: A   (Mosiah )

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