Alma 13
936. (D-E) As Alma continued his sermon to the people of Ammonihah, he said all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. He cited their minds forward to the time that the Lord gave commandments unto his children.
. B. He reminded them that men would be punished for their own sins as well as for the transgression of Adam and Eve.
. C. He exhorted them to remember that the Lord ordained priests to teach the commandments unto the people, and that these priests were ordained after the . holy order of his Son.
. D. He reminded them that these priests were ordained in such a manner that the people would know in what manner to look forward to his Son for
. redemption.
. Answer: B (Alma 13:1-2)
937. (D-E) The manner after which priests were ordained, after the order of the Son of God, included all of the following EXCEPT:
. A. They were called and prepared from the foundation of the world, according to the foreknowledge of God.
. B. They were called and prepared from the foundation of the world on account of their exceeding faith and good works.
. C. They were called and prepared because in the first place they chose good, when given the choice between good and evil.
. D. They were called randomly, more or less based on physical appearance in the premortal existence.
. E. They were called and prepared because they exercised exceeding great faith.
. Answer: 4 (Alma 13:3)
938. (D-E) True or false: When the Lord God first gave commandments to His children, He ordained priests with a holy calling, and that calling was prepared with
. and according to a preparatory redemption for such.
. Answer: True (Alma 13:3)
939. (D-E) True or false: Priests were called to their holy callings on account of their faith.
. Answer: True (Alma 13:4)
940. (D-M) Many souls were NOT ordained priests or called to holy callings. All of the following statements apply to them EXCEPT:
. A. They rejected the spirit of God.
. B. They hardened their hearts.
. C. They blinded their minds.
. D. They enfeebled their knees.
. E. They might have had great privileges like others if they had been faithful.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:4)
941. (D-E) True or false: In the ‘first place’, all brethren were on the same standing, both those who eventually were ordained priests and those who rejected the
. Spirit of God due to hardness of heart.
. Answer: True (Alma 13:5)
942. (D-E) All of the following statements are true concerning the “holy calling” to the holy order EXCEPT:
. A. The calling was prepared from the foundation of the world.
. B. The calling was prepared for those who would not harden their hearts.
. C. The calling was in and through the atonement of the Only Begotten Son.
. D. The calling was given the prestigious name of ‘The Last and Ultimate Calling’.
. E. The Only Begotten Son was ‘prepared’ for his Atonement.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:5)
943. (D-E) All of the following are true regarding those who were ordained after the order of the Son EXCEPT:
. A. They were called and ordained unto the high priesthood of the holy order of God.
. B. They were instructed to forcefully administer Church discipline.
. C. They were called to teach God’s commandments unto the children of men.
. D. The goal of teaching the children of men was that they might enter into God’s rest.
. Answer: B (Alma 13:6)
944. (D-E) All of the following are true concerning the high priesthood EXCEPT:
. A. The high priesthood is of the order of God’s Son.
. B. The order of the Son was from the foundation of the world.
. C. The order of the Son is without beginning of days or end of years.
. D. The order of the Son is limited or finite in scope.
. E. The order of the Son was prepared from eternity to all eternity.
. F. The order of the Son was prepared according to God’s foreknowledge of all things.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:7)
945. (D-E) All of the following pertain to the ordination of worthy men EXCEPT:
. A. They are called with a holy calling.
. B. They are ordained with a holy ordination.
. C. They are initially rebuked with an appropriate rebuke.
. D. They take upon themselves the high priesthood of the holy order.
. E. Their calling, ordination, and high priesthood are with beginning or end.
. F. They become high priests forever.
. G. They become high priests after the order of the Son.
. Answer: C (Alma 13:8-9)
946. (D-E) Which of the following statements concerning the Son of God are true?
. A. He is the Only Begotten of the Father.
. B. He is without beginning of days or end of years.
. C. He is full of grace, equity, and truth.
. D. All of the above statements are true.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:9)
947. (D-M) Concerning those who were ordained and became high priests of God in the ‘holy order’ or ‘high priesthood’, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
. A. They received this great blessing on account of their exceeding faith.
. B. They received this great blessing on account of the exceeding repentance.
. C. They received this great blessing on account of their righteousness before God.
. D. They received this great blessing because they chose to repent and work righteousness rather than to perish.
. E. They were called after this holy order and were sanctified.
. F. Their garments were washed red through the blood of the Lamb.
. Answer: F (Alma 13:10-11)
948. (D-E) Speaking of those who were ordained and became high priests of God, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
. A. They were sanctified by the Holy Ghost.
. B. Their garments were made white.
. C. They were caught up to the third heaven.
. D. They were pure and spotless before God.
. E. They could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence.
. F. There were exceedingly many who were made pure.
. G. There were many who entered into the rest of the Lord their God.
. Answer: C (Alma 13:12)
949. (D-E) True or false:
. Alma, now addressing the brethren directly, encouraged them to humble themselves before God, and bring forth fruit meet for repentance, that they might also enter into the rest of their Lord.
. Answer: True (Alma 13:13)
950. (H-E) All of the following statements concerning Melchizedek and his people are true EXCEPT:
. A. Alma encouraged his listeners to be as humble as were the people in the days of Melchizedek.
. B. Melchizedek was a high priest of the holy order of the Son of which Alma had spoken previously.
. C. Melchizedek took upon himself the high priesthood just for the duration of his life on earth.
. D. Melchizedek paid tithes to Abraham, even one-tenth of all he possessed.
. Answer: C (Alma 13:14-15)
951. (H-M) All of the following pertain to the priesthood ordinances described in the preceding verses EXCEPT:
. A. They were given that the people might look forward on the Son of God.
. B. The priesthood ordinances were a type of the order of the Son of God.
. C. The priesthood order was indeed the order of the Son of God.
. D. The priesthood order refers directly to the Lord’s house being a house of order.
. E. The ordinances were given so that the people might look forward to the Son of God for a remission of their sins.
. F. The ordinances were given so that the people might enter into the rest of the Lord.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:16)
952. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning Melchizedek are true EXCEPT:
. A. He was king over the land of Salem.
. B. He exercised might faith.
. C. He received the office of the high priesthood according to the holy order of GOd.
. D. He preached repentance unto his people.
. E. He established peace in his land in his days.
. F. He was called the prince of peace.
. G. He did reign under his grandfather.
. Answer: G (Alma 13:17-18)
953. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning the people of Melchizedek are true EXCEPT:
. A. They had waxed strong in iniquity and abomination.
. B. Most of them had gone astray, but a few remained faithful and true.
. C. They were full of all manner of wickedness.
. D. They repented when Melchizedek preached unto them.
. Answer: B (Alma 13:17-18)
954. (H-E) True or false: There were many men before Melchizedek, and there were many men after Melchizedek, but none were greater than he was.
. Answer: True (Alma 13:19)
955. (D-M) Complete this scriptural passage: “Behold, the scriptures are before you; if ye will wrest them __________________.”
. A. “…ye shall reap the vengeance of God.”
. B. “…they shall lose their divine significance.”
. C. “…ye shall ultimately discover their truth.”
. D. “…it shall be to your own destruction.”
. E. “…ye shall pull down sorrow and tribulation upon your own head.”
. Answer: D (Alma 13:20)
956. (D-E) After his teachings concerning the order of God, Alma declared which of the following truths:
. A. Now is the time to repent.
. B. The day of salvation draweth nigh.
. C. The voice of the Lord, by the mouth of angels, doth declare the day of salvation to all nations.
. D. The voice of the Lord declares the day of salvation to his people, they they may have glad tidings of great joy.
. E. The Lord declares these glad tidings among all of his people, those who are scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.
. F. Alma declared ALL of these truths to the people.
. Answer: F (Alma 13:21-22)
957. (H-E) Alma stated all of the following pertaining to the ‘glad tidings of great joy’ EXCEPT:
. A. They were made known unto the people in plain terms, such that they would understand them, and not err.
. B. They were made known unto the people because they were wanderers in a strange land.
. C. The people were highly favored in receiving these glad tidings.
. D. The glad tidings were declared in all parts of their vineyard.
. E. The glad tidings were shouted from the rooftops of all abodes in their villages.
. Answer: E (Alma 13:23)
958. (D-M) Alma stated that angels, at that time, were declaring the glad tidings unto many in land, and that they were doing it for what purpose?
. A. To call them to deep and sincere repentance.
. B. To chastise them for their stiffneckedness and hardheartedness.
. C. To enlighten their minds and extend their views as to things religious.
. D. To prepare their hearts to receive the Lord’s word at the time of his coming in his glory.
. E. To express gratitude to the people for their faithfulness.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:24)
959. (D-M) Regarding the statements made by Alma concerning the coming of the Son of God, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
. A. We are only waiting to hear of the joyful news of his coming, as declared by the mouth of angels.
. B. The time of his coming is coming, but we do not know how soon.
. C. Alma hoped that the coming of the Son would be in his day.
. D. Alma voiced that if the coming of the Son was before his day or after his day, he would be deeply sorrowed.
. E. The coming of the Son would be made known to just and holy men by the mouth of angels.
. F. The coming of the Son would fulfill the words of their fathers, according to that which they had spoken concerning the Son.
. G. All that the fathers had said concerning his coming was according to the spirit of prophecy which was in them.
. Answer: D (Alma 13:25-26)
960. (D-E) From the inmost part of his heart and with great anxiety, Alma wished all the following for his people EXCEPT:
. A. That they would hearken unto his words and cast off their sins, not procrastinating their repentance any longer.
. B. That they would eat, drink, and be merry, knowing that ‘tomorrow’ they would die and all would be well with them.
. C. That they would humble themselves before the Lord, call on His holy name, and watch and pray continually.
. D. That they would not be tempted above that which they could bear, being led by the Holy Spirit.
. E. They they would become humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love, and long-suffering.
. F. That they would have faith on the Lord, having a hope that they would receive eternal life.
. G. That they would have the love of God always in their hearts, being lifted up at the last day, and entering into the rest of God.
. Answer: B (Alma 13:27-29)
961. (D-E) As Alma chapter 13 closes, Alma expresses all of the following desires EXCEPT:
. A. That the Lord would grant unto the people repentance.
. B. That the people would not bring down God’s wrath upon themselves.
. C. That the people would not be bound down by the chains of hell.
. D. That the people would not suffer the second death.
. E. That the people would finally realize how much more blessed they were than the Lamanites.
. Answer: E (Alma 13:30)
962. (H-M) True or false: All of the words which Alma spake unto the people were written in the records.
. Answer: False (Alma 13:31)
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