Mosiah 3
226. (D-M) King Benjamin spoke to his people concerning things to come. How were those things made know unto him?
. A. In a dream
. B. In a night vision
. C. In a visit by an angel of God
. D. By the whisperings of the spirit
. E. None of the above
. Answer: C (Mosiah 3:1-2)
227. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin said all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Awake and hear the words which I shall tell thee
B. I am come to declare unto you the glad tidings of great joy
C. The Lord hath heard thy prayers and hath judged of thy righteousness
D. The Lord hath sent me to declare unto thee that thou might rejoice
E. The Lord would have thee declare unto this people, that they may be filled with fear and trembling
Answer: E (Mosiah 3: 2-4)
228. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the Lord Omnipotent would soon come down from heaven among the children of men and do
. all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Dwell in a tabernacle of clay
B. Vanquish every foe
C. Go forth working mighty miracles
D. Cast out devils, or evil spirits
E. Suffer temptations
F. Suffer pain, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death Answer: B (Mosiah 3:5-7)
229. (D-D) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that devils, or evil spirits, dwell in the __________ of men.
A. Hearts
B. Minds
C. Bodies
D. Souls
E. Brains
Answer: A (Mosiah 3:6)
230. (D-E) True or false: The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the anguish which Jesus would suffer for the wickedness and abominations
. of his people would be so great that it would cause blood to come from every one of his pores. Answer: T (Mosiah 3:7)
231. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the Lord Omnipotent would be called by all of the following names EXCEPT:
A. Jesus Christ
B. The Son of God
C. The Father of heaven and earth
D. The Stone of Israel
E. The creator of all things from the beginning
Answer: D (Mosiah 3:8)
232. (D-M) True or false: The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the mother of Jesus would be called Mary and that the father of Jesus would be
. called Joseph. Answer: F (Mosiah 3:8)
233. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin said all of the following things about Jesus EXCEPT:
A. By coming unto his own, Jesus made it possible for salvation to come unto the children of men, if they would exercise faith in his name
B. The children of men would consider him just a man and would say he had a devil
C. The children of men would scourge him and crucify him
D. He would rise on the third day from the dead and stand to judge the world
E. He would do all these things that a righteous judgment might come upon the children of men
F. He would send forth hail and winds and mighty storms to rebuke and punish the wicked Answer: F (Mosiah 3:9-10)
234. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the blood of the Savior would atone for the sins of which of the following?
A. Those who had fallen by the transgression of Adam
B. Those who had died not knowing the will of God concerning them
C. Those who had ignorantly sinned
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
Answer: E (Mosiah )
235. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that there is only one way for salvation to come to the person who knowingly rebels against God.
. What is that one way?
A. Dressing in sackcloth and ashes
B. Through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ
C. Through weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth
D. Claiming ignorance to the commandments
Answer: B (Mosiah )
236. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the Lord God had sent his holy prophets among all the children of men to declare all of the following
A. That whosoever should believe that Christ should come might receive remission of their sins
B. That whosoever should believe that Christ should come might rejoice with exceedingly great joy
C. That whosoever should believe that Christ should come would be caught up to the third heaven
D. That whosoever should believe that Christ should come might rejoice even as though he had already come among them Answer: C (Mosiah )
237. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the Lord God saw that his people were a stiffnecked people, so he did which of the following things for them?
A. He appointed unto them the law of Moses
B. He showed unto them many signs, wonders, types, and shadows concerning his coming
C. He sent holy prophets unto them to speak concerning his coming
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer: D (Mosiah -15)
238. (D-M) True or false: The children of Israel, the Lord’s people, were so hard-hearted and stiffnecked that they did not understand that the law of Moses availed nothing
. except it was through the atonement of the blood of the Savior.
Answer: T (Mosiah )
239. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin made all of the following declarations EXCEPT:
A. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be enlivened
B. Even if it was possible that little children could sin, they could not be saved except through the atonement of Christ
C. As in Adam, or by nature, little children fall, even so the blood of Christ atones for their sins
D. There shall be no other name be given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto men but through Christ, the Lord Omnipotent
E. The Lord judges, and his judgment is just
F. The infant that dies in his infancy does not perish
Answer: A (Mosiah -18)
240. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that men drink damnation unto their own souls unless they do which of the following?
A. Humble themselves
B. Become as little children
C. Believe that salvation was, is, and is to come through the atoning blood of Christ
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
Answer: E (Mosiah )
241. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin stated that the natural man has been and is an enemy to God, and will remain such unless he does all of the following things EXCEPT:
A. Yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit
B. Puts off the natural man
C. Ascends unto the hill of the Lord
D. Becomes a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord
E. Becomes as a child, that is, submissive, meek, humble, patient, and full of love
F. Is willing to submit to all things which the Lord sees fit to inflict upon him
Answer: C (Mosiah )
242. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin spoke of all the following EXCEPT:
A. A time to come when the knowledge of the Savior would spread through every nation, kindred, tongue, and people
B. A time to come when the moon and the sun would be darkened, and would refuse to give their light
C. A time to come when only through repentance and faith on the name of the Lord would men be found blameless, excepting little children
D. That king Benjamin’s people, when they had been taught the things which he had commanded, would no more be found blameless, only in and according
to the words which the angel had spoken
E. That his (the angel’s) words would stand as a bright testimony against the people at the judgment day
F. That at the judgment day men would be judged according to their works, whether they be good or evil Answer: B (Mosiah -24)
243. (D-M) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin said all of the following about evil men EXCEPT:
A. They are consigned to an awful view of their own guilt and abominations
B. They shrink from the presence of the Lord into a state of misery and endless torment, from which they cannot return
C. They drink damnation to their own souls
D. They have drunk out of the cup of the wrath of God
E. Justice cannot deny them, just as it could not deny Adam when he partook of the forbidden fruit
F. They will eventually receive an inheritance in a kingdom of glory
Answer: F (Mosiah -26)
244. (D-E) The angel who appeared to king Benjamin said all of the following about evil men EXCEPT:
A. Mercy could have claim on them no more forever
B. Their torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone
C. The flames from the lake of fire and brimstone are unquenchable and the smoke therefrom ascends up forever and ever
D. They will rent their clothes in shame and disgust
Answer: D (Mosiah -27)
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