Alma 8
836. (H-E) All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
A. Alma taught the people of Gideon many things which could not be written
B. Alma established the order of the church in Gideon, as he had done before in the land of Zarahemla
C. Alma instructed the people of Gideon to begin construction of a temple in their land
D. After having taught in Gideon, Alma returned to his own house in Zarahemla
E. After having taught in Gideon, Alma rested himself from the labors he had performed
Answer: C (Alma 8:1)
837. (G-D) In the tenth year of the reign of the judges, Alma departed for the land of _________ which was on the west of the river Sidon, and by the borders of the wilderness. A. Gideon B. Melek C. Ammonihah D. Nephi E. Manti Answer: B (Alma 8:3)
838. (H-M) All of the following are true concerning Alma's missionary efforts in the land of Melek EXCEPT: A. He taught the people in the land of Melek according to the holy order of God by which he had been called B. He taught the people throughout all the land of Melek C. The people came to Alma throughout all the borders of the land which was by the wilderness side D. People were baptized throughout all the land E. When Alma finished his work in Melek, he traveled three days north of the land of Melek and came to a city called Ammoron Answer: E (Alma 8:4-6)
839. (G-M) True or false: Although it was a Nephite custom to call their lands, cities, and villages after the name of him who first possessed them, the city of Ammonihah was an exception because Ammonihah was not the first person to possess this city. Answer: False (Alma 8:7)
840. (H-E) All of the following statements concerning Alma and the people of Ammonihah are true EXCEPT: A. Upon arriving at the city of Ammonihah, Alma began to preach the word of God to the inhabitants of this city B. Satan had a great hold upon the hearts of the people of Ammonihah, and they would not hearken unto words of Alma C. Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer, that God would pour out his spirit upon the people D. Alma prayed to God that he would be able to baptize the people unto repentance E. God immediately heard Almas prayers, and many of the people of Ammonihah came forward requesting baptism Answer: E (Alma 8:8-10)
841. (H-M) The people of Ammonihah hardened their hearts and said all of the following things to Alma EXCEPT: A. We know that thou art Alma, and that thou are high priest over the church B. We are not of thy church and we do not believe in such foolish traditions C. Thou hast no power over us because we are not of thy church D. We have established our own church and our own traditions, and we have no need or use for your preaching E. You have delivered up the judgment-seat unto Nephihah, and you are not the chief judge over us Answer: D (Alma -12)
842. (H-M) Prior to Almas departing and journeying to the city of Aaron, the people of Ammonihah did all of the following to Alma EXCEPT: A. They tied his hands behind his back and flogged him B. They withstood all his words C. They reviled him D. They spit on him E. They cast him out of their city Answer: A (Alma )
843. (H-M) All of the following happened to Alma as he was journeying to the city of Aaron EXCEPT: A. Alma was weighed down with sorrow because of the wickedness of the people of Ammonihah B. Alma waded through much tribulation because of the wickedness of the people of Ammonihah C. Alma vowed that he would never again preach to the wicked people of Ammonihah D. Alma waded through much anguish of soul because of the wickedness of the people of Ammonihah E. An angel of the Lord appeared unto Alma Answer: C (Alma )
844. (H-M) The angel that appeared unto Alma said all of the following things to him EXCEPT: A. Blessed art thou, Alma, therefore lift up thy head and rejoice B. Thou hast great reason to rejoice, for the people of Ammonihah have softened their hearts and are repenting in sackcloth and ashes C. Thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God from the time which thou received thy first message from him D. I am the messenger that delivered God's first message to you E. I am sent to command thee to return to the city of Ammonihah and preach again unto the people of the city Answer: B (Alma -16)
845. (H-E) The angel that appeared unto Alma said all of the following things to him EXCEPT: A. Return to the city of Ammonihah and say unto the people that except they repent the Lord God will destroy them B. The people of Ammonihah do study at this time that they may destroy the liberty of they people C. The peoples desire to destroy the liberty of thy people is contrary to the statutes, judgments, and commandments which God has given his people D. The people of Ammonihah desire to establish a monarchial dictatorship Answer: D (Alma -17)
846. (H-M) After being visited by an angel of the Lord, Alma did all of the following EXCEPT: A. He returned speedily to the land of Ammonihah B. He asked the Lord to cast a veil of obscurity over the eyes of the people of Ammonihah so that they would not recognize him C. He entered the city of Ammonihah by another way, a way which was on the south of the city D. Being hungry as he entered the city, he asked a man if he would give a humble servant of God something to eat Answer: B (Alma -19)
847. (H-M) Alma approached a man in Ammonihah and asked if he would give him something to eat. The man responded with all of the following statements EXCEPT: A. I am a Zoramite B. I know that thou art a holy prophet of God C. Thou art the man whom an angel showed me in a vision, saying that I should receive you D. Go with me into my house and I will impart unto thee of my food E. I know that thou wilt be a blessing unto me and my house Answer: A (Alma )
848. (H-M) The name of the man who received Alma in Ammonihah and gave him bread and meat was _________: A. Amulon B. Ammon C. Amulek D. Ammoron E. Aminadab F. Amnihu Answer: C (Alma )
849. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning Alma in Ammonihah are true EXCEPT: A. Alma ate bread in Amulek's house and was filled B. Alma blessed Amulek and his house, and gave thanks unto God C. Alma told Amulek that he was the high priest over the church of God throughout the land D. Alma told Amulek that he had been called to preach the word of God to the people of Ammonihah according to a spirit of indignation and wrath E. Alma told Amulek that the people of Ammonihah had previously cast him out and would not receive him F. Alma told Amulek that he was about to set his back toward Ammonihah forever Answer: D (Alma -24)
850. (H-M) All of the following statements concerning Alma in Ammonihah are true EXCEPT: A. Alma told Amulek that he had been commanded to turn again and prophesy unto the people of Ammonihah B. Alma told Amulek that he had been commanded to testify against the people of Ammonihah concerning their iniquities C. Alma told Amulek that he would be blessed for feeding him and taking him in, for he had fasted many days D. Alma tarried with Amulek for just a few days before he began to preach to the people E. The people of Ammonihah waxed more gross in their iniquities F. The word came to Alma that he and Amulek should go forth and prophesy unto the people, telling them that the Lord would visit them in fierce anger if they did not repent Answer: D (Alma -29)
851. (H-M) As Alma and Amulek went forth among the people of Ammonihah, all of the following occurred EXCEPT: A. They declared the words of God and were filled with the Holy Ghost B. They were given specific powers to move mountains and to change the course of rivers C. They were given power that prevented them from being confined in dungeons and from being slain D. They did not exercise their powers until they were actually cast into prison and bound in bands E. They preached and prophesied to the people according to the spirit and power which the Lord gave them Answer: B (Alma -32)
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