Spencer Woolley Kimball
Information regarding President Spencer W. Kimball
- Apostle number: 69
- Quorum of the Twelve number: 62
- Date of birth: March 28, 1895
- Place of birth: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
- Date of apostolic ordination: October 7, 1943
- Age when ordained apostle: 48 years 6 months
- End of apostolic service: November 5, 1985
- Total apostolic years: 42 years 0 months
- Date called into the Quorum of the Twelve: October 7, 1943
- Tenure in the Quorum of the Twelve: 30 years 2 months
- Date called as President of the Church: December 30, 1973
- Age when called as President: 78 years 9 months
- Tenure as President of the Church: 11 years 10 months
- Date of death: November 5, 1985
- Age at death: 90 years 7 months
- Place of death: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
- Remarks: President Kimball was the grandson of Heber C. Kimball, an early Church authority. President Kimball’s presidency was noted for the 1978 announcement ending the restriction on church members of black African descent being ordained to the priesthood or receiving temple ordinances. President Kimball’s presidency saw large growth in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, both in terms of membership and the number of temples. President Kimball was the first church president to state publicly that the church expects all able-bodied male members to serve missions in young adulthood. This announcement resulted in an increase in the number of young missionaries.
- Inspirational quotes: “In my office I have a little sign that says, “DO IT!” “Lengthen your stride!”
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