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Gospel basics — The Sacrament, a way to remember Jesus

Gospel basics – The Sacrament, a way to remember Him

On the night before He was crucified, Jesus Christ met with His Apostles at the Last Supper.  There He gave them the sacrament for the first time.  He explained that it was a way for them to remember Him.  The sacrament is an ordinance where we partake of the bread and water to remember Christ’s Atonement.  The bread represents Christ’s body, and the water represents His blood.  We take the sacrament each Sunday during sacrament meeting.  We sing a hymn while priesthood holders break the bread into small pieces.

The priesthood holders who broke the bread say special prayers.  These prayers are found in Doctrine and Covenants 20:77,79.  The prayers remind us what we have promised Heavenly Father and what He has promised us.

Other priesthood holders pass the sacrament to the ward or branch members.  As we take the sacrament, we remember the Savior and His sacrifice for us.  We also recommit to keep the covenants (promises) we have made with Heavenly Father.

We are reverent while the sacrament is blessed and passed.  It is a time for us to think about Jesus Christ’s life, teachings, and Atonement.  We can also think about how we can follow His example.

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