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bmalma11 (Alma 11 ** )

Alma 11


899. (H-M) According to the law of __________, those who were appointed to be judges of the law were given wages according to the time which they labored
.       to judge those who were brought before them to be judged.
         A. Moses
         B. Mulek
         C. Mosiah
         D. Alma
         E. Consecration
                                                                                                                                      Answer: C   (Alma 11:1)

900.  (H-M) All of the following stipulations were according to the law of Mosiah EXCEPT:
         A. If a man owed another and would not pay that which he owed, he was complained of to the judge
         B. The judge executed authority, and would send officers to bring offenders of the law before him
         C. The judge would judge offenders according to the law and the evidences which were brought before him
         D. An offender was compelled to pay that which he owed, or to be stripped, scourged, and stoned
         E. An offender was compelled to pay that which he owed, or to be cast out from among the people as a thief and a robber
                                                                                                                                     Answer: D   (Alma 11:2)

901. (H-M) True or false: A judge received wages according to his time - a senine of gold or a senum of silver for a day - and this was according to the law.
                                                                                                                                     Answer: True   (Alma 11:3)

902. (H-E) All of the following are true concerning the gold and silver pieces of the Nephites EXCEPT:
         A. The names of the pieces were given by the Nephites because they did not reckon after the manner of the Jews in Jerusalem
         B. The Nephites did not measure [their coinage] after the manner of the Jews
         C. The Nephites had altered the reckoning and measuring of their coins according to the minds of the people in every generation
         D. The Nephites had altered the reckoning and measuring of their coins according to the circumstances of the people in every generation
         E. The Nephite coins were made of lead, but were plated with gold or silver
                                                                                                                                      Answer: E   (Alma 11:4)

903. (H-D) All of the following are true regarding Nephite coins EXCEPT:
         A. The various gold coins were a senine, a seon, a shum, and a limnah
         B. The various silver coins were a senum, an amnor, an ezrom, and an onti
         C. A senine was equal in value to a senum, which were both equal to a measure of barley or a measure of any other kind of grain
         D. A seon was twice the value of a senine, a shum was twice the value of a seon, and a limnah was worth a senine, a seon, and a limnah added together
         E. An amnor was worth half of a senum, an ezrom was worth one-fourth of a senum, and an onti was worth one-eighth of a senum
                                                                                                                                    Answer: E   (Alma 11:5-13)

904. (H-D) Concerning the value of the lesser pieces of precious metal, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
         A. A shiblon was worth half of a senum or half a measure of barley
         B. A shiblum was worth half of a shiblon, and a leah was worth half of a shiblum
         C. An antion of gold was equal to three shiblons
         D. A shibling of silver was worth three-fourths of an antion of gold
                                                                                                                                   Answer: D   (Alma -19)

905. (H-M) All of the following are true concerning the judges of Ammonihah EXCEPT:
         A. Their sole purpose was to get gain
         B. They frequently had Lamanite prisoners brought before them, to accuse these prisoners of war crimes
         C. They received their wages according to the time of their employment
         D. They continually stirred up the people to rioting, disturbances, and wickedness, hoping that they might have more employment and get more money
         E. They stirred up the people against Alma and Amulek
                                                                                                                                  Answer: B   (Alma )
906. (H-M) Which of the following are true concerning Zeezrom?
         A. He asked Amulek if he could ask him a few questions
         B. He was an expert in the devices of the devil
         C. His hope was to destroy that which was good
         D. Amulek told him that he would answer questions according to the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, and would say nothing contrary to that Spirit
         E. He [Zeezrom] offered Amulek six onties of silver if he would deny the existence of a Supreme Being
         F. All of the above statements are true
                                                                                                                                 Answer: F   (Alma -22)

907. (H-M) Amulek responded to Zeezrom with all of the following statements EXCEPT:
         A. O thou child of hell, why tempt ye me?
         B. Knowest thou that the righteous yieldeth to no such temptations?
         C. Believest thou that there is no God?
         D. Thou knowest that there is a God, but thou lovest lucre more than God
         E. Get thee behind me, thou disciple of Beelzebub!
         F. Thou hast lied before God unto me
                                                                                                                              Answer: E   (Alma -25)

908. (H-M)  Amulek responded to Zeezrom with all of the following statements EXCEPT:
         A. You told me you would give me six onties if I would deny the existence of God, knowing in your heart that you would retain them from me
         B. You might have paid me two or three onties for denying the existence of God, but you most assuredly would not have paid me six onties
         C. Your only desire was that I would deny the true and living God, that you would have cause to destroy me
         D. For this great evil, you will have your reward
                                                                                                                             Answer: B   (Alma )

909. (H-M) The conversation between Zeezrom and Amulek included all of the following statements EXCEPT:
         A. Zeezrom said to Amulek, 'Thou sayest there is a true and living God?'
         B. Amulek replied to Zeezrom, 'Yes, there is a true and living God.'
         C. Zeezrom asked Amulek, 'Is there more than one God?'
         D. Amulek replied, 'Yes, there are many Gods, but only one do we call Father.'
         E. Zeezrom asked Amulek, 'How knowest thou these things?'
         F. Amulek replied, 'An angel hath made them known unto me.'
                                                                                                                           Answer: D   (Alma -31)

901. (H-M) Zeezrom asked Amulek all of the following questions EXCEPT:
         A. Who is it that shall come?
         B. Is it the Son of God?
         C. By what name shall the Son of God be called?
         D. Shall he [the Son of God] save his people in their sins?
                                                                                                                         Answer: C   (Alma -34)

902. (D-E) True or false: In response to Zeezrom's question about the Son of God saving his people in their sins, Amulek responded by stating that the Son of God
        would not save his people in their sins because it would be impossible for him to deny his word.
                                                                                                                        Answer: True   (Alma )

903. (H-M) In an attempt to distort Amulek's words, Zeezrom made all of the following sarcastic comments EXCEPT:
         A. See that ye remember these things, for he [Amulek] said there is but one God
         B. By stating that there is only one God, he [Amulek] must deny that the Son of God is also a God
         C. He [Amulek] said that the Son of God shall come, but he shall not save his people
         D. He [Amulek] speaks as though he had authority to command God
                                                                                                                        Answer: B   (Alma )

904. (D-M) Amulek responded to Zeezrom's accusations with all of the following EXCEPT:
         A. Thou art a liar, a deceiver, and a fraud
         B. Thou has lied, for thou sayest that I spake as though I had authority to command God because I said he shall not save his people in their sins
         C. He [God] cannot save them [his people] in their sins, for I cannot deny his word, and he has said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven
         D. How can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven?  Ye cannot be saved in your sins
                                                                                                                        Answer: A   (Alma -37)

905. (D-M) Zeezrom asked Amulek if the Son of God was the very Eternal Father.  Amulek responded with which of the following statements?
         A. Yea, he is the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth, and all things which in them are
         B. Yea, he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last
         C. He shall come into the world to redeem his people and he shall take upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name
         D. Those who believe on his name are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else
         E. The wicked remain as though there had been no redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death
         F. The day cometh that all shall rise from the dead and stand before God and be judge according to their works
         G. All of the above statements were made by Amulek
                                                                                                                           Answer: G   (Alma -41)
906. (D-M) Amulek's teachings to Zeezrom included all of the following EXCEPT:
         A. There is a death which is called a temporal death, and the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this
              temporal death
         B. The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form, both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time
         C. We shall be brought to stand before God, knowing even as we know now, and have a bright recollection of all our guilt
         D. This restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous, even there shall not so
              much as a hair of their heads be lost
         E. The Firstborn of the Father will be the first-fruits of the resurrection, rising from the tomb in glory, conquering death in his majesty
         F. Every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the body
                                                                                                                              Answer: E   (Alma -44)
907. (D-M) Amulek's teachings to Zeezrom included all of the following EXCEPT:
         A. All shall be brought and arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, which is one Eternal God
         B. All shall be judged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil
         C. As Christ will be raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we shall walk in a newness of life
         D. I have spoken unto you concerning the death of the mortal body, and also concerning the resurrection of the mortal body
         E. The mortal body will be raised to an immortal body, that is from death, even from the first death unto life, that they can die no more
         F. Spirits will be united with their bodies, never to be divided, the whole becoming spiritual and immortal, that they can no more see corruption
                                                                                                                                 Answer: C   (Alma -45)

908. (H-E) When Amulek finished speaking, the people began again to be __________ and Zeezrom began to _________.
         A. Fearful; faint
         B. Astonished; tremble
         C. Angry; shout
         D. Humble; pray
         E. Intimidated; repent
                                                                                                                                            Answer: B   (Alma )

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