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astronomywavelength (Light ** )

Astronomy — The Wavelengths of Light

A prism bends light by an angle that depends on the wavelength of the light.  Short wavelengths bend the most and long wavelengths bend the least.  Thus, white light passing through a prism is spread into a spectrum.

    Type of wave                Wavelength in nanometers
  • Gamma rays                      10-5 to 10-1
  • X rays                          10-1 to 101
  • Ultraviolet rays                101  to 102
  • Visible light, violet               350
  • Visible light, green                500
  • Visible light, yellow               600
  • Visible light, red                  700
  • Infrared rays                   103 to 105
  • Radar waves                         107
  • FM waves                            109
  • TV waves                            1011
  • AM waves                            1013

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