Alma 14
963. (H-M) After Alma finished speaking to the people, how many of the people believed his words, repented, and searched the scriptures?
. A. None
. B. Few
. C. Some
. D. Many
. E. All
. Answer: D (Alma 14:1)
964. (H-M) The greater part of the people wanted to destroy Alma and Amulek for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
. A. They were angry because of Alma’s plain words unto Zeezrom.
. B. They claimed Amulek had lied unto them.
. C. They claimed Alma and Amulek had reviled against their law.
. D. They claimed Alma and Amulek had reviled against their lawyers and judges.
. E. They claimed Alma and Amulek had disrupted their business interests and financial endeavors.
. F. They were angry that Alma and Amulek had testified so plainly against their wickedness.
. Answer: E (Alma 14:2-3)
965. (H-E) True or false– The people were so angry they sought to put away Alma and Amulek ‘privily’.
. Answer: True (Alma 14:3)
966. (H-M) Which of the following statements are true concerning ‘the people’ and Alma and Amulek:
. A. They did not put away Alma and Amulek ‘privily’.
. B. They bound Alma and Amulek with strong cords.
. C. They took Alma and Amulek before the chief judge of the land.
. D. The people witnessed against Alma and Amulek.
. E. The people defiled Alma and Amulek by shaving the hair of their heads.
. Answer: E (Alma 14:4-5)
967. (H-M) The people made all of the following claims against Alma and Amulek EXCEPT:
. A. They testified that Alma and Amulek had reviled against the law.
. B. They claimed that Alma and Amulek had discredited their form of government.
. C. They testified that Alma and Amulek had reviled against their lawyers and judges.
. D. They testified that Alma and Amulek had reviled against all the people that were in the land.
. E. They testified that Alma and Amulek had preached that there was but one God.
. F. They testified that Alma and Amulek had preached that God would send his Son among the people, but that he should not save the people.
. Answer: B (Alma 14:5)
968. (H-M) All of the following statements apply to Zeezrom as he heard the people witness against Alma and Amulek EXCEPT:
. A. He was astonished at the words which were spoken.
. B. He knew concerning the blindness of the minds of the people.
. C. He had caused much of this blindness the of minds of the people by his preaching of lying words.
. D. He had caused a great division between the husbands and wives among the people by his lying words.
. E. His soul began to be harrowed up under a consciousness of his own guilt.
. F. He began to be encircled about by the pains of hell.
. Answer: D (Alma 14:6)
969. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning Zeezrom and the people who rejected him are true EXCEPT:
. A. Zeezrom cried unto the people that he himself was guilty and that Alma and Amulek were spotless before God.
. B. Zeezrom plead with the people to spare Alma and Amulek.
. C. The people reviled Zeezrom and claimed that he was possessed by a devil.
. D. The people spit upon Zeezrom, stripped him of his clothes, and cast him out from among them.
. E. The people who believed the words of Alma and Amulek were cast out.
. F. People were sent to cast stones at Zeezrom and the believers.
. Answer: D (Alma 14:7)
970. (H-M) All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
. A. The unbelieving people brought together the wives and children of the believers in the word of God and cast them into a fire.
. B. The unbelievers also cast the records and the holy scriptures of the believers into the fire.
. C. The unbelievers brought Alma and Amulek to the place of the martyrdom, forcing them to witness the destruction of the believers.
. D. Upon witnessing this atrocity, Alma said to Amulek, “How can we witness this awful scene? Let us stretch forth our hands and exercise the power of God
. which is in us, and save them from the flames.”
. Answer: D (Alma 14:8-10)
971. (D-M) Alma said all of the following concerning the people being burned and those who were committing this atrocity EXCEPT:
. A. The Spirit is constraining me, that I should not stretch forth my hand and stop this martyrdom.
. B. The Lord is receiving these martyrs up unto Himself in glory.
. C. God is allowing this wicked act so that the judgments of God which will be brought upon the wicked will be just.
. D. The evil people committing this act will be cast out and will burn in hell forever.
. E. The blood of these innocent people will stand as a witness against the evil, and will cry mightily against them at the last day.
. Answer: D (Alma 14:11)
972. (H-E) Amulek expressed concern that the unbelievers would burn himself and Alma, along with the other believers. What was Alma’s response?
. A. Be it according to the will of the Lord; it will be a privilege to die in the service of the Lord.
. B. Be it according to the will of the Lord; all is well, as we have done all that the Lord has commanded us.
. C. Be it according to the will of the Lord; I know that we and the other believers will be caught up unto the third heaven.
. D. Be it according to the will of the Lord. But, behold, our work is not finished; therefore, they burn us not.
. Answer: D (Alma 14:10-13)
973. (H-M) After the burning of the innocent believers, how many different times were Alma and Amulek ‘smote’ upon their cheeks?
. A. None
. B. One
. C. Two
. D. Three
. E. Four
. F. Five
. G. Six
. Answer: G (Alma 14:14-25)
974. (H-M) After Alma and Amulek were forced to watch the burning of the innocent women and children, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
. A. Alma and Amulek were asked if they dared to preach again to the people, threatening a lake of fire and brimstone.
. B. Alma and Amulek were told that they had not the power to save those who had ben cast into the fire.
. C. Alma and Amulek were told that God did not save those who had been burned, even though they were of their faith.
. D. The chief judge said to Alma and Amulek, “What say ye for yourselves?”.
. E. Alma and Amulek responded to the chief judge by bolding declaring that he and his kind would burn in everlasting punishment.
: Answer: E (Alma 14:14-15)
975. (H-M) This chief judge was after the order of ________, who slew Gideon.
. A. Zeezrom
. B. Riplakish
. C. Pahoran
. D. Nehor
. E. Gadianton
. F. Gidianhi
. Answer: D (Alma 14:16)
976. (H-M) How many times does the scripture state that Alma and Amulek ‘answered nothing’ to the judges and priests when asked questions?
. A. 1
. B. 2
. C. 3
. D. 4
. E. 5
. Answer: C (Alma14:17-19)
977. (H-E) The judge said to Alma and Amulek: “Why do you not answer the words of this people? Know ye not that I have the power to _________.”
. A. Cast your souls to hell?
. B. Deliver you up unto flames?
. C. Strip you of your lands and homes?
. D. Drive you and your families out of this land?
. E. Turn you over to the Lamanites?
. Answer: B (Alma 14:19)
978. (H-E) The wicked judges and priests asked all of the following questions to Alma and Amulek EXCEPT:
. A. Will ye stand again and judge this people, and condemn our law?
. B. If ye have such great power why do ye not deliver yourselves?
. C. How shall we look when we are damned?
. D. By what authority have ye entered our land and condemned our people?
. Answer: D (Alma 14:20-21)
979. (H-M) The wicked judges and priests did all of the following to Alma and Amulek EXCEPT:
. A. Mocked them.
. B. Withheld food and water from them.
. C. Stripped them of their clothing, leaving them naked.
. D. Bound them with strong cords.
. E. Flogged them daily.
. F. Confined them in prison.
. Answer: E (Alma 14:22)
980. (H-E) The chief judge over Ammonihah told Alma and Amulek that if they did a certain thing, then he and the other leaders would believe their words. What was the thing he asked them to do?
. A. Retract the curses and denunciations which they had pronounced against the people.
. B. Deliver themselves from the bands with which they were bound.
. C. Raise someone from the dead.
. D. Prophecy of some dramatic future event.
. E. Turn water to wine.
. Answer: B (Alma 14:24)
981. (H-M) As Alma and Amulek were being persecuted by the priests and judges, all of the following occurred EXCEPT:
. A. By the power of God, Alma and Amulek rose and stood upon their feet.
. B. Alma cried out unto the Lord, “How long shall we suffer these great afflictions?”
. C. Alma pleaded, “O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance.”
. D. Alma and Amulek received the strength to break the cords with which they were bound.
. E. When the people saw Alma and Amulek break their cords, they realized that Alma and Amulek were indeed messengers from God.
. F. When the people saw Alma and Amulek break their cords, they began to flee, for the fear of destruction was upon them.
. Answer: E (Alma 14:25-26)
982. (H-E) Soon after Alma and Amulek broke the cords with which they were bound, all of the following happened EXCEPT:
. A. The people fell to the earth in great fear, failing to reach the outer door of the prison.
. B. The earth shook mightily.
. C. The walls of the prison were rent in twain.
. D. The sun stood still in its due course.
. E. The chief judge, along with lawyers, priests, and teachers were slain by the falling walls.
. Answer: D (Alma 14:27)
983. (H-M) All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
. A. Alma and Amulek came forth out of the prison without being hurt.
. B. The Lord had granted unto Alma and Amulek power, according to their faith in Christ.
. C. As Alma and Amulek came forth straightway out of the prison, they were loosed from all their bands.
. D. The prison had fallen to the ground, and there were only three survivors: Alma, Amulek, and one priest.
. E. Following their emergence from the fallen prison, Alma and Amulek went straightway into the city.
. Answer: D (Alma 14:28)
984. (H-M) When the people saw Alma and Amulek coming forth out of the prison, with the walls having fallen to the earth, they fled even as ______.
. A. A ewe fleeth with her lambs from two wolves.
. B. A goat fleeth with her young from two lions.
. C. A deer fleeth with her fawns from two bears.
. D. A hare fleeth with her young from two coyotes.
. Answer: B (Alma 14:29)
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