Alma 15
985. (H-M) After Alma and Amulek were freed from the prison in Ammonihah, all of the following things happened EXCEPT:
. A. Alma and Amulek were commanded to depart from Ammonihah.
. B. Alma and Amulek departed the city as they were commanded.
. C. Alma and Amulek traveled to the land of Simon.
. D. Alma and Amulek eventually found all the people who had departed out of the land of Ammonihah.
. E. The people Alma and Amulek found were those who had been cast out and stoned because they believed Alma’s words.
. F. Alma and Amulek related to these people all that had happened unto their wives and their children.
. G. Alma and Amulek related to the people what had happened to themselves, and of their power of deliverance.
. Answer: C (Alma 15:1-2)
986. (H-E) All of the following statements concerning Zeezrom are true EXCEPT:
. A. He was now in the land of Sidom, with a burning fever.
. B. His fever was caused by the great tribulations of his mind on account of his wickedness.
. C. He presumed that Alma and Amulek were now dead, having been slain due to his iniquity.
. D. His many sins harrowed up his mind to the point of exceeding soreness, having no deliverance.
. E. His burning fever turned into incapacitating chills and shivers and frigidness.
. Answer: E (Alma 15:3)
987. (H-E) True or false: When Zeezrom heard that Alma and Amulek were in the land of Sidom, his heart took courage, and
. he sent a message to them, asking them to come unto him.
. Answer: True (Alma 15:4)
988. (H-M) When Alma and Amulek received the message from Zeezrom, requesting that they visit him, all of the following occurred EXCEPT:
. A. They went immediately to him.
. B. They found him on his bed, sick with a burning fever.
. C. They found that his mind was very sore because of his iniquities and sins.
. D. Zeezrom stretched forth his hand to Alma and Amulek.
. E. Zeezrom’s first request was that Alma and Amulek would bless him and forgive him of his sins before he crossed over
. the veil.
, F. Zeezrom besought Alma and Amulek that they would heal him.
. Answer: E (Alma 15:5)
989. (H-E) Concerning Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
. A. Alma took Zeezrom by the hand and asked him if he believed in the power of Christ unto salvation.
. B. Zeezrom responded and said that he believed all the words that Alma had taught.
. C. Alma told Zeezrom that if he believed in the redemption of Christ that he could be healed.
. D. Zeezrom told Alma that he believed according to the words of Alma.
. E. Alma forcefully stated to Zeezrom, “Take up thy bed and walk!”
. F. Alma cried unto the Lord, pleading that He would have mercy on Zeezrom, and heal him according to his faith in Christ.
. Answer: E (Alma 15:6-10)
990. (H-E) After Alma asked the Lord to heal Zeezrom, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
. A. Zeezrom leaped to his feet and began to walk.
. B. The people who observed this event were astonished.
. C. The knowledge of this healing went throughout the land of Sidom.
. D. Alma baptized Zeezrom.
. E. Zeezrom requested that he be sent on a missionary journey to the Lamanites.
. Answer: E (Alma 15:11-12)
991. (H-E) Which of the following are true?
. A. Alma established the church in the land of Sidom.
. B. Alma consecreate priests and teachers in the land of Sidom.
. C. The priests and teachers were to baptize all those who desired baptism.
. D. Many flocked to the land of Sidom to be baptized.
. E. All of the above are true.
. Answer: E (Alma 15:13-14)
992. (H-E) Regarding the people of Ammonihah, which of the following is FALSE:
. A. They remained a hardhearted and stiffnecked people.
. B. They did not repent of their sins.
. C. They accredited the power of Alma and Amulek to the magic arts and divination.
. D. They were of the profession of Nehor.
. E. They did not believe in repentance of sin.
. Answer: C (Alma 15:15)
993. (H-E) Amulek forsook or was rejected by all of the following things for the word of God EXCEPT:
. A. His gold
. B. His silver
. C. His precious things
. D. His caravan camels
. E. His friends
. F. His father and kindred
. Answer: D (Alma 15:16)
994. (H-M) After Alma and Amulek established the church at Sidom, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
. A. The people were ‘checked’ as to the pride of their hearts, and they began to humble themselves before God.
. B. The people began to assemble themselves together at their sanctuaries to worship God before the altar.
. C. The people offered up a tenth of all that they possessed, as an expression of gratitude unto God for his mercies.
. D. The people watched and prayed continually that they might be delivered from Satan, death, and destruction.
. E. Alma took Amulek to his home in Zarahemla, and administered unto him in his tribulations, and strengthened him in God.
. Answer: C (Alma 15:17-18)
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