Joseph Fielding Smith
Information regarding President Joseph Fielding Smith
- Apostle number: 56
- Quorum of the Twelve number: 49
- Date of birth: July 19,1876
- Place of birth: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
- Date of apostolic ordination: April 7, 1910
- Age when ordained apostle: 33 years 8 months
- End of apostolic service: July 2, 1972
- Total apostolic years: 62 years 2 months
- Date called into the Quorum of the Twelve: April 7, 1910
- Tenure in the Quorum of the Twelve: 59 years 10 months
- Date called as President of the Church: January 23, 1970
- Age when called as President: 93 years 6 months
- Tenure as President of the Church: 2 years 5 months
- Date of death: July 2, 1972
- Age at death: 95 years 11 months
- Place of death: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
- Remarks: President Smith was the brother of Apostle Hyrum Mack Smith, son of President Joseph F. Smith, grandson of Hyrum Smith, and he remained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve while he was serving as a counselor to President David O. McKay. He was one of the greatest gospel scholars of this dispensation. Interestingly, he served as President of the Salt Lake Temple while serving as an apostle.
- Inspirational quote: “There is no cure for the ills of the world except the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
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