Alma 17
1009. (H-E) As Alma was journeying from the land of Gideon southward, toward the land of Manti, who did he meet (to his astonishment)?
. A. The sons of Mosiah, as they journeyed towards the land of Zarahemla.
. B. The wicked priests of king Noah, along with the kidnapped Lamanite daughters.
. C. Some of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi people, traveling to Middoni.
. D. A group of very angry Lamanite soldiers, on their way to wage war with the Nephites.
. E. A group of direct descendants of Nephi and Lehi, seeking out their ancestors.
. Answer: A (Alma 17:1)
1010. (D-E) Alma met the sons of Mosiah as they were journeying to Zarahemla. All of the following statements concerning those brethren are
. correct EXCEPT:
. A. They were with Alma when the angel first appeared to him.
. B. Alma rejoiced exceedingly when he saw these brethren.
. C. These sons of Mosiah were still Alma’s brethren in the Lord.
. D. They had all been given the spiritual gifts of prophecy, the interpretation of tongues, and the discernment of the diversity of operations.
. E. They had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth.
. F. They were men of sound understanding, and had read the scriptures diligently.
. G. They knew the word of God.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:2)
1011. (D-M) All of the following statements are true concerning the sons of Mosiah, whom Alma met in his travels, EXCEPT:
. A. They had given themselves to much prayer and fasting.
. B. They had the spirit of prophecy and the spirit of revelation.
. C. When they taught, they taught with the power and authority of God.
. D. They had been teaching the word of God among the Lamanites for 28 years.
. E. They had much success in bringing the Lamanites to an understanding of the truth.
. F. By the power of their words, many were brought before the altar of God, to call on his name and confess their sins.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:3-4)
1012. (D-E) During the journeyings of the sons of Mosiah, they experienced all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. They had many afflictions.
. B. They were plagued with multiple infectious diseases.
. C. They suffered both in body and in mind.
. D. They experienced hunger, thirst, and fatigue.
. E. They labored much in the spirit.
. Answer: B (Alma 17:5)
1013. (H-M) Which of the following statements describe the journeyings of the sons of Mosiah?
. A. They took leave of their father in the first year of the judges.
. B. They refused the kingship which their father wanted to confer on them.
. C. They refused the kingdom which the people wanted to confer on them.
. D. They left for the land of Zarahemla, taking with them swords, spears, bows, arrows, and slings.
. E. They took the weapons in order to provide food for themselves.
. F. All of the above statements are true.
. Answer: F (Alma 17:6-7)
1014. (H-E) True or false: The sons of Mosiah took no one with them as they went up to the land of Nephi to preach the word to the Lamanites.
. Answer: False (Alma 17:8)
1015. (D-M) As the sons of Mosiah journeyed many days in the wilderness, they fasted and prayed much for all of the following hoped-for blessings EXCEPT:
. A. That the Lord would grant them a portion of His spirit to go with them and abide with them.
. B. That they might be instruments in the hands of God to bring the Lamanites to the knowledge of the truth.
. C. That they might bring the Lamanites to the knowledge of the baseness of the traditions of their fathers.
. D. That they might bring the Lamanites to a knowledge of the incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers.
. E. That they might help the Lamanites understand the depravity and wickedness of Laman and Lemuel, their progenitors.
. Answer: E (Alma 17:9)
1016. (D-M) All of the following statements are true concerning the sons of Mosiah EXCEPT:
. A. The Lord visited them with His spirit and comforted them.
. B. The Lord admonished them to go forth among the Lamanites and to establish His word.
. C. The Lord encouraged them to bring about the restoration of all things from the beginning.
. D. The Lord encouraged them to be patient in long-suffering and afflictions., they they would then show forth a good example.
. E. The Lord said that He would make these young men instruments in His hands unto the salvation of many souls.
. Answer: C (Alma 17:10-11)
1017. (D-M) Fill in the blank — “…it came to pass that the ________ of the sons of Mosiah…took courage to go forth unto the Lamanites…”
. A. Souls.
. B. Minds.
. C. Loins.
. D. Hearts.
. E. Muscles.
. F. Tendons.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:12)
1018. (D-M) Fill in the blank — “And it came to pass that when they [the sons of Mosiah] had arrived in the borders of the land of the Lamanites, that they separated
. themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord that they should meet again at the close of their ________; for they supposed that great was
. the work which they had undertaken.”
. A. Missionary work.
. B. Labors.
. C. Proselyting.
. D. Harvest.
. E. Efforts.
. F. Endeavors.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:14)
1019. (D-E) The sons of Mosiah had undertaken a great work. The work was great because:
. A. They were preaching the word to a wild, and hardened, and ferocious people.
. B. They were preaching the word to a people who delighted in murdering the Nephites.
. C. They were preaching the word to a people whose hearts were set upon riches, gold, silver, and precious stones.
. D. They were preaching the word to a people who would plunder rather than labor with their own hands.
. E. They were preaching the word to an indolent people who worshiped idols.
. F. They were preaching the word to a people upon whom the curses of God had fallen, mainly because the traditions of their fathers.
. G. All of the above are true.
. Answer: G (Alma 17:14-15)
1020. (D-M) The sons of Mosiah undertook the difficult task of preaching to the Lamanites, that perhaps they could bring them unto two great things.
. What were those two things?
. A. Eternal life, and freedom from spiritual death.
. B. Jesus, and a desire to follow Him.
. C. Humility, and a meekness before God.
. D. Faith, and a contrite heart.
. E. Repentance, and a knowledge of the plan of redemption.
. Answer: E (Alma 17:16)
1021. (D-E) True of false: The sons of Mosiah separated themselves into companionships of two, and went forth among the Lamanites two by two,
. according to the word and power of God which was given unto them.
. Answer: False (Alma 17:17)
1022. (H-M) All of the following statements about Ammon are true EXCEPT:
. A. He was the chief among his brethren.
. B. He administered unto his brethren.
. C. He departed from his brethren on his own.
. D. He counseled his brethren to carry nothing with them except purse and scrip.
. E. He blessed his brethren according to their several stations.
. F. He imparted the word of God unto his brethren, and administered unto them.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:18)
1023. (H-D) True or false: Ammon went to the land of Israel, the land being called after the sons of Israel, who also became Lamanites.
. Answer: False (Alma 17:19)
1024. (H-E) As Ammon entered the land of Ishmael, he was bound and carried before the king, as was the custom of the Lamanites in that land. The records mentions that
. it was left to the king to do any of the following to the captive EXCEPT:
. A. To slay him.
. B. To retain him in captivity.
. C. To cast him into prison.
. D. To thank him for coming to serve his people.
. E. To cast him out of the land.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:20)
1025. (H-D) The name of the king to whom Ammon was carried as a captive was ________:
. A. Lachoneus, a descendant of Irreantum
. B. Lamoni, a descendant of Ishmael.
. C. Laman, a descendant of Israel.
. D. Lemuel, a descendant of Isaac.
. E. Lebulon, a descendant of Isaiah.
. Answer: B (Alma 17:21)
1026. (H-M) The king of the Lamanites asked Ammon if he desired to dwell among the Lamanites. Ammon’s response was:
. A. Yes, I desire to dwell among the Lamanites during the time of my missionary services.
. B. Yes, I desire to dwell among the Lamanites for a time..
. C. Yes, I desire to dwell among the Lamanites perhaps until the day I die.
. D. Yes, I desire to dwell among this people until the Lord comes to reign in glory.
. E. Yes, I desire to dwell among this people until hundreds, if not thousands, of their souls have become converted to our Lord and Savior.
. F. Both answer B and answer C are correct.
. Answer: F (Alma 17:22-23)
1027. (H-M) King Lamoni, the Lamanite king, was so pleased with Ammon that he loosed his bands and then _____________:
. A. Offered him half of his kingdom.
. B. Offered him gold, silver, and precious gems.
. C. Offered to adopt him to become one of his sons.
. D. Offered one of his daughters to be his wife.
. E. Offered him a palace of his own.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:24)
1028. (H-E) Ammon offered to be a servant to king Lamoni. His specific duty was to do what?
. A. Work in the king’s fields of grain.
. B. Safeguard the king’s wives and concubines.
. C. Watch over the king’s flocks.
. D. Search for gold and silver in the king’s mines.
. E. Prepare the king’s meals every day.
. Answer: C (Alma 17:25)
1029. (H-M) Concerning the water of Sebus, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
. A. The water of Sebus was an area where all the Lamanites drove their flocks for watering.
. B. Ammon and the king’s Lamanite servants drove their flocks to the water of Sebus.
. C. Some Lamanites at the water of Sebus scattered the king’s flocks in many directions.
. D. The king’s servants murmured that they would now be slain by the king as punishment for losing the flocks.
. E. The king’s servants were very worried about their fate, but they were able to refrain from weeping.
. Answer: E (Alma 17:26-28)
1030. (H-E) Ammon’s heart was swollen with which of the following emotions when he saw the tears and fears of his fellow Lamanite sheep herders?
. A. Anguish
. B. Pain
. C. Joy
. D. Remorse
. E. Resolve
. Answer: C (Alma 17:29)
1031. (H-M) Ammon’s heart swelled with joy when he saw the fear in his fellow Lamanite shepherds. This joy was a result of all the following EXCEPT:
. A. He knew he would be able to show the power that was within him to his fellow servants by restoring the king’s flocks.
. B. He knew he could win the hearts of his fellow-servants.
. C. He knew that the Lamanite king would, once again, offer one of his daughters to him in marriage.
. D. He knew that he could lead his fellow-servants to believe in his words.
. Answer: C (Alma 17:29)
1032. (H-M) Alma ‘flattered’ the Lamanite shepherds by saying all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. My brethren, be of good cheer.
. B. Let us go in search of the king’s flocks.
. C. We will gather together the king’s flocks.
. D. We will bring the king’s flocks back to the watering place.
. E. We will preserve the king’s flocks.
. F. If we can gather the flocks, the king might still imprison us, but at least he will not slay us.
. Answer: F (Alma 17:31)
1033. (H-M) Which of the following statements is true regarding Ammon and the king’s flocks?
. A. Ammon and the king’s servants searched for the scattered flocks.
. B. Ammon and the servants rushed with much swiftness and headed the king’s flocks.
. C. Ammon and the servants gathered the flocks together once again.
. D. Those men who had originally scattered the king’s flocks once again tried to scatter the flocks.
. E. Ammon told the king’s servants to encircle the flocks so that they could not flee.
. F. Ammon confronted the men who were once again trying to scatter the king’s flocks.
. G. All of the above statements are true.
. Answer: G (Alma 17:32-33)
1034. (H-M) Which phrase accurately describes the number of sinister sheep-scatterers Ammon confronted at the water of Sebus?
. A. They were few in number.
. B. They outnumbered the servants of the king.
. C. They were twelve in number.
. D. They were in number not a few.
. E. There were too many to count.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:34)
1035. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning the men who scattered the king’s flocks are true EXCEPT:
. A. They did not fear Ammon.
. B. They supposed that any two of them could slay Ammon, according to their pleasure.
. C. They did not know that the Lord had promised Mosiah that his sons would be delivered.
. D. They knew nothing concerning the Lord.
. E. They delighted in the destruction of their brethren, and thus stood to scatter the flocks.
. Answer: B (Alma 17:35)
1036. (H-M) All of the following statements are true regarding Ammon’s confrontation with the men who were attempting to scatter the king’s flocks for the second time EXCEPT:
. A. With mighty power, Ammon cast stones at them with his sling.
. B. Ammon slew a certain number with his stones and they were astonished at his power.
. C. The men were angry due to the death of their comrades, and determined that they would slay Ammon.
. D. They hurled stones at Ammon but he used a shield to protect himself from the rocks.
. E. They next came forth with clubs in an effort to kill Ammon.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:36)
1037. (H-E) All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
. A. Anyone who lifted a club to smit Ammon had his arm cut off by Ammon.
. B. The men attacking Ammon became astonished and fled.
. C. Ammon caused these men to flee due to the strength of his arm.
. D. Twelve of the attackers fell by Ammon’s sling, and two by his sword.
. E. Many of the attackers had their arms cut off.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:37-38)
1038. (H-M) After Ammon drove off those who attempted to scatter the king’s flocks for a second time, all of the following occurred EXCEPT:
. A. Ammon and the other servants of the king watered the flocks.
. B. The flocks of the king were returned to the pastures of the king.
. C. The arms which had been smitten off by Ammon were carried before the king, as a testimony of the things which had transpired.
. D. The king was sorely grieved that so many arms had been cut off and that so many lives had been lost.
. Answer: D (Alma 17:39)
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