Alma 16
995. (H-M) In the eleventh year of the reign of the judges, all of the following situations existed EXCEPT:
. A. There was much peace in the land of Zarahemla.
. B. There had been no wars nor contentions for many years.
. C. Prophets were preaching the doctrine of Christ in all of the Nephite villages.
. D. At one point, a cry of war was heard throughout the land.
. E. The armies of the Lamanites came into the borders of the lands.
. F. The Lamanites destroyed the city of Ammonihah, along with its inhabitants.
. G. The Lamanites took some of the Nephites as captives.
. Answer: C (Alma 16:1-3)
996. (H-M) Because the Nephites were desirous to rescue those who had been taken captive by the Lamanites, they sent Zoram
. (the chief captain over the armies) and his two sons to confer with Alma, the high priest. What was the purpose of the
. meeting?
. A. The people, through Zoram, asked Alma to pray for the safe return of the captives.
. B. The people, through Zoram, asked Alma to call down fire and damnation upon the heads of the Lamanites.
. C. The people wanted Alma to bless Zoram with wisdom and strength for his upcoming conflict with the Lamanites.
. D. They wanted Alma to use his spirit of prophecy to tell the Nephites where to go in search for their captive brethren.
. E. They wanted Alma to tell them which weapons would be most effective in battling the Lamanites.
. Answer: D (Alma 16:4-5)
997. (H-D) The names of the two sons of Zoram, the chief captain of the Nephite armies, were:
. A. Ham and Shem
. B. Shadrach and Meshach
. C. Nephi and Samuel
. D. Aba and Shemlon
. E. Lehi and Asa
. F. Middoni and Riplakish
. Answer: E (Alma 16:5)
998. (H-M) At the request of Zoram, Alma inquired of the Lord concerning the Lamanite armies. The Lord told him all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. The Lamanites would cross the river Sidon in the south wilderness.
. B. The Lamanites would cross the river Sidon up beyond the borders of the land of Manti.
. C. The Nephite armies were to meet the Lamanites on the east side of the river Sidon.
. D. The Nephites were to wear full battle gear, including breast plates and helmets.
. E. The Lord would deliver the captive Nephites out of the hands of the Lamanites.
. Answer: D (Alma 16:6)
999. (H-M) Zoram and his sons and the Nephite army followed Alma’s instructions. All of the following events happened EXCEPT:
. A. The Nephite armies crossed over the river Sidon beyond the borders of Manti.
. B. The Nephite armies encountered the Lamanaite armies, and scattered them and drove them into the wilderness.
. C. The Nephites rescued all but two of the captive Nephites who had been taken by the Lamanites.
. D. The Nephite armies brought their rescued brethren back to their own lands.
. Answer: C (Alma 16:7-8)
1000. (H-M) The eleventh year of the judges ended with all of the following events EXCEPT:
. A. The Lamanites were driven out of the land.
. B. The people of Ammonihah were destroyed with the exception of three souls, who survived to tell the awful tale of
. the destruction of their people.
. C. The city of Ammonihah was completely destroyed, being left desolate in just one day.
. D. The people of Ammonihah had declared that even God could not destroy their city, because of its greatness.
. Answer: B (Alma 16:9-10)
1001. (H-E) Regarding the carcases of the Ammonihahites following their destruction, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
. A. The carcases were mangled by wolves and hyenas and other wild beasts of the wilderness.
. B. Many days after their demise, the dead bodies were heaped up upon the earth.
. C. The dead bodies were covered with a shallow covering.
. D. The foul scent of the bodies was so great that people did not possess the land again for many years.
. E. The land became know as the ‘Desolation of Nehors’, for they were of the profession of Nehor.
. F. The land remained desolate.
. Answer: A (Alma 16:11)
1002. (H-E) After the city of Ammonihah was destroyed, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
. A. The Lamanites didn’t come again to war againts the Nephites for three years.
. B. Alma and Amulek went forth preaching repentance to the people.
. C. Alma and Amulek taught the people in temples, sanctuaries, and synagogues.
. D. Alma and Amulek imparted the word of God continuously, without any respect of persons.
. E. Many others were called to preach the word throughout the land.
. F. The church remained restricted to certain carefully chosen regions of the land.
. Answer: F (Alma 16:12-16)
1003. (D-E) True or false: There was only minor inequality among the people after Alma and Amulek preached the word of God
. throughout the land.
. Answer: False (Alma 16:16)
1004. (D-E) The Lord poured out his Spirit on all the face of the land to accomplish all of the following purposes EXCEPT:
. A. To prepare the minds and hearts of the children of men to receive the word which should be taught among them at
. the time of the coming of Christ.
. B. That the children of men might not be hardened against the word or unbelieving.
. C. That the children of men might not go on to destruction.
. D. That the children of men might be led to gold, silver, and all kinds of precious things.
. E. That the children of men might receive the word with joy.
. F. That the children of men might be as a branch grafted into the true vine.
. G. That the children of men might enter into the rest of the Lord their God.
. Answer: D (Alma 16:16-17)
1005. (D-M) The priests who went forth among the people preached against all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. Lyings, deceivings, envyings
. B. Strifes, malice, revilings
. C. Procrastination, defilements, malfeasance
. D. Stealing, robbing, plundering
. E. Murdering, adultery, lasciviousness
. Answer: C (Alma 16:18)
1006. (D-E) The priests who went forth among the people “held forth” in all of the following teachings EXCEPT:
. A. Things which would shortly come.
. B. The coming of the Son of God.
. C. The flight into Egypt by the holy family.
. D. The suffering and death of the Son of God.
. E. The resurrection of the Lord.
. Answer: C (Alma 16:19)
1007. (D-E) Many of the people that were being taught inquired about the place where the Son of God would come. What were
. they taught in response to their question?
. A. He would appear unto them after his resurrection.
. B. He would appear to his lost sheep.
. C. He would visit the lost ten tribes of Israel.
. D. He would dwell only among those in the Holy Lands.
. Answer: A (Alma 16:20)
1008. (D-E) The fourteenth year of the reign of the judges ended with all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. The church had been established throughout all the land.
. B. The church gained victory over the devil.
. C. The word of God was preached in its purity in all the land.
. D. The righteousness of the people caused Satan to be bound in shame.
. E. The Lord poured out his blessing upon the people.
. Answer: D (Alma 16:21)
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